People who call themselves something like Dbzfan and they haven't watched Dragonball.
I accidentally did that. xD I have never seen Futurama, but people referenced it to me all the time in-game. Apparently there's a one-eyed purple-haired alien on it named Leela or Layla or something. I'm Liela (pronounced lie (as in not truth) - la) but most people say it as Layla or Leela after the Futurama girl. It's ok, I don't mind, but I've really never seen it. My husband had to explain to me why everyone kept asking if my hair was purple or whatever. Oops!
I'm nervous-excited-happy-crabby-nervous today! Which shall we start with?
Ok, crabby. Forest fires burning only fifteen miles outside my town make me crabby. I'm bothered a little bit by the smoke (it really does make it hard to breathe outside), a lot a bit by the firefighters risking their lives in their hot heavy suits in 100+ degree weather, and a lot a bit by the forests burning down.
Stop that, fire! Stop that right now! Go jump in a lake!
Excited-- I am not going to work today, and given the previous circumstances, I'm glad!
Last week I was upstairs doing surface mount (at the request of the upper management.) CCL whined to the boss that she NEEDED me downstairs to help her make Forever boards (she made forever boards all by herself for months before I started working there.) So the bosses told me to pack up the surface mount stuff and go downstairs to help CCL. I got all packed up, put the last component back in the box, and the downstairs boss came up and told me never mind-- he had checked what CCL needed help with, and she didn't. She just hates doing one part of the prep step, so she was insisting that I come down and do that for her. She's perfectly capable of doing it, she just doesn't like to. So the bosses were mad at her and made her do her prep work herself so I could keep on surface mounting (because we actually DID need the stuff I was mounting.)
So, she apparently got crabby and copped an attitude and caused a lot of little fights and made the boys miserable all day Friday while I was upstairs. Then she decided to convert the boss so she started talking religion with him and he made some comment that shut her up immediately but made her mad. (I wasn't there so I'm not sure the actual gist of the comment, I only heard about that whole thing from the boys yesterday.) Anyways. So then she decided that she was going to have me finish her forever boards for her on Monday while she was gone and I was there, so she took all her boards (over a hundred of them) and dumped them on my desk, so I'd need to test them, cap them, and pot them for her just to get them out of my way. Well... unfortunately for her, I had already been told on Friday that on Monday I was to be doing something completely different than her forevers. So I put her goodies back on her own desk. I'd do them if I had time, but I had to finish my assigned project first. Well, I did not have time. So she's going to go in this morning, find all the untested, uncapped, unpotted boards sitting back on her own desk, and throw a fit.
And I'm not going to be there to see it. Sorry boys! She's your problem today! I honestly would have finished her stuff if I'd had time, but I really didn't.
Nervous. My dogs HAVE to go outside to go to the bathroom. I hate it when they are out in the smoke. If I'm having trouble breathing, how hard must it be on their tiny little lungs! And they are being completely unhelpful about it, wanting to go out every two minutes. Nope! You get to stay inside and be good! Besides, when they are out they go lick the neighbor's baby and it weirds me out. We share a fence with one of our neighbors, and she has a small boy child (one or two? Something like that. He can't walk or anything yet, he just sorta sits in the dirt in his diaper.) Anyways, he sits outside on the other side of the fence, my dogs go over, they think baby tastes delicious (apparently) and so when he sticks his chubby little stubby little fingers through the fence, they sit there and lick his fingers. Well, gross. For one, baby germs. Babies are sticky and smelly at the best of times, never mind after they've been sitting in the dirt getting licked by dogs. For two, that kid is going to stick his hands straight into his mouth after being licked to slobbering saturation by a couple of dogs who eat their own poop. :x EW. For three, they wouldn't intentionally bite but if he grabbed at their noses or they got startled, they could accidentally bite him. How bout no!
No breathing smoke! No licking the baby! You must stay indoors!
Happy! The reason I'm staying home today is because my husband is getting his wisdom teeth taken out. That's wonderful! It makes me happy because now his mouth won't hurt him anymore! :D :D
Nervous! When I got my wisdom teeth taken out, I remembered nothing from the time they knocked me out at the doctor's to the time I woke up at home on the couch. Ohgod what if I have to carry him? He's not fat or anything, but I am kind of a puny little thing. He's over a foot taller than me and much sturdier and I just don't have much muscle! Then again he's been knocked out before and he was fine afterwards. Just fine. *nervous twitch*
And so so so excited for Rwby to come out on Thursday! COME ON COME ON MOVE FASTER TIME! Not you, forest fire. You can slow to a crawl and die and no one would mind. BUT YOU, TIME! GET YOUR ARSE MOVING!