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Screenshots » id:68964
Non Believers
Score: 2.33
Votes: 40
Classification Player » Omnicry
Tags Caladbolg, Empy, Torcleaver
Date Submitted 2013-01-14 21:30:32
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Comments (6)
Siren.Fupafighters[Report] Score: 17
It's not that we're not believers, it's just that we just. don't. care.
2013-01-15 02:33:38
Ragnarok.Zhoutenryu[Report] Score: 5
please bro, I was puttin' up 10k+ in abyssea with TC back on Lv85 cap... Do you even lift?
2013-01-15 08:36:48
Siren.Thoraeon[Report] Score: 3
Wait... Sand Sweepers drop mercury? Those things npc for 3.6k a stack. Don't let SE see this, or they will nerf npc prices.
2013-01-14 23:31:10
Phoenix.Gameesh[Report] Score: 1
Do this kind of damage with Torcleaver on something outside Abyssea worth fighting (so not a Goblin Smithy) and then we'll talk.
2013-01-15 04:44:25
Fenrir.Itchi[Report] Score: 0
7k thats it? Heres some advice: Make a Str/att GS n go with Reso. it puts up much larger numbers than torcleaver will in or out of abyssea. you will be much more pleased. Considering Reso can do 7k easily w/o any /ja or temps up on that too weak sweeper. And up to 10k on say ADL! Lose the cleaver gogo reso
2013-01-15 08:22:10
Carbuncle.Omnicry Show Score: -11
and yet no screenshots to back your claims, I do this dmg effortlessly from the sounds of it you guys dropped millions to do up to my kind of dmg lol, poor kids.
2013-01-15 12:13:32