Most of the people who got their seals by quest can do said quests blindfolded now--it's still only a ~10% chance PER RUN they'll get one of the 8 seals they need.
I did the quest to get my BST seals. Took me 120 runs and I ended up with 15WHM 10THF 8BST 4SAM. I don't know if I would call that REALLY easy. Maybe I just had bad luck with SAM.
I agree with you. Did a 4hr run on quest yesterday for sam seals and end up with 6 whm, 6 bst, 4 thf and 2 sam lol. Easy ? yes but time consuming. Now only if pld quests as easy and NOT cost arm an leg...
Because i have been busy with events and other such gears? I didnt need to rush to get them, becauase until tests are done and found the hasso to be any good or not, Byakkos still >>>> these