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Screenshots » id:47735
Wyvern Feed. Om nom nom
Score: 3.79
Votes: 29
Classification Item » Wyvern Feed
Tags My wyvern is amazing
Date Submitted 2010-08-19 16:50:25
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Comments (6)
Bahamut.Bojack[Report] Score: 7
With only that much of the wyvern, it looks kinda like a blue horse :P.
2010-08-19 19:26:45
Asura.Shiroineko[Report] Score: 0
looks like a dog to me...
2010-08-20 03:37:39
Siren.Enternius[Report] Score: -2
@Bojack, it is a blue horse. It's a picture of a horse with a normal feed bag, painted in MS paint to look like a wyvern.
2010-08-19 23:52:23
Unicorn.Boric[Report] Score: -4
that shits stupid.. youre stupid!
2010-08-19 17:52:14
Carbuncle.Lokodi[Report] Score: -8
It doesn't kinda look like a blue horse...its just a picture of a horse colored over...And grammar police (Itachi), you should hit yourself repeatedly or run into a metal door full speed.
2010-08-19 19:32:01
Siren.Itachi Show Score: -10
That ***'s stupid.. you're stupid!* If you're going to insult someone, do it right.
2010-08-19 18:52:25