Katalina - Seraph

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PM Seraph.Katalina

Price History (25)
Fay CrozierMar. 21, 2010CitrineKatalina30,000
Vile ElixirMar. 20, 2010DoebieKatalina16,000
Reraise EarringMar. 20, 2010AlteniaKatalina29,000
Austere RobeMar. 20, 2010KatalinaNiqes170,000
Staff StrapMar. 19, 2010NorisKatalina70,000
Hi-ether TankMar. 19, 2010KatalinaElulu16,000
Chunk Of Darksteel OreMar. 18, 2010KatalinaRona5,700
Ebony LogMar. 18, 2010KatalinaBeandip2,000
Sleep QuiverMar. 17, 2010KatalinaGhadamon1,500
Heavy Quadav ChestplateMar. 17, 2010KatalinaSiraivincent15,000
Comments (1)
Seraph.Sharne[Report] Score: 0
This person delighted in stopping me killing monsters for EXP while I was attempting to level in Valkurm Dunes, going out of their way to Dia anything I tried to attack, even when they had a monster on them. They were ten levels higher than the zone.

I see no point in such behaviour. This person is an idiot, and a blight on this game. Pretty much all there is to it.
2009-07-02 07:44:24
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