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Screenshots » id:74876
Score: 8.86
Votes: 57
Classification Player » Diosax
Date Submitted 2014-08-28 02:10:39
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Comments (8)
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 15
It's nice to see a screenshot of someone refunding gil for a bazaar mistake rather than it being someone gloating that someone made an honest mistake.

Good on you.
2014-08-28 06:21:33
Lakshmi.Neboh[Report] Score: 4
This is more rare of a SS. At the same time, you get that person's respect. Don't know if ppl care about that anymore but kudos to you!
2014-08-28 09:38:14
Sylph.Thorsson[Report] Score: 4
Diosax! You are a glorious example of a true honest salesman!

Also if you ever need me to check your bazaar so the next person spends 100m.... Let me know. Apparently I can do that.
2014-08-28 17:36:38
Fenrir.Shznittle[Report] Score: 3
Yea, man...we've all been there. The games full of douche bags. Very respectful to see some honest people exist out there...good for you!

I really hope he at least gave you a little somethin somethin as a good samaratin for your good deed...
2014-08-28 15:53:54
Bahamut.Shirai[Report] Score: 2
Nice guy Diosax~
2014-08-28 06:19:16
Shiva.Knightz[Report] Score: 2
You Sir, i would vote for.
2014-08-28 16:24:13
Valefor.Slore[Report] Score: 1
Nice man. Good to see in this game nowdays. Respect +2!
2014-08-28 19:08:38
Asura.Radamantis[Report] Score: 1
Nice ! :)
2014-08-29 02:31:32