People have been saying they don't notice much difference since the update. Sometimes I don't either, but there are times when I have gotten a string of them, even after Martial Master wore off. Of course, there's less of them the higher your skill is, it seems. But at level 15ish BRD, I was getting a skillup damn near every song, lol.
@Kirana: They word it differently every time they talk about it, but in the update notes, underneath the part saying you can cap on DCs now, it clearly said "Skills will rise more rapidly, and larger values will accompany each skill increase." In the latest Q&A it also says "more frequent opportunities for skill increase and greater values accompanying each increase".
According to the newest Q&A, the ONLY thing they have changed is the level of mob required to get to a given cap. The actual rate and amount of skillups is unchanged.