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Screenshots » id:29778
Score: 8.56
Votes: 39
Classification Player » Sabintribal
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Date Submitted 2009-11-23 16:32:01
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Comments (6)
Bismarck.Lighttaru[Report] Score: 1
omg so funny :P
2009-11-23 21:29:53
Asura.Sneaker[Report] Score: 1
how did this work?
2009-11-24 04:29:08
Pandemonium.Sabintribal[Report] Score: 1
This was on Atomos server during the Ballista tourney. The GMs specifically told us not to leave jeuno, and my teammates thought it would be funny to test that and see how far they could get. They Teleport-Mea got on chocos and went toward Meriphataud. The GMs picked them all up and planted them in Jeuno, while still on their chocos. As a side note, dink didn't have any money b/c he dropped it for the hell of it (it all got reset every time we restarted).
2009-11-24 15:55:15
Ifrit.Sanriku[Report] Score: 0
Hero... thats you... you are my hero!
2009-11-25 01:44:11
Siren.Clinpachi[Report] Score: -2
wtf? lol.
2009-11-23 17:46:21
Shiva.Ziila[Report] Score: -2
2009-11-23 20:37:05