Effect Of Presidential Election Over FFXI....

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effect of presidential election over FFXI....
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 120
By Asura.Ktjrn 2008-10-22 10:22:11
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There is no
Maeglin said:
[quote=Freja] 207 people Died in Iraq in the past 6 months 292 people died in Chicago (under your glorious Obama's Lead) Terrorist in the whitehouse? {Thanks for the offer, but i'll have to pass}

How did 292 people die in chicago under Barack Obama? Explain it to me please Freja! He's not a terrorist. If he was, the US would have been blown up and forgotten years ago. This is just the typical republican scare tactics that are brainwashing and seeping into our fragile minds since 9/11 and what Bush is constantly using to get his agendas accomplished. Are you really calling him a terrorist because he's black, or are you calling him a terrorist because you cant seem to fathom inside that head of yours another person running the country that is NOT white, that is NOT corrupt and out for own monetary gain, and actually try to help ALL AMERICANS (black, white, asian, hispanic, rich, poor, etc.)?

I am neither republican or democrat, but I call it like I see it. People die everyday. I may not give that homeless man the last $5 in my pocket and he has a heart-attack and dies the next day. Does that make me a terrorist because I didn't give him my last $5 and told him to leave me alone or go away? Maybe some people do not fully understand what the word "Terrorist" means. Let me copy a line from good old wiki, so we can clearly define what's "terrorist" and what is not:

Terrorist: Most common definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants. Some definitions also include acts of unlawful violence and war.

So.. again to my first question (and anyone with a open mind can answer this I'm sure w/o any problems). How is Barack Obama a terrorist again? We have a leader sending our families overseas and they are dying EVERYDAY (regardless of the "numbers" that the media is allowed to give us) for what? Because we THOUGHT there were WMD? Because we THOUGHT "this and that"? Now you tell me who the real terroist is....
Server: Alexander
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user: sgtdbo
Posts: 21
By Alexander.Sgtdbo 2008-10-22 10:44:39
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Ktjrn said:
There is no[quote=Maeglin][quote=Freja] We have a leader sending our families overseas and they are dying EVERYDAY (regardless of the "numbers" that the media is allowed to give us) for what? Because we THOUGHT there were WMD? Because we THOUGHT "this and that"? Now you tell me who the real terroist is....

Obama is not a terrorist and for you to imply that Bush is the real terrorist is just as ignorant. I've been to Iraq 2 times and I'm sick of democrats using me and my family as pawns for political gain. All you left-wingers out there, how many people do you actually know that are in the military? The vast majority of us believe in the cause we are fighting for and want to be there.

So, if you want to say we are in Iraq because Bush lied, go ahead. Just stop talking about him sending us over there. Over 75% of the military joined after 911 and over 50% joined after the invasion of Iraq. We sent ourselves over there.
Server: Seraph
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user: Caiyuo
Posts: 6524
By Seraph.Caiyuo 2008-10-22 10:47:30
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Obviously there isn't going to be any agreements here. lol To say Palin's lack of experience, her ability to tell complete lies with a straight face and her general attitude doesn't affect the claim against Obama because she isn't running for president is silly. Her running mate is already in his seventies and a cancer survivor, so even if in general you don't take the VP position seriously, in this case it is a serious matter. To add to that, can you say Cheney did nothing and needed no experience during his stay? It's no wonder there's such contrast in the views here when this is the case.

Even if the claim against the number of people who have died in Chicago was valid, calling him a terrorist at the end nullifies any and all argument. Can you guess why democrats seem like the crazy ones sometimes? It's because people are accusing our candidate of being a *** terrorist. lol People are getting death threats, their tires slashed, halloween effigies being hung from trees and shouts of "kill him" at republican rallies. What the ***, america. lol You'd think some people would at least condemn that kind of crap in 2008, and at least admits it makes their own party look desperate by going to such extremes instead of sticking to real issues. It just proves what the non-voters are thinking about politics being a completely ugly process that they don't want to take part of. Why can't it be civil? So much for this thread going anywhere!
Server: Ifrit
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user: Crighton
Posts: 102
By Ifrit.Cright 2008-10-22 10:48:11
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Sgtdbo said:

Obama is not a terrorist and for you to imply that Bush is the real terrorist is just as ignorant. I've been to Iraq 2 times and I'm sick of democrats using me and my family as pawns for political gain. All you left-wingers out there, how many people do you actually know that are in the military? The vast majority of us believe in the cause we are fighting for and want to be there.

So, if you want to say we are in Iraq because Bush lied, go ahead. Just stop talking about him sending us over there. Over 75% of the military joined after 911 and over 50% joined after the invasion of Iraq. We sent ourselves over there.

Bravo and thank you for your service.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Kviton
Posts: 89
By Odin.Kviton 2008-10-22 11:21:24
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Stolas said:
Katoke said:
Obama = socialist who will drive our economy into a depression with his shitty tax plan.

Not just depression, he's gunna wipe us off the face of the planet, wanting to disarm our military and reduce our nuclear awareness...

Are you *** kidding me??? Didn't hear about that... Glad my vote is for McCain!
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2008-10-22 12:10:52
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everyone that wants to say poof we can fix our dependence on oil please read this.


it's totally not political at all. it's science. anyone ever watch the discovery channel show "how things work"? there was a special on oil and all the products it makes with it's process of refining. it's actually quite interesting. crayons, lip balm, and some plastics are all made from the refining process of crude oil.

we may not be able to poof our problems away, but there are things we can be doing now to help lessen the need for oil, and create more jobs in America. read this over and see if this is something you would be interested in seeing happen over the next 10 years.

no matter what you think, any change is going to cost America a lot of money, but staying the course will cost a lot too.

edit: spelling and forgot a part to add in.
Server: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2008-10-22 13:19:34
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Ok now I'll join in on this. Why are you guys arguing over this stuff when the topic of this thread is "effect of presidential election over FFXI...." . I don't see how all these arguments are causing anything over ffxi...Cause obviously you all are still paying to play the game...

I think everybody has their choice on who they want to vote for and their reasons for whom they want. I'm not registered to vote, I chose not to be part of it. You all have your chance on Nov 4th.

I'm happier now the gas is going down in price. But shouldn't ppl be worrying more of keeping your current job, unemployment has risen dramatically and you may never know it can happen to the job you are employed in now. Get some back up plans, save, etc. cause no matter who is president the economy is still going to be the same for a long while until one of the candidates makes the actual difference. you can't change the economy in 1 night.

I'm gonna be one super happy broad when all this presidential stuff is over with so I can enjoy tv again. I know people are tired of hearing "This is blah blah and I approve this message."
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2008-10-22 13:29:20
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Sgtdbo said:
Ktjrn said:
There is no[quote=Maeglin][quote=Freja] We have a leader sending our families overseas and they are dying EVERYDAY (regardless of the "numbers" that the media is allowed to give us) for what? Because we THOUGHT there were WMD? Because we THOUGHT "this and that"? Now you tell me who the real terroist is....
Obama is not a terrorist and for you to imply that Bush is the real terrorist is just as ignorant. I've been to Iraq 2 times and I'm sick of democrats using me and my family as pawns for political gain. All you left-wingers out there, how many people do you actually know that are in the military? The vast majority of us believe in the cause we are fighting for and want to be there. So, if you want to say we are in Iraq because Bush lied, go ahead. Just stop talking about him sending us over there. Over 75% of the military joined after 911 and over 50% joined after the invasion of Iraq. We sent ourselves over there.

Applaude to a comrade.

What ppl forget to understand is that teh members of the military VOLUNTEERED to join the service. We know the risks and the chances. We never want to go to war but we will when we are called.

As for Obama being a terrorist, he isn't. What the Republicans are calling into question is his character. He has associated with people who can be or have deemed social terrorists.

I said I wouldn't mention my vote but WTH. Honestly I lean towards Dem, I suppported Hilary Clinton but this year I'm Republican.

As for the Economy, it won't change under the Dems. If anything you'll see higher taxes and a raise in prices as you have the last few years. Obama's tax plan is crap if you actually look at it. It sounds nice but that's how he carries himself. His VP has more experience than he does. In all honesty Biden should have ran.

As for Bill Clinton, look back and examine his policies then and you will see they are a catakyst for today. Even his military judgement could be questionable.

As for Iraq caualties, more soldiers were lost in WW2, Vietnam and teh Civil War. Heck, more ppl die in the US than Iraq.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Spraynard
Posts: 6
By Leviathan.Spraynard 2008-10-22 13:54:47
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This whole thread is funny. Everyone knows Obama is a lolfail, but I'm sure he wouldn't have an effect on an MMO.

I'm sure if he could though he'd raise the tax in Jeuno, and introduce new ones in all Zones. We'd start to see Expierance Points distributed to the less fortunate Jobs who don't get as many invites, and you would need at least three Taru in each party. SE would see an Equal Rights Lawsuit for not offering a Black, Mexican, and Asian Race options, and he would demand a female Galka choice be introduced as soon as possible. On top of that we would all have to turn in our weapons, and get permits to dual-weild.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2008-10-22 13:58:55
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Spraynard said:
This whole thread is funny. Everyone knows Obama is a lolfail, but I'm sure he wouldn't have an effect on an MMO. I'm sure if he could though he'd raise the tax in Jeuno, and introduce new ones in all Zones. We'd start to see Expierance Points distributed to the less fortunate Jobs who don't get as many invites, and you would need at least three Taru in each party. SE would see an Equal Rights Lawsuit for not offering a Black, Mexican, and Asian Race options, and he would demand a female Galka choice be introduced as soon as possible. On top of that we would all have to turn in our weapons, and get permits to dual-weild.

Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: HydroFoxx
Posts: 7
By Pandemonium.Maeglin 2008-10-22 14:10:52
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Ktjrn said:
Because we THOUGHT there were WMD? Because we THOUGHT "this and that"? Now you tell me who the real terroist is....

There were WMDs. Saddam killed thousands with them. Proven and documented.
What they did with them pre-invasion is the mystery...
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Caiyuo
Posts: 6524
By Seraph.Caiyuo 2008-10-22 14:16:11
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What muslim ties? lol This rumor has seriously been covered time and time again, and if you're considering Bill Ayers within that "association" group it's a separate matter. Who are these muslim people? Why are "muslim people" dangerous to america? That's prejudice to lump in any general ties to a people and draw a connection to terrorist associations, but even then what are these ties?

Would you be truly be surprised if he was covering up when attitudes like these keep everyone else down? You literally can't make it if you aren't a christian in this country, and to say otherwise is wishful thinking. Why? Because people are so narrow-minded as to think even now if you're "too different" it's "too risky". Who cares if you'll vote for someone of any color when you're still prejudice against an entire religion. lol
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2008-10-22 14:31:38
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I'm sure the CIA would be protecting a possible terrorist from death threats instead of investigating any links he has to terrorism. It only makes sense, right?

Also, all those "connections" Obama has? http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/he_lied_about_bill_ayers.html

Check it out. I hope that clears some things up.

Here's a pretty little graphic for tax plans:


Note that the increase on Obama's side for those making more than $2.8 million/year also includes what will be gained from closing existing tax loopholes. Those people making $2.8 million/year receive the largest tax breaks under McCain's plan.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2008-10-22 14:34:56
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Maeglin said:

There were WMDs. Saddam killed thousands with them. Proven and documented.
What they did with them pre-invasion is the mystery...

Wow this is sad. Even the Bush Administration has admitted there were no WMDs.

Mustard Gas and tactical munitions are not WMDs by any means. Certain ICBMs, Nuclear Weapons, etc. fall under WMDs and none of these were ever used against the people in Iraq. Saddam was a cruel dictator but that was not the grounds for war.

EDIT: Could we please stop spewing this non-sense about "Obama wants to take our guns!"? The Republicans bring it up every election and it is not true. Democrats are in favor of more gun control which does not mean taking everyone's guns.

Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Spraynard
Posts: 6
By Leviathan.Spraynard 2008-10-22 15:04:57
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Baelorn said:
Mustard Gas and tactical munitions are not WMDs by any means.

Made me think of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Gassed.jpg painting.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: sgtdbo
Posts: 21
By Alexander.Sgtdbo 2008-10-22 15:36:01
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I am a Chemical Operations Specialist in the Army and I can tell you that Mustard gas is certainly a WMD. There is no doubt about that.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2008-10-22 15:58:59
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I was under the impression that Chemical Warfare Agents were a separate class of weapons.

If the military categorizes CWAs as WMDs then why did the Bush Administration release a report saying they found no WMDs but did find munitions stores and CWAs? That seems pretty contradicting.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-10-22 17:25:14
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I have to agree with some previous posters.. I joined the Army post invasion of Iraq (no longer in the service now though) and one of the things my recruiter made sure I was aware of was that I would most likely go to Iraq (Was there for OIF4) so anyone that tries to say we didn't go there by our own choice is just ignorant. Neither candidate is going to change anything really drastically anyways, we have congress they have to get their plans past so really if you want such and such tax plan to work you have to get the party aligned with that plan as the majority party in the house and the senate and a president all wanting it. Taking from the rich to give to the poor just makes the rich cut jobs and raise prices so they still get to live a life of luxury so really all you'd accomplish is hurting more ppl that are working hard to get by. The rich will be rich and the poor will be poor that's just how it is, this Robin Hood ideology just isn't going to work.
Server: Gilgamesh
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Posts: 24
By Gilgamesh.Shadowchaser 2008-10-22 20:33:08
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Baelorn said:
I'm sure the CIA would be protecting a possible terrorist from death threats instead of investigating any links he has to terrorism. It only makes sense, right? Also, all those "connections" Obama has? http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/he_lied_about_bill_ayers.html Check it out. I hope that clears some things up. Here's a pretty little graphic for tax plans: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/tax.jpg Note that the increase on Obama's side for those making more than $2.8 million/year also includes what will be gained from closing existing tax loopholes. Those people making $2.8 million/year receive the largest tax breaks under McCain's plan.

WOW you must REALLY be an OBAMA Zombie drinking gallons of his kool~aid!My god if you could just come out of your daze and really see the facts and stop believing the Obama Media you would understand the truth!I bet you dont think Bill Ayers ,Rev.Wright ,or all his other radical friends should be a concern to Americans either do you?
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: HydroFoxx
Posts: 7
By Pandemonium.Maeglin 2008-10-22 21:03:01
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Baelorn said:
Maeglin said:

There were WMDs. Saddam killed thousands with them. Proven and documented.
What they did with them pre-invasion is the mystery...

Wow this is sad. Even the Bush Administration has admitted there were no WMDs.

Mustard Gas and tactical munitions are not WMDs by any means. Certain ICBMs, Nuclear Weapons, etc. fall under WMDs and none of these were ever used against the people in Iraq. Saddam was a cruel dictator but that was not the grounds for war.

Chemical and Biological agents are most certainly considered WMDs.
The part we were concerned about was these weapons falling into radical islamic group's hands.
Also our government has known far longer than our people, that Iran was on the verge of creating their own nuclear technology.
If Saddam was in power, and Iran started making nuclear reactors, and enriching weapons grade nuclear material, Saddam would start his own nuclear program back up, and there is little doubt about that.
If that happened, you then have 2 more unstable countries that completely hate each other, with possible nuclear weapons.
Because our government has known so long about Iran's intentions, I have my own theory that we are in Iraq as a part of a containment policy against Iran. Look at where our troops are, and where Iran is. As Iran is the prime state sponsor of radical islamic terrorist groups, and they are continuing to enhance their nuclear program, having them surrounded is the smartest thing we can do.
There was once a time when the world let an unstable country with radical ambitions, do as they pleased, without even trying to contain them. The world was then engulfed in war for 6 years, costing millions and millions of lives. History repeats itself more often than not.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: HydroFoxx
Posts: 7
By Pandemonium.Maeglin 2008-10-22 21:09:24
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Yakutatazu said:
The rich will be rich and the poor will be poor that's just how it is

Tis the way of the world. Been that way since the dawn of civilization. Not even the mighty USA has any hope of changing this fact. It's a nice thought that everyone could be equal but because of human nature, it will never be possible.
At least this is a country where anyone has the opportunity to help themselves live by better means.
Would be a disgrace if we ruined that by taking money from the people that have worked their entire lives to achieve that wealth, and giving it to those who deserve not a single cent of it. We already do too much of that BS as it is.
Server: Valefor
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user: Lemming
Posts: 3
By Valefor.Lemming 2008-10-23 08:39:37
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Good to know that everyone's falling for campaign *** and eating up the mass-produced thoughts of others instead of formulating their own.
That's all I have time to say, and I think that's probably all that's worth saying.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Sirdude
Posts: 1
By Phoenix.Sirdude 2008-10-23 10:04:43
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Spraynard said:
This whole thread is funny. Everyone knows Obama is a lolfail, but I'm sure he wouldn't have an effect on an MMO. I'm sure if he could though he'd raise the tax in Jeuno, and introduce new ones in all Zones. We'd start to see Expierance Points distributed to the less fortunate Jobs who don't get as many invites, and you would need at least three Taru in each party. SE would see an Equal Rights Lawsuit for not offering a Black, Mexican, and Asian Race options, and he would demand a female Galka choice be introduced as soon as possible. On top of that we would all have to turn in our weapons, and get permits to dual-weild.

^ This is funny
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2008-10-23 14:28:02
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Shadowchaser said:

WOW you must REALLY be an OBAMA Zombie drinking gallons of his kool~aid!My god if you could just come out of your daze and really see the facts and stop believing the Obama Media you would understand the truth!I bet you dont think Bill Ayers ,Rev.Wright ,or all his other radical friends should be a concern to Americans either do you?

/Sigh. This is why no one bothers to discuss politics. I guess if you're an American who cares about voting for something other than American Idol you're "falling for campaign ***". These people who are so above voting care to share only that fact and no ideas of their own.

You know, I posted links to Factcheck.org about his connections to these "radicals" and even provided sources as to where I got my other information(sources that have no connection to the Obama Campaign). Did you even follow those links or did you just assume they redirected to barackobama.com? And why do you continue to ignore the fact that the CIA is protecting Obama? Are you suggesting that they're in on the plan to plant a terrorist in the White House? This whole "zomg terrorist!" distraction is almost scary. You really think a man with any solid ties to terrorism would gain the support of his political party and the protection of a government agency? Or are those CIA and Secret Service agents in photos just the Obama media in disguise? I can't be the only amazed that people are actually buying into this garbage.

Every single person who has come in here talking about Obama's radical conenctions or Obama's plans has failed to provide an unbiased source or in most cases a source of any kind but I am the "zombie"?

I'm trying to have a civilized discussion and if you would post some solid sources I'd love to discuss them. As it is there is nothing to discuss because, as usual, you can't back up your claims so you begin attacking me. Sorry but that's no way to generate a good discussion. If you're willing to answer any of the questions in this post then maybe it'll be worth continuing but if you can't answer them and can't back up your claims then it is clear that you have no intention of listening to anyone's opinion but your own and anyone trying to have a rational discussion should just pretend that this thread doesn't exist.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Gilgamesh.Xarchangel 2008-10-23 15:54:15
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First off, i would like to apologize for starting a thread like this. I realize now that although i still feel there will be an impact, it will not be as great as i made it seem like. Also i should have left my political agenda outta this. My opionions are my own and prolly should not be disgust here.

However, i am glad to see at least some inteligent comments about the up coming election. Some people do make some good points, and it will be important for everyone to get out and vote if you can.

Many have said this is was a stupid topic and that i was reaching. This may have been true, but this is under the off topic section. Regardless of how a person feels about it, if you do not like it, do not comment and let it die. I may have been wrong about starting it, but for everyone that made a comment that said it was stupid or what ever, you are just as wrong as i am.

Thanks for all the negative and positive comments. :)
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-10-23 16:10:40
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Going by facts can only be trusted so far or you're just asking for someone to bend the facts in their favor with polictical and monetary ties. After all history is written by the victors. I personally don't think Obama is any kind of terrorist but the fact that he has had ties to so many radical ppl leaves room for distrusting him. Obama saying he had nothing to do with them is expected or he would be an idiot, it doesn't matter what the "truth" is politicians are always just going to say what ever gets them elected true or not. I mean why didn't he cut his ties when he was around them before they were in the national spotlight instead of waiting until he was pretty much forced to. You can look at factcheck.org all day and if that's the only thing you go by then you're just waiting for something bad to happen. He may not be some part of a conspiracy like the Manchurian Candidate or w/e but there is no way he is totally innocent, after all he is a politician. This whole election is pretty much a battle of who is the lesser evil, it feels like who do you not want to be president more than who do you want to be. If someone like Colin Powell were to run I think I'd actually be proud to vote.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Bigmikr
Posts: 9
By Fairy.Buttehrs 2008-10-23 17:15:28
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i agree with yaku and either way whoever is elected has a big task to do fix our nations economy bush *** it up and now someone else has to clean up the mess
Server: Cerberus
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user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2008-10-23 18:57:20
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Cright said:
When Nancy Pelosi (D) became speaker of the House, and Harry Reid (D) took control of the Senate gas was $2.10 a gallon, and in 2 years look what has happened. If Obama (D) gets in the Whitehouse you'll have the trifecta of Dems running the country. Scares me to no end.

But I thought you had no problem with oil companies making record profits, while the rest of, not only America's, but the world's economies suffer.

Enough about that...

People need to look at something realistic here:

McCain is old. The average lifespan of a white male living in the United States is lingering around 71-73 years of age. McCain is 72 years old. He is not immortal, he is not Superman. Whether you want to believe it or not, McCain will kick the bucket just like the rest of us.

Obama is black. We are still a bigoted country. It's also rumored that he has ties with the Muslim community. You can point out as many articles as you want saying otherwise, but people will believe what they want to believe. It is very likely someone will try to take a shot at Obama should he be elected president.

So, the question I ask myself is: When one of these two get elected, should one of them die, would I feel comfortable with Biden or Palin running the country?
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2008-10-23 19:51:29
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Katarzyna said:
Obama is black.

But his grandparents are white >.>

The economy has been screwed up for awhile and probaly will be sadly.
You can't blame Bush for it all even if he may have had a hand in it. Most of it happened on his watch. He may not have been the best but it could've been worse.

You do have to think of not only the canidates but their VP also. Anything can happen in office. Four US Presidents were assasinated and four more died of natural causes. You could be glad the Presidents only serve 2 terms max. Only 1 has served 3 full terms.
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