Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2023-09-12 09:19:30
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Dodik said: »
Would also include Empy legs +3 in all these sets for the 12% DT and massive accuracy and store tp. It also opens up a lot of options for not having to use DT rings or neck.

I totally missed the -DT on Empy legs, thanks!

I feel like I have to mention that this guide is mainly written for new players who are working their way up thru older content with trusts, not so much aimed at endgame players.

Capping attack speed is a bit esoteric so I feel like all the DW tiers need to be spelled out for that intended audience, especially given how unreliable trust buffs can be.

The concept of stacking -DT, HP and Meva to taste probably doesn't need as much illustration. I'll continue to work on expanding the hybrid sets as per your and Afa's suggestions tho!
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-09-28 06:20:37
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Honest question, for someone who wants to pick up COR and wants to save money, would Fomalhaut be considered decent enough for nowadays' content?
I know back in Dyna D Mythic made a huge difference for oneshotting those statues, but for nowadays content? Let's see what I mean with that.
I guess Sheol C, VD Ambu, Sortie (solo B shard etc), Odyssey up to V20.

Along the lines of this gun question, would it be acceptable to have a single Rostam, path C I assume.

Are there decent options in place of Dyna Neck+1/+2?

Which other guns would be required to get? I guess Compensator but probably the TP bonus gun too?
Also which of the +3 AF/Relic/Empy pieces do you consider unskippable and why?

Thanks a lot <3 <3
Posts: 41
By Ulgar 2023-09-28 06:39:09
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No need for rostam if you are budgeting. Lanun path C is fine. Even assuming regal neck, you will likely still want the duration for merit flexibility. Subjective and content dependent I suppose.It may just be less merit swapping.

Doomsday kills statues just fine, heck, TP gun kills statues just fine depending on your gear and setup (My medioCOR uses TP on wave 1 sometimes when I'm feeling froggy, I've had LS mates tell me they can use it on w2 but I haven't personally tried).

I feel like Fomal is the best all-in-one gun but there's no reason not to get a Doomsday setup as well IMO. Between the two you are more or less covered.

On the neck, there are always options, it just helps consolidate.

COR doesn't need to be super expensive to perform well, like most jobs, really.

JSE I feel is covered better elsewhere. Empty hands are a must. Legs are solid but may create (solvable) issues with gear haste. It's been discussed here. Looking at existing sets will likely clue you in on the rest.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-09-28 06:42:49
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In terms of Fomalhaut- for acceptable Leaden Salutes, certainly- but you'll miss the Mythic Bullet more than the DP itself most times. And...your quickdraws, a huge part of mage-strat Sortie, will really be a lot weaker in terms of damage on any gun compared to a DP. But its got sufficient power and macc to be workable, and that STP+10 never hurts.

Regarding Rostams- if you're only contemplating one yes get the Rolls+8 Path C. I would suggest investing in a Path A Lanun(Su4) at least though- its really a great option, probably 2nd best mainhand shooting dagger for COR only to the Su5, and can be still quite acceptable in melee builds with a lil' extra multiattack in your gearset (ie- a Path B Rostam COR rides a lot of STP gear- Malignance- but a Path A COR will want some of TA gear to come back, as long as they can stay safe)

The Neck- Iskur Gorget is still best for Ranged and Melee TP on COR. In terms of ranged could get by with Fotia for some of them, and the TVR necks offer some options (Bastok one for Savage, Windy one for Leaden/Wildfire)...but with a mix of INT/MAB vs AGI/MAB, the Sibyl Scarf will be weaker on those magical WSs.

And lastly, other guns- yes Compensator and TP Bonus Gun. The former allows you take merits out of Winning Streak and still keep 10minute rolls with a Rostam Path C....which means they get to go into Loaded Deck for that crucial Random Deal resets needed for Odyssey. The TP Bonus Gun is honestly how COR can produce the Savage Blades of an midrange WAR instead of an average BRD. Since in some content Savage will be your primary WS, its really a must.

AF- body, that's about it these days. Even if you have r30 Nyame Mail WS path, you'll still want it for Flurry builds b/c of the great Rapid Shot number on it.

Relic- Body(premiere magical WS/quickdraw piece), hands(turns tripleshot into quad), legs(snake eye enhancement piece), and feet(the most ridiculous magical WSD piece for the job)

Empy-Head(Flurry Build), Body(Tripleshot+14%), Hands(better WSD piece than r30 nyame), legs(the most perfect TP piece for all situations, melee or shooting), feet(perfect quickdraw potency boosting piece that also sports killer macc/mab)
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-09-28 06:45:37
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Yeah at a quick glance on JSE gear I think I'll eventually want 5/5 Empy.

Relic +3 head for sure, but I'll at least want a cheap +2 for the other slots for the augments related to merit stuff.
And body for Random Deal I guess.

AF I dunno, the bonus to Quick Draw damage don't look particularly interesting for head and feet. I mean, without DP... and quick draw in this scenario would be used mostly to powerup the upcoming spell in Sortie, and I guess to gain TP in some strange Odyssey situation?
The WSD on body is likely deprecated by Nyame >R25
There's a few nice options for ranged across the AF/Relic JSE options but I feel there's compareable (if not even better) options elsewhere between Odyssey and SU5, right?

Not 100% sure, just gave it a quick glance and I'll admit I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to ranged setups.

Thanks for the rest of the answers! Looks like I can maybe manage to get all I need without spending a fortune.

Other important items to get?
I guess the Abyssea hands for Quick Draw TP looks... uhm, interesting? Bit niche maybe.
There's blood mask too which is not to hard to get but I'm not sure if I want to bother with the aug process.
Think I already have the mini-expansion body and legs with the right COR augs so I'm set for that.

Anything important and not super nichey that I haven't mentioned? I'm sure there's gotta be something else.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1820
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-09-28 06:47:53
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honestly I believe since we now have solid WSD head options and even PDL options (Nyame and Ikenga), I don't see much need in +3'ing the Relic head. The +Phantom Roll is the same +50 on +1 thru +3, as is the bonus to Winning Streak (6 seconds per merit, at +1 thru +3 it doesn't move).
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1820
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-09-28 06:53:02
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Mrigavyadha Gloves for their great Rapid Shot if you're doing a lot of ranged setups where Flurry2 can be assumed are great- but if your COR really never gets in those situations you'll never miss them.

The Oshosi feet,head, and legs fit lovely into your tripleshot sets without interrupting the mentioned JSE for that set.

Ranged TP'ing with a Fomalhaut- I really approach it with a STP/racc-focused build. More of your damage will be happening in WSs than white dmg versus using an Armageddon, where you would ride +Crit, +True Shot over STP. So the sets are pretty straightforward for when tripleshot is down- Ikenga if the RP is high enough to get the same/better racc than Malignance, otherwise default to the purple-except the legs which should be Empy+3 more than not. Ikenga has a huge benefit of -enmity on every piece unlike Malignance, as well as a lot of ratk, which Malig has zero. COR shockingly has to worry about hate a lot more than RNG I feel these days.

*a few edits- I'm sleepy^^
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-06 05:24:13
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Hello beautiful people of the COR community.
I've got a hurricane of questions for you as I try to prepare for the upcoming months, so I know clearly what I need to work for or not.
I've never played a ranged job before so please bear with me for the naivety of my questions!

Snapshot and Double/triple shot




Magical ranged WS

Last stand

Offhand options

DW body
Posts: 2654
By Nariont 2023-10-06 06:38:08
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Snapshot gear is vasically the precast side of FC, wear it before shooting and swap into actual gear after.

Combatants is a good alt yes or ainia collar if you dont mind the acc hit.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Picapants 2023-10-06 08:25:50
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-Snapshot is essentially your Fast Cast for ranged attacks. That would be your precast.RA.

-For your midcast on ranged attacks you have a hot mess of swaps. Your normal RA, which is your basic TP set, and you have your Triple Shot sets for when that JA is active. There is also RA.critical and TripleShot.critical which are normally only used with Armageddon AM3.

-You want that Gorget tho. That is your best STP piece for shooting.

-Nisroch Jerkin still gets some use. Used on the RA.critical set. Only other chest option there is Ikenga's Vest R25+. Nisroch also has True Shot bonus, which you'll never be at that range on fights that matter.

-Oshosi is one of you biggest boost to Triple Shot, so you want that on +1 eventually. The chest is only needed for snapshot and you do not need the +1 to cap snapshot. Head, Legs, and Feet are used on Triple Shot. Do not need the hands.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2707
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-06 08:43:31
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Agree with what was said above, adding some more answers:
Iskur is bis for melee and ranged TP, you should get one. Combatants might be an alternative, but it's nowhere near as good.

You can't get double shot, and Triple shot only comes up when the JA is active, it's not like Triple Attack

Magical WS are extremely consistent and easy to calculate. You can trust the sets that they're the best they can be, or if you want you can test them by using a consistent amount of TP and changing gear. The guide sets are highly accurate in my experience

Last Stand has a ratk penalty so ratk is a premium for it. Nyame is similar and an alright alternative for relic head, but relic head still comes out ahead a lot of the time, probably depends on your buffs though.

Your offhand options are good, but you also want a Kustawi+1 for times when you need racc. Rostam is also a decent option (both hands) if you need racc. For me at least, this is typically in W3 dyna but there can be other situations (Sortie) where you need racc set.

I would never use a DW body, I don't even know the gear you're referring to.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 135
By Ragnarok.Creaucent 2023-10-06 09:30:20
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So as for the unanswered questions.

Rings you use as a pair so for Leaden Cornelia and Dingir or Dingir and Archon if you chose a different TVR ring.

Wildfire is Cornelia and Dingir or Epa and Dingir.

Savage Blade is Sroda and Ephramads or Sroda and Epa.

Relic body for magic weaponskills the extra MAB and AGI, especially for leaden as its 100% AGI mod, beats WSD.

Adhemer +1 body well it lacks defensive stats and i barely use it these days since Malignance is a is a thing. I cap DW in other slots that have less defensive options like Yotai and Eabani. I would never use the NQ Adhemer body you are just asking for death at that point.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-06 11:42:47
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So Dingir does indeed beat Epaminonda for Wildfire and Leaden.
Quite surprised it beats Archon too (when paired with Cornelia).
Thanks for all the useful input guys!

Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
I would never use a DW body, I don't even know the gear you're referring to.
It's for melee sets. The guide suggest the typical Adhemar+1 and Suppa to reach the 11% DW required at capped magic haste.
Honestly, like Creauceant said, I'm more willing to use Malignance body with Reiki and Eabani.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Creaucent
Posts: 135
By Ragnarok.Creaucent 2023-10-06 11:54:39
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At 1151 TP on Skinks outside Port Jueno.

Cornelia + Archon = 41671

Archon + Dingir = 40688

Cornelia + Dingir = 42017

Those are the numbers there isnt that much between them though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-07 04:05:53
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I've got more questions, please bear with me!

So Quick Draw does NOT consume the bullet, correct?
Which actions can consume bullets other than Ranged shoot and ranged Weaponskill?

Thinking to get a Hauksbok Bullet but if I am to do that I need to create protection systems in my lua so that the Hauksbok Bullet doesn't accidentally get shot in a WS or anything else, can't really afford to spend 1000 Domain Points that often.

Also another question about Phantom Rolls. For gear that boosts specific rolls (think about the 5 Empy pieces for instance) to get that bonus do you need to equip them ALSO when doubleupping, or is it enough to use them ONLY during the initial roll?

There's this line on BG-wiki
Job-related bonuses to rolls only apply on the initial Phantom Roll and cannot be applied retroactively with Double-Up

This makes it clear that you cannot apply the related bonus retroactively through double up.
But it doesn't clear up my question. Say I activated the bonus with the initial roll, do I need to keep doing it ALSO on the doubleup to mantain it or will I lose it if I doubleup without it?
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-10-07 05:04:16
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The job related bonus isn't the same as gear bonus. Gear bonus works on double up. Someone who isn't hit by the initial roll won't get the drk bonus on cor roll however, as an example.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2707
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-07 07:49:08
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Job-related bonus: guaranteed if you have the job in party, random chance to activate with relic head - only needs to be applied during the initial roll

Duration bonuses: guaranteed, applies to initial roll + any subsequent double-ups - only needs to be applied during the initial roll

Distance bonus (Luzaf's ring): applies to initial roll + any subsequent double-ups - must wear ring for any roll or double-up you want to have the extended range

Hope this helps.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-07 08:27:15
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Yeah everything clear now, thanks guys. Just tested my Lua and the Luzaf mode On/Off works pretty well in both initial roll and doubleups, and so does pretty much everything else. I'm a happy galka!
Server: Bismarck
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user: nekhekh
Posts: 55
By Bismarck.Nekhekh 2023-10-10 16:59:08
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So as far as pre-shot and mid-shot has much changed now that we have +3 empy? Are we still using sheol pieces for mid-shot?
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-11 00:55:20
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For the QD ambu cape, what would you pick for the Dye slot?
Another AGI+10 or MDMG+10? I suppose... small difference either way, right? But I think AGI should be slightly better?

Also I was thinking about a manual selector to use different capes for Phantom Roll, having a Gunslinger with PR-5 as alternate cape.
If I'm not wrong all the PR duration bonuses are static, no %, so removing the 30 secs from PR one would be just a 30 secs difference, which still allows you to remain above 10m duration if you have 5/5 winning streak, and 12 seconds under 10m duration if you have 3/5 winning streak, correct?

I'm wondering if this would be a meaningful trigger for my lua. Does anybody situationally use Gunslinger cape in place of JSE for PR?

Think I'm pretty much done for the base of my COR, surprised how quickly I managed to unlock all stuff and gather gear.
Of course I still have several items on hold but they're gonna stay like that for a while because the prices are, I gotta say, quite insane.
Like Relic hands/feet for instance, some Oshosi+1 and a couple of AF+3 (thankfully I can gather all the required cards meanwhile)

Checking at the guide I'm wondering... why is Wildfire put in the same cape as Last Stand instead that Leaden Salute?
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2707
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-11 01:16:40
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Phantom roll duration:
Base 5:00
JP +:40
Compensator +:20
Empy hands +1:00
Rostam +1:00
Ambu cape +:30
Regal Neck +:20

With no merits in Winning Streak- 8:50
3 merits in Winning Streak (my preference)- 10:18
5 merits in Winning Streak- 11:00

You can afford to remove 30s from the back and get your rolls off faster if duration isn't an issue, but frankly I think that 5s is not very likely to matter in almost any scenario. I find that extra merits in Loaded Deck or Snake Eye are much better than having extra duration (or recast)
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-11 01:42:42
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Eeeh, that's what a manual trigger would be for, allowing you to choose.
Want regular 10:18 rolls that you're gonna use 99% of the time? Go for it.
Want 9:48 rolls that you're gonna use every now and then? Push the hotkey and activate the special mode.
I do the same with Compensator. Normally it's on, but if I don't wanna lose my TP I have a mode where Range slot will not change, reducing roll durations but keeping my TP, for when that matters a lot.

I was thinking 5 seconds, which overall are no big deal at all I'm gonna admit, could be useful in some situations like upper floor Sortie, where bosses go down so fast and you want Bolter's being ready instant as soon as the boss is down.

Dunno, just speaking my mind :x

Furthermore guys I need tips for Ambu capes. There's a limit in how many capes you can get each month. 2 complete ones and 1 incomplete one (no dye).
Atm I have a TP and a Savageblade one.
This month I'm gonna get

1) Magical WS
2) Ranged attack
3) ???

Not sure what to pick as third. TP dualwield? Last stand?
Leaning for the former because for Last Stand I can temporarly use the Magical WS one and it's gonna be decent enough (it's "just" a loss of 20 racc/ratt but still overall nice)
By Dodik 2023-10-11 04:56:17
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If you're shooting need a precast snapshot cape along with ranged attack cape.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-11 05:06:06
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Dodik said: »
If you're shooting need a precast snapshot cape along with ranged attack cape.
Ranged Attack cape is listed as the second I'm gonna do this month, so that's for granted.

Snapshot cape I'll do one in the future to further optimize my sets.
Atm I'm reaching 60 Snapshot using the Navarch's Cape (which is 6,5 Snapshot). So yeah, for the moment I'm good.
Posts: 2654
By Nariont 2023-10-11 06:41:42
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DW cape works, specially if you find yourself meleeing more than shooting, which is pretty standard for COR
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-11 07:21:32
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Nariont said: »
DW cape works, specially if you find yourself meleeing more than shooting, which is pretty standard for COR
Yeah I was thinking for situations where I can't be completely magic haste capped and/or to give me further options when I'm /DNC rather than /NIN.
It sounds like a uhm solid option I suppose for that sort of situations.
Which I'm still unsure how often they're gonna happen to me, heh...
Server: Asura
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user: Kariko
Posts: 43
By Asura.Cariko 2023-10-11 08:28:03
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I maybe went a little overboard with the capes:

STR + Acc/Atk + WSD
DEX + Acc + Store TP
AGI + M.Acc/dmg + WSD
INT + M.Acc/dmg + WSD
AGI + R.Acc/atk + Store TP
Snapshot + Eva/M.Eva (doubling up on precast + idling)
AGI + R.Acc/At. + WSD
CHR + Fast Cast (Precast for Utsusemi + figured I'd squeeze a bit out of Waltzes)

I could probably find some reason to make a few more, but wardrobes are packed as it is. I guess maybe I'll make that DW cape if I find myself going /DNC more often (needled from DW to Store TP and never bothered to replace it).

For /NIN I'm not sure if Store TP or Double Attack is better for melee. For something like this month's Ambu where I'm just there to Aeolian edge anyway Path B Rostam + Store TP cape is probably more TP overall? /shrug
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-11 08:34:06
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Which sub) Aug did you pick for resins for all those capes? They all make sense if you ask me.
Lacking an agi/macc/mdmg/mab actually!

Not sure I'll get as many but I don't see anything excessively niche in your capes!
Server: Asura
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user: Kariko
Posts: 43
By Asura.Cariko 2023-10-11 09:43:03
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With Nyame in so much of the WS sets now I usually only bother to resin the non-WS capes, and generally just -10 PDT since your minimum target on MDT is so much lower than physical (21 assuming Shell V)

What uses an AGI/Macc+dmg/MAB cape? Can't imagine it'd be much better/worse than WSD for Leaden.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10144
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-11 10:17:00
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I was thinking about Quick Draw. AGI affects its macc, MDMG and Mab affect its damage.
Or am I having a brain fart here?

Still learning out on COR, teach me out!
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