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Screenshots » id:59984
Score: 3.17
Votes: 18
Classification Player » Mrowmrif
Date Submitted 2011-08-17 07:31:50
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Comments (3)
Leviathan.Mrowmrif[Report] Score: 3
i got NQ first synth and decided, why not? let's just try 1 more. brook didn't think it was worth the time or gil, but i said meh. after HQing the adaman chain synth i had a really good feeling about it... random HQ on cursed breeches. what this screenshot doesn't show is when i augmented his uncursed armada breeches 5 minutes later. look up my screenshot on wiki if you don't believe it, but we got enmity -5, conserve tp +4... and STR+9. 1/1 hq3 augment. insanity.
2011-08-17 07:35:18
Leviathan.Kajii[Report] Score: 0
mrow hooks it up for sure
2011-08-18 07:11:32
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl[Report] Score: -1
not sure if people know, but Worm is kind of a big deal.
2011-09-30 02:56:33