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Not big on damage pics but.... boom headshot? Bolster Acumen + Malaise + 3000 TP + while it was casting
Score: 8.42
Votes: 48
Classification Player » Malothar
Date Submitted 2014-08-28 05:16:59
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Comments (4)
Bahamut.Snapshot[Report] Score: 15
Pro at monkey spankings.
2014-08-28 08:10:56
Bahamut.Malothar[Report] Score: 10
Flash Nova would actually do less in that instance since it's TP mod is MAcc, whereas Seraph's is damage. But Flash is hella strong spammed at 1000 TP, was getting 20-25ks with it without Bolstering.

As for posting it anyways, I meant more the typical pics of 10k Fudos and such. Most prolly aren't aware of how strong magical WSs can be.
2014-08-28 08:04:40
Bismarck.Bloodrose[Report] Score: -7
I'm just wondering how much more Flash Nova would do, since it's stat modifiers are the same, but 10% higher.
2014-08-28 07:58:30
Asura.Wordspoken Show Score: -25
Not big on damage pics but posted anyways?
2014-08-28 07:56:38