as far as desynth goes i had a friend used to make money on gold orc mask alot back when drop rate didnt suck so bad. According to him the most important thing is lots of mog enhancement for that crystal. who cares if you fail all the time if all you lose is the crystal and eventually get the item no?
400k is about the perfect price for these if you consider A) the ore is super scarce and B) its 25-30k to buy the H.Quadav Chestplate and you need a HQ3 to make a moly. If you've ever Desynthed before one would know how scarce HQ3's truly are. For 100k an item the ingot would have to sell for 1m+ for smithers to make a profit and even then it's pure luck..
I went 0/15 few days ago then today 2/15. Basically i paid 750~800k and made 800k in moly + about 150k from other items.. total profit: 150k.
Well said, both prices for the chestplate and the Ore are high but considering overall synths they will balance out. For people who have a 75 job and still need this item for gobbie bag consider farming mulitples yourself and relying on a friendly smither to desynth.
Desynthing anything in the game is a gamble, which is usually why the drop rates for such items are not all that bad. Goblin masks, armor, helms, quadav backplates, and such are relatively easy to come by because you're usually only going to make a certain percentage into anything. The plus side being that HQ is a lot more common, and essentially its free synthesis materials, providing a great alternative to running around with stacks upon stacks of pickaxes and sickles to acquire your ingots/sheets and threads/cloths. The only thing you have to worry about now is being whether you can kill the mobs...