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new pld ichi hands
Score: 5.50
Votes: 18
Classification Item » Versa Mufflers
Tags Party members were /random for npc value I just snaked em and said oops
Date Submitted 2010-11-13 16:36:51
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Comments (5)
Leviathan.Remoraforever[Report] Score: 3
>.> You ninja jacked something that's mediocre, build lights all the way, I've seen +4 VIT +5 shield skill HP+10 aug on those.
2010-11-14 01:47:20
Caitsith.Jar[Report] Score: 2
Gradd <.< some pld macro in fast cast + shield skill gear for precast on ichi than put in haste for before the spell goes off.... one being me lol
2010-11-15 01:13:01
Lakshmi.Turkish[Report] Score: 0
Remora it might be mediocre but better than I had in that slot before which was homam manopolas. Gradd this is pld ichi close set which does bump shield skill to 41+, I have 18% haste in my pld ichi open set its listed under pldichi in my item sets and this pldichi close set also listed. My thinking is that I can open in haste close in shield skill and if my haste/fast cast wasnt quick enough to beat the mob Ill hopefully get a shield block and get it off anyway. If you get a chance to look at my item sets any suggestions comments are welcome.
2010-11-14 10:00:42
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] Score: -3
A PLD needs 15% Haste, from both Haste Gear/Fast Cast when Casting Utusemi to cap recast timers, with your current setup youd only have 7.5% Haste (Assuming thats a Fast cast/Enmity Nuevo) which is really bad... Stick to homam hands to bump you up to 10.5% altho im sure it gets rounded down to 10%.

Homam Cosciales and Loquacious earring would put you at the cap you need for Ichi.

Also keep in mind that 15% percent is assuming you have 2x March and Haste which puts you at the 50% recast cap.

Those hands are pretty ***in general for PLD/NIN, decent for PLD/WAR I guess.

Altho right now PLD is a pretty dead job in general. Sadly its gone the way of the ninja.

Heres for hoping SE does something to fix PLD in the upcoming update. :/
2010-11-14 08:13:23
Bahamut.Kaioshin[Report] Score: -4

Ninja is no longer lol and never really was. Pld has become extinct but you'll find more ninja tanking then a pld will. Plus ninja is fast becoming a top tier DD thanks to RR and VV atmas and ws macro swaps capping jins at 3k-5k
2010-11-20 21:58:27