Minidragon - Bismarck

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PM Bismarck.Minidragon
Windurst 10 | Khimaira Carver
Happy holidays everyone!
10 10 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana Cait Sith
Campaign Wings of Honor
Smithing 60
Clothcraft 60
Alchemy 60
Woodworking 60
Goldsmithing 72
Leathercrafting 60
Bonecraft 60
Cooking 60
Fishing 0
WAR 75 MNK 75
WHM 75 BLM 75
RDM 75 THF 75
PLD 75 DRK 75
BST 75 BRD 75
RNG 75 SAM 75
NIN 75 DRG 75
SMN 75 BLU 75
COR 75 PUP 75
DNC 75 SCH 75
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap
Relics (75)

Price History (100)
Elemental EarringJan. 21, 2009MinidragonSatoru450,000
Enfeebling TorqueJan. 19, 2009MinidragonDaikataru600,000
Brass Ingot x12Jan. 19, 2009PascalMinidragon9,000
Fire Crystal x12Jan. 19, 2009PashMinidragon1,500
Snow RingJan. 19, 2009MinidragonVequcil410,000
Invigorating CapeJan. 18, 2009MinidragonStelaereous80,000
RubyJan. 18, 2009MeikalaMinidragon10,000
RubyJan. 18, 2009CobainnMinidragon10,000
RubyJan. 18, 2009YasukichiMinidragon10,000
RubyJan. 18, 2009XvenMinidragon10,000
Comments (107)
Sylph.Chastr[Report] Score: -98
Minidragon = my idol
2008-07-24 19:54:30
Phoenix.Tinythumbs[Report] Score: 246
u serious 5 relics ? how many hours a day u spend on this game do people know u exist O.o ?
2008-09-08 13:35:43
Ragnarok.Relit[Report] Score: -67

thats about all i can say to that...
2008-09-10 09:28:49
Asura.Melisia[Report] Score: 162
Merits 1042
Experience 10,420,000

That is more experience in merits than it would take to get a Maat's cap.
2008-09-23 19:43:51
Ramuh.Eternallypure[Report] Score: -42
He got to where he is because he knows how to run a linkshell, unlike most retards who call themselves leaders.
LS members dont need to do what Slashsnakepit said, BUT! the application does ask for you to stop crying like a little *** because somoene completley kicked your *** at this game...
2008-10-02 14:07:17
Bismarck.Kujoa[Report] Score: -45
Mini is a G...and that is that...
2008-10-02 19:10:01
Garuda.Oceiano[Report] Score: -53
teach me your ways, i need to be awesome!
2008-10-04 04:02:28
Ifrit.Bigmike[Report] Score: -52
What do you do next in this game? Get all relics all 75s then what? Make a new char and start all over again? ughh have fun :D
2008-10-08 12:45:08
Caitsith.Darkflamie[Report] Score: 159
How do you kill that which has no life O_O
2008-10-13 22:16:18
Carbuncle.Kuroganashi[Report] Score: -75
Sup Mini , long time no see old pal

I don't think you would remember me under this account but you DO remember who your Best Friend was , of Course , I was Forced to Quit the Game

Hopefully you will Reply to me

^^ but again , it is just my Hope being big Again , I see you gotten Busy

Went from the little Player lvl 1 to a TOP players .

Well done pal

if by any MIRACLE you wish to remember me , give me a call

^^ or a tell , either one is fine

P.S. This is my NEW ACCOUNT

P.S.2 You and Me used to hang out a lot , but after a while I quit the Game because of a GIRL, and I found Her ^^ now I wish to present her to you , so you can see she is REAL , just as I've told you.

I miss my Gear ; - ; hope I get it back soon , my Account ^^

2008-10-27 06:28:25
Screenshots (28)