This is where pchan ran to?
Suck less
Abyssea - Casual Or Hardcore ? |
Abyssea - Casual or hardcore ?
This is where pchan ran to?
Suck less I see you have the relic bow, but still equip askar body lol. Sl(tm). You are still too gimp to get 5 friends and do engame ? k.
Guess you figured the best way out of your hole was to keep digging eh Pchan?
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This thread is really fun to look back on.
I'm just putting it out there. Pimpchan's brilliance knows no boundaries.
I have a tribute to pchan.
I think I nailed it. ashittea is over gimplets.
Asshittea was pretty clever, to be honest.
Abyssea was one of the best systems this game has seen over its entire lifespan.
Also way to go Pchan. Edit: Though if I had to change one thing about it, it would be the Atma system. I like the idea, just that most of them are useless besides like ~5-10. And those are REALLY powerful so the game became much less gear-dependent. I think the Atmacite system is a nice refinement to this. |
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