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Screenshots » id:44488
Score: 5.31
Votes: 16
Classification Player » Minidragon
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Date Submitted 2010-06-22 22:59:22
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Comments (2)
Bismarck.Minidragon[Report] Score: 5
I know what you're thinking, worthless SS. If you look close you'll notice for some reason I was able to lot on a pair of Socerer's Sabots when I already had a pair in storage. I'd never heard of this error before.
2010-06-23 04:42:27
Bismarck.Veruna[Report] Score: 1
The only thing I can think of when I see this screen shot is Mini standing there all alone, thinking to himself:

*going back and fourth between treasure pool and storage tab*
2010-06-23 05:12:13