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Screenshots » id:54188
Another full set. I couldn't decide what I wanted for the hat so I did a couple things... It is a bad habit of mine. I really had fun making the heels though ^^! I will soonishly get around to porting this to Mithra as well as getting my stuff I did on Mithra first ported to hume. As always, the set is available for download on neko sentai and
Score: 6.46
Votes: 37
Classification Player » Lilywolf
Tags hume female dat mods BLM black mage AF3 Empyrean
Date Submitted 2011-02-12 17:57:56
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Comments (9)
Alexander.Gib[Report] Score: 14
Why does she have eyes like a 'Bratz' doll? :\
2011-02-14 11:52:18
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: 5
what happened to your face?
2011-02-12 23:24:11
Bismarck.Ettalo Show Score: -12
Looks great as always. You are very skilled!
2011-02-12 23:26:43
Bahamut.Chiarodiluna Show Score: -12

2011-02-13 09:28:17
Pandemonium.Yoroichi Show Score: -13
Hmm. Never heard someone call it a "Bratz doll" before. But she does have HQ eyes. All of the images are at an angle because I wasn't trying to show off her face (which happens to be one of my unreleased custom faces) so it may be a bit difficult to see well. I personally love that shape/style of face (considering how long I tinkered with it, I deserve that XD)and the HQ eyes, and that is why I use it so often on different hairstyles ^^

Here is a bit better image of the front of her face (on my WHM wip because I haven't really got any others up right now)

I like that face on the blond ^^ It is a bit "young" to look good on most hairstyles though.
2011-02-14 12:16:23
Lakshmi.Cellsplitter Show Score: -14
@Chiarodiluna Ya, SE doesn't seem to care much about the women in FFXI. Besides giving them subligars and sideboob-harness.
2011-02-13 11:13:43
Phoenix.Princessrin Show Score: -15
oh muh gawd so cute <3
2011-02-13 06:19:48
Cerberus.Savannah Show Score: -16
That's super cute! *almost* makes me want to finish lvling blm even tho i hate it lol!
2011-02-13 08:15:50
Diabolos.Lilywolf Show Score: -17

Yes it was very omg shoez. In fact I made this image special for em!

I think this is probably my quickest and best done set to date ^^! It really took off once I could see what I wanted from it. And I've been wanting to make that stupid flower for AGES ^^;

Good to see people will enjoy it :)!
2011-02-13 11:50:51