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Screenshots » id:25066
Score: 3.43
Votes: 23
Classification Player » Herisha
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Date Submitted 2009-09-10 15:09:51
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Comments (7)
Shiva.Amelin[Report] Score: 14
these work in sea. how can you check? equip them and look at your magic skill window. i own them, i have used them for years, and they raise my enfeeb/elemental skill in lumoria. the end :3
2009-09-10 16:41:43
Odin.Priscilia[Report] Score: 10
Actually they DO work in Sea.
2009-09-10 15:35:23
Ramuh.Ilvex[Report] Score: 8
They do work in sea, sky, dynamis, limbus while Signet is active. anyone who says other wise is an idiot. as soon as the screen shots are approved, there will be 4 SS's on my page with me naked proving that they work in SEA. FYI I just changed the wiki to reflect this, someone just changed it the other day, they are idiots.
2009-09-11 02:30:18
Valefor.Dooom[Report] Score: 7
It's so wonderful when someone says "do your research!" and is actually wrong themselves <3
2009-09-11 06:05:45
Odin.Aramina[Report] Score: 4
Not only do they work in Sea, but they will ALWAYS work in Sea because no nation can ever control the region.

The same can be said for the +Evasion Mitts/Bracers that are great for THF Evasion Builds
2009-09-11 07:21:47
Leviathan.Natsuchii[Report] Score: 3
They do work in sea, sky, dynamis, limbus while Signet is active. Why? No idea. hehe
2009-09-10 16:30:13
Midgardsormr.Templeton[Report] Score: 2
i think they work in sea dont they?
2009-09-10 15:35:03