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Giving Pil a taste of his own medicine
Score: 4.30
Votes: 46
Classification Player » Awsome
Date Submitted 2012-05-23 07:33:13
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Comments (8)
Leviathan.Celille[Report] Score: 30
Except Pil doesn't need temps to kick your ***.
2012-05-23 19:36:03
Lakshmi.Wakkaa[Report] Score: 8
Have to remember most of Exodus was wiped out in the Salvage dupes also.
2012-05-24 05:47:40
Leviathan.Zaknafien[Report] Score: 1
What I lack in mythics and emps I make up for in style.
2012-06-03 21:57:19
Leviathan.Awsome[Report] Score: 0
I've been in Exodus for 8 years and this is what I have to show for it. Zak has been in the ls longer then me, but he's given accounts away and had to start from scratch twice. Same with Zams who's been around for over 4 years. That mythic is the 4th we've done in Exodus and not the last.
2012-05-24 05:09:03
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] Score: -1
Best weapon in the game, too bad it costs 540m~
2012-05-24 13:41:34
Bahamut.Atoreis[Report] Score: -1
@Konvict Its situationally one of the best weapon in the game. You can say the same about Liberator for example.
2012-05-25 12:03:32
Siren.Ihm[Report] Score: -2
I can't wait to get my Ryuno T.T. Good job bro!
2012-05-24 08:01:44
Ragnarok.Eriina[Report] Score: -4
Awesome. Just awesome. Ryunohige's must get finished.
2012-05-24 01:44:24