Itchi - Fenrir

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PM Fenrir.Itchi
Windurst 10 | Tojil Douser
2003-2014~ Catch you on the flip side,it's been real!!!

Comments (8)
Fenrir.Grimlockjedi[Report] Score: -22
Itchi makes me believe in white slavery because he is the MASTER. He looks like George Clooney with Ron Jeremy's weiner.
2012-05-16 01:28:48
Fenrir.Othilda[Report] Score: 7
Pink noob mpker!
2012-08-05 01:38:21
Leviathan.Velelu[Report] Score: -16
2012-11-17 15:52:22
Carbuncle.Jine[Report] Score: -6
I would drink you under the table
2013-03-29 00:48:13
Fenrir.Genralzod[Report] Score: -9
Been playing with this fellow New Englander a long time, and he's always willing to smash stuff. I will drop anything usually to lend a hand to Itchi.
2013-06-15 18:05:38
Fenrir.Ramzus[Report] Score: 1
Sorry I don't *** people who suck and fail, Mr. Xbox
2013-10-28 14:17:00
Fenrir.Merital[Report] Score: -2
F ur coach itchi
2013-11-21 10:43:06
Fenrir.Bureiko[Report] Score: -2
its been a pleasure playing with you Homie!
2014-03-16 18:13:40
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