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fuck you and your mnk feet pascerpot
Classification Player » Quetzacoatl
Tags pascerpot MNK SEAL FEET
Date Submitted 2011-02-12 18:19:35
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Comments (6)
Shiva.Aaralyn[Report] Score: 0
Aisha :D
2011-02-12 23:45:12
Bahamut.Kaioshin[Report] Score: 0
I felt like i had to blow that caterpiller for my nin feet seals, then once I had them all after 15 attempts and 35 kills later, they droped like candy for my friend who needed them.
2011-02-12 22:59:37
Bahamut.Dasva[Report] Score: 0
I think it's vunkrel... my last rng seal took 15+ kills all grellow proc'd on seps to get the last one.
2011-02-12 23:18:36
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl[Report] Score: 0
I was going for COR. D:
2011-02-12 23:30:23
Bahamut.Jefant[Report] Score: 0
i have been seeing a patern with all these nms. i think SE keeps records on how much u play your jobs and it effects drops like this. seems like any time i am with someone trying get seals for there many job anything but that job drops. like anytime i go farm seals seam like i get tun war seals and i dont have it lvl but soon as my freind come with who has war those seals dry up and something difrent drops we both dont need
2011-02-13 10:06:01
Cerberus.Superman[Report] Score: -1
funny i went for my mnk feet all i got was creed and iga. went for those 2 and got pounded by mnk.
2011-02-13 11:38:41