We were almost having a productive discussion about the problem with "trickle-down" economics and what tax reform really does.
no we weren't...
before anyone even read the tax plan the cries of
"trickle down!!" were being shouted from the peanut gallery... cue the ron jeremy portraying a wealthy business tycoon with an inflamed prostrate golden shower scene intermittently urinating on the huddled masses yearning
to be free for newer versions of their free obama phones...
we need a lower corporate tax rate to keep companies like burger king from moving to
freaking socialist canada to avoid paying too much taxes (let's think about that one for just a minute...)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand done...
now at the same time if we drop the rate
too low the corporations will seize on the opportunity and they will take their profits and they will not invest the money in anything but cocaine, blackjack and hookers because that's what
they do.
but good luck finding, agreeing on, voting on and then passing this happy median with 535 jackasses all scrambling to get a big fat kickback from a corporation their brain damaged nephew will suddenly be the vice president of. .. off of some dumbass pork-barrel project while pretending to care about us wee little people out here the weeds because that's what
they do...
you can't fix corporate corruption with government corruption...it's impossible!!! it's one of those two wrongs don't make a right and an evil tree can bear no fuji apples type deal we're never going to find a work around for it without some sort of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that will invariably decide we are the problem and swiftly move forward with a plan for human extinction...
everything else is smoke and mirrors.
you don't really care there has been a different budget/tax plan/proposal/hand out every stinking year for as long as you have been alive and YOU have not noticed any difference one way or another from any of it.
recessions, depressions, bull markets, stock rises, berserk profit taking, bizarre ponzi schemes, international monetary musical chairs, none of it.
None of it has affected you. you still punch the clock every day until you're too old to punch it and then you bite the big one...
the end
death, taxes and people acting like a bunch of ***.
that's the only three things you can bank on.
Human beings, monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas and every other stinking one of our other 260 primate relatives
can't appreciate what they have not earned and won't work without some sort of reward. it's encoded in our DNA along with selfishness, envy, and all the other
deadly sins which is just another word for
biological defect that we came up with before we were smart enough to realize that's what we should be calling it...
the real problem is people.... and good luck solving that one without some kind of giant meteor.