Angryfetus - Leviathan

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PM Leviathan.Angryfetus
Don't anger the fetus! o.O

Comments (15)
Gilgamesh.Astrida[Report] Score: 5
"I see you keep commenting on how people shouldn't POST RL pictures"

Um, have you noticed im not uploading/posting them on the SS area? and have you noticed its only my ID that has a picture? or were you not that smart enough to notice? niiiiiiiiiice. and of course youre QQing, youre one of those who give out their FB to strangers.
2010-07-08 10:46:13
Sylph.Sproket[Report] Score: -26
dang :-) ur hot wanna go out sometime?
2010-07-08 13:54:31
Leviathan.Angryfetus[Report] Score: -17
ROFL!!! Astrida, and shinbi.. You guys are making me smile :) STALKERSSSS much? Comment every pic and then my page. Aww you like me that much :) How sweet.
I love love love haters. :)
2010-07-08 22:13:29
Leviathan.Willoflame[Report] Score: -21
You're pretty and junk.
2010-07-09 18:27:41
Asura.Myrrh[Report] Score: -1
lol - thanks for the comment! O.o
2010-07-10 04:05:19
Quetzalcoatl.Kris[Report] Score: -13
Astrida.. the attention *** is back.. srsly astrida if you post a pic it should be banned and flamed.. don't be mad that this girl is more beautifull then you
2010-07-16 12:58:56
Siren.Mordekai[Report] Score: 0
I love penguins
2010-07-20 14:53:08
Asura.Luvbun[Report] Score: -17
your pretty :D
2010-07-22 00:16:26
Leviathan.Yhoiryo[Report] Score: -15
secret lover ;3 *wink wink*
2010-07-29 05:00:57
Leviathan.Pimpstix[Report] Score: -14
O.O you've been on the top viewed for like over a week now... serious stalker action. you fiends give it up this is knighty's woman. I keel you all.
2010-08-03 18:15:07
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