Cmon man, you should know how people report their avg dmg:
"I do capped dmg every time"
TVR Rings |
TVR rings
Cmon man, you should know how people report their avg dmg:
30k 35k 25k 60k 25k 30k 30k 25k 30k 99999 35k 25k = "I do capped dmg every time" Carbuncle.Nynja said: » Cmon man, you should know how people report their avg dmg: 30k 35k 25k 60k 25k 30k 30k 25k 30k 99999 35k 25k = "I do capped dmg every time" I do find it funny how often people talk about how they do 99,999 in every situation all the time, and how simple it is to cap damage with Leaden, Hot Shot, Jinpu, etc. Seems like there's some selection bias when people think about their damage. I'd love to see these parses with 99,999 WSavg or 99,999 BP average. Sure it will happen on certain mobs, but to do it reliably in all content to the point where you don't need to bother improving gear...? Come on people. I still agree with the sentiment that SMN isn't (meta-wise) needed/used for much content and picking a ring to improve SMN is pretty niche, though I'm considering it because 10% DA is also a very solid TP ring for a lot of jobs which get boned on rings. Still very torn myself, most of them are really tempting. Sylph.Timepassesbye said: » Cloudius777 said: » As a main SMN i ALMOST put off picking the pet ring because I thought it was Pet dmg taken +10% which would have sucked, now because of this post i'm deffo picking up that ring. As someone who also is smn main, it's really not worth losing one of the other options. Here's my argument- list the times and locations when you play summoner these days -omen -aeonic runs -some unity fights -master trials that's it. Smn isn't sought after for oddy segment farming, or bosses, it's not particularly useful in dynamis or sortie. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the job, but when fully buffed doing the 2 instances of content where smn is useful, I'm already hitting capped damage with flaming crush, so how does 10% more damage help in that situation? With regards to unity fights (tumolt) and master trials, SMN is largely used for perfect defense and or mewing, neither of which have a damage mod. I just feel literally any of the other rings are a better option if you're sitting at BIS for summoner gear. especially when you consider the prime staff has 50 bp damage. Now, this all being said, it seems you can swap the rings once a week, so try it out and see what you think. This thread is to talk/help people with their decisions when choosing a ring, your reason of "SMN isn't very useful in game for most thing now" is not the rings fault and not very constructive to the thread. This thread is about the effectiveness of the rings on jobs, not, "I don't want this ring for this job because this job isn't very useful anymore". I'm with you on the SMN nerfs ruining SMN's usefulness and of course we all know SMN lacks good functionality for end game stuff, but there are many situations where you can take advantage of the extra 10% damage on SMN for people, they may not play the other jobs that you consider to be better options for the other rings for example?, so lets stick to topic if we can. I've seen people have been helped out by good responses on this thread, let's try and keep that going. Odin.Moonja said: » I like having recasts low as possible. This only matters if you're putting FC ring in your midcast sets which is, as stated earlier, a really bad idea for most spells. So the FC ring is a complete non-factor for almost every spell in the game. Could be nice for adding DT to your FC sets I guess, but once again if you're using GS there's 0 packets with your FC set on so...irrelevant? Just what I've heard from others so take it with a grain of salt but... Odin.Moonja said: » I just don’t care about capping damage. If it takes me one minute longer to do whatever I’m doing, I don’t care. Lol I mean you might care if it's something like G boss and going past 3min mark is a wipe ;) Last i looked and this was before ody gear and onwards, the only job that could not cap FC was sam, and i think war, every other job can, though HP is a concern for some jobs. Natural casters are the least likely to have any trouble capping FC outside of pld/run due to HP balancing
Odin.Moonja said: » And Nariont gets what I’m getting at. I like having recasts low as possible. I just dont see that as very valuable once you start getting outside haste, you're already getting 25~% decrease just by having capped gear haste, some of that may even have FC in it such as bunzi hat with its 10% FC which is another 5% decrease. Once you add in magic haste you're more than likely at or close to capping it, I get your goal, just feel like FC is overkill at this stage of the game Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: » Sylph.Timepassesbye said: » Cloudius777 said: » As a main SMN i ALMOST put off picking the pet ring because I thought it was Pet dmg taken +10% which would have sucked, now because of this post i'm deffo picking up that ring. As someone who also is smn main, it's really not worth losing one of the other options. Here's my argument- list the times and locations when you play summoner these days -omen -aeonic runs -some unity fights -master trials that's it. Smn isn't sought after for oddy segment farming, or bosses, it's not particularly useful in dynamis or sortie. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the job, but when fully buffed doing the 2 instances of content where smn is useful, I'm already hitting capped damage with flaming crush, so how does 10% more damage help in that situation? With regards to unity fights (tumolt) and master trials, SMN is largely used for perfect defense and or mewing, neither of which have a damage mod. I just feel literally any of the other rings are a better option if you're sitting at BIS for summoner gear. especially when you consider the prime staff has 50 bp damage. Now, this all being said, it seems you can swap the rings once a week, so try it out and see what you think. I understand what you are saying and agree with you in theory, but no, you are not doing capped damage on HELMs. Or any of the Reisenjima GFs for that matter. The capped dmg is in Zitah and some of Ru'an at best on the trash ones. A lot of the Reisenjima fights are won/lost around the last 5% of the mob's HP. If one of the other SMNs do a few less BPs, miss a few more hits on Volts etc. then it could cause a wipe, so that 10% dmg from the ring could very well be the difference between a win and a loss, which is way more valuable than simply doing more dmg in general. Again, I agree with the sentiment. I think if you have a few other melee jobs that you use more, the WSD ring would be more value for instance, but you are also undervaluing the ring too much and overstating what you do on SMN without it. There is a massive difference between 99k on Gulltop in Zitah vs 99k on Schah or Albuman. One is something even a low tier SMN can do, and the other is something a max geared SMN WITH the new ring can't do. Sylph.Timepassesbye said: » Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: » Anyone know the general atk caps on wave 3 Dynamis mobs? Would like to gauge the value of the PDL ring compared to the WSD one. Not the direct answer you're looking for, but attack cap varies by weapon as well, so there's not one simple answer to make this decision easier unfortunately. One handed weapons have a lower cap then 2 handed, the weapon delay likely being the factor there, so a thf with the same buffs as a dark knight, will likely hit cap long before the drk will, and thus benefit from pdl more. Yeah, I'm specifically talking about SAM with GK, but other 2H jobs and maybe NIN would also be nice to know. There is no flat answer, but a general ballpark or even a formula/spreadsheet to look it up would be extremely helpful. After much searching through google and the forums, people either don't know, haven't said it or it's just not showing up in the searches I am doing. What i can and will tell you is this, I, along with a couple other summoners in my ls, do indeed deal 99k flaming crushes and 99k volt strikes when fully buffed on zerda, schah, vini. Sylph.Timepassesbye said: » Wall o' Quotes What i can and will tell you is this, I, along with a couple other summoners in my ls, do indeed deal 99k flaming crushes and 99k volt strikes when fully buffed on zerda, schah, vini. I don't doubt this, however I do have to ask if you, and all of the summoner's in your LS, are doing 99999 on every Volt Strike/Hysteric? FC I believe you would be doing 99999 every single time with appropriate buffs/debuffs, but with the multi hit bp's I can hit 99's with a good AM3TA proc but I can still see off damage with a DA proc, or no proc at all. The point you're saying is if you're hitting 99999 on every BP why ring? But the amount of times I've seen a SMN hit straight 99999 on every (multi hit) BP in reisen is literally 0 times with about 10 or so different smn's that I've worked with. Maybe everyone else is doing wrong what you do right... Vaerix said: » Sylph.Timepassesbye said: » Wall o' Quotes What i can and will tell you is this, I, along with a couple other summoners in my ls, do indeed deal 99k flaming crushes and 99k volt strikes when fully buffed on zerda, schah, vini. I don't doubt this, however I do have to ask if you, and all of the summoner's in your LS, are doing 99999 on every Volt Strike/Hysteric? FC I believe you would be doing 99999 every single time with appropriate buffs/debuffs, but with the multi hit bp's I can hit 99's with a good AM3TA proc but I can still see off damage with a DA proc, or no proc at all. The point you're saying is if you're hitting 99999 on every BP why ring? But the amount of times I've seen a SMN hit straight 99999 on every (multi hit) BP in reisen is literally 0 times with about 10 or so different smn's that I've worked with. Maybe everyone else is doing wrong what you do right... All I can tell you in my personal experiences. Where 2 smns getting off 15 BP's during afac and the parse reported around 1.5 mil damage per smn. maybe it's a fluke, but I've seen the chat log flooded with all 9's on multiple occasions on multiple mobs. working on my 8th aeonic weapon now. Siren.Kruel said: » Sylph.Timepassesbye said: » Cloudius777 said: » As a main SMN i ALMOST put off picking the pet ring because I thought it was Pet dmg taken +10% which would have sucked, now because of this post i'm deffo picking up that ring. As someone who also is smn main, it's really not worth losing one of the other options. Here's my argument- list the times and locations when you play summoner these days -omen -aeonic runs -some unity fights -master trials that's it. Smn isn't sought after for oddy segment farming, or bosses, it's not particularly useful in dynamis or sortie. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the job, but when fully buffed doing the 2 instances of content where smn is useful, I'm already hitting capped damage with flaming crush, so how does 10% more damage help in that situation? With regards to unity fights (tumolt) and master trials, SMN is largely used for perfect defense and or mewing, neither of which have a damage mod. I just feel literally any of the other rings are a better option if you're sitting at BIS for summoner gear. especially when you consider the prime staff has 50 bp damage. Now, this all being said, it seems you can swap the rings once a week, so try it out and see what you think. This thread is to talk/help people with their decisions when choosing a ring, your reason of "SMN isn't very useful in game for most thing now" is not the rings fault and not very constructive to the thread. This thread is about the effectiveness of the rings on jobs, not, "I don't want this ring for this job because this job isn't very useful anymore". I'm with you on the SMN nerfs ruining SMN's usefulness and of course we all know SMN lacks good functionality for end game stuff, but there are many situations where you can take advantage of the extra 10% damage on SMN for people, they may not play the other jobs that you consider to be better options for the other rings for example?, so lets stick to topic if we can. I've seen people have been helped out by good responses on this thread, let's try and keep that going. point heard- but giving someone a con to a ring can be just as valuable as giving someone a pro. Clearly not all rings will hold the same value to each player, which is exactly why my last line literally said to try it for yourself. picking which ring you take is a process of elimination, so making a pro/con list is helpful to that end. If smn is the only job a person plays, then they should absolutely choose that ring. For me personally, this was the line of thinking I followed when going down the list. the wsd ring is great for all weapon skills, except when damage is already capped, and the PDL ring will win in that situation wsd ring (+.7) pdl ring (+.3) the refresh 2 ring is great for an idle piece for any job with mp, but most other rings will benefit all other jobs more, and it's only +1 refresh higher than stikini refresh 2 (0) the tp/crit ring is BIS for all crit based weapon skills and most multi hit since they don't benefit as much from WSD, so that's a factor against the PDL and WSD rings. but the pdl ring will still come out ahead for weapons like daggers since their damage limit is much lower and daggers jobs don't usually prioritize evisceration wsd (-.5), crit (+.5), pdl (+.5) the magic ring is BIS for most jobs for any casting and all magical WS i believe,(dinger ring makes this less useful for the jobs that can already use that) but there are better magic acc options, and fast cast is fairly easy to get elsewhere MAB (+.5) the defending +1 is a catch all ring, so it's basically an inventory saver because i believe all of those stats you can get on other rings separately, not bad, but not great. DEF (0) and the pet ring-it's a flat 10% increase after all other mobs which is a solid boost for 3 jobs. puppet can almost always make use of this ring, so extremely solod ring for pup, the same goes for bst, smn it feels less impactful on though because it can more easily hit capped damage. in the content that matters where I do use summoner, if I'm not hitting capped damage, something went wrong and an extra 10% damage from me isn't going to win the fight. If i am already hitting capped damage, then it offers no benefit. pet (0) if you pup/bst +1 totals- wsd +.2 pdl +.8 refresh 0 crit +.5 mab +.5 def 0 pet 0 (if pup/bst +1) that's how i decided on the ring for me. I'm not asking that anyone else follow with my train of thought, just presenting what worked for me. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: » Carbuncle.Nynja said: » Cmon man, you should know how people report their avg dmg: 30k 35k 25k 60k 25k 30k 30k 25k 30k 99999 35k 25k = "I do capped dmg every time" I do find it funny how often people talk about how they do 99,999 in every situation all the time, and how simple it is to cap damage with Leaden, Hot Shot, Jinpu, etc. Seems like there's some selection bias when people think about their damage. I'd love to see these parses with 99,999 WSavg or 99,999 BP average. Sure it will happen on certain mobs, but to do it reliably in all content to the point where you don't need to bother improving gear...? Come on people. I still agree with the sentiment that SMN isn't (meta-wise) needed/used for much content and picking a ring to improve SMN is pretty niche, though I'm considering it because 10% DA is also a very solid TP ring for a lot of jobs which get boned on rings. Still very torn myself, most of them are really tempting. I specifically didn't say i deal capped damage all the time and in all content because I don't. I also didn't discourage anyone from improving their jobs. I just put some time into weighing what would suit me best personally and shared that. No where did I state that anyone had to abide by what I said or even suggested that my thoughts were the only ones out there. The face that SMN is unfortunately relegated to a niche role is a factor with me picking a ring that prioritizes it. I play warrior, thief, rdm, whm, brd, sch, all more often then I play my smn, so for me, picking a ring that benefits those jobs more would be a better option for me. I didn't comment on any of your other posts in this thread, just that one because it wasn't you just reasoning, your point wasn't really a negative about the ring, it was a negative about SMN not being worth getting a ring for.
I totally agree giving a con can be as useful as a pro, but the con you used was not relevant. Your other posts were well thought out and useful here. As for your last line saying to try it yourself, that did make me delay responding, but came to the conclusion writing that at the end still doesn't change what was written in your post prior to it, you could have put people off taking that ring with irrelevant info. As someone who did take that ring though, there are things you didn't mention. For example, it's made its way into lots of my jobs TP sets with that 10% double attack + Subtle blow. It's made it's way into quite a few multi hit weaponskill sets thanks to the 10% double attack. It even allowed my WAR to swap out my 10% double attack aug on my jse cape that was putting me to 100% Double attack for the +10 STP aug instead, the ring keeps me at 100% Double attack. So many, many things to consider with that ring in particular, it's not just a pet ring. none of the damage dealing rings are going to let you clear content you can't to begin with
FC ring opens up the most changes to sets. Ramuh.Austar said: » none of the damage dealing rings are going to let you clear content you can't to begin with FC ring opens up the most changes to sets. OK, by your bar: which content are you going to clear with new FC sets you couldn't clear with your old FC sets? I'd actually argue that the SMN ring might let you clear Aeonics that you might have wiped on. Sure, you can do the fight again and land more BPs with less missed hits and such and do it just fine, but sometimes the difference between a wipe or a kill is just a few BPs or a few less dmg on some of the BPs. So to play devil's advocate, the SMN ring might be one of the few/only ring(s) where it does matter.
Also, that other dude is full of absolute sh_t. He's not hitting 99k BPs every single time, it's just not happening. I barely believe he's hitting 99k at all on Reisen HELMs. With a giant party full of every single possible buff, I can agree to a 99k during a DA proc, but not normally, and certainly not the every single BP like he claims. He said he does 15 BPs for 99k dmg and ends up doing 1.5mil in total. That means every hit was 99k and it's not happening. I do agree though that I still probably won't end up getting it and might just choose the WSD ring, because that's never gonna not be good for my 87 melee jobs, but it's definitely something to think about depending on how often you do Aeonic runs and care about SMN and pet jobs in general. The best/worst thing they did though was put 10% DA on it, too. It can still be a great TP ring for a lot of jobs, and open up really nice options for WAR, specifically, to change gear and still reach 100% DA. That's the real reason it's in the running. You can easily write off the pet part, and obviously the STP ring is best for TP, but this is a dual purpose ring that can be used on most jobs across the board, while, also potentially being one that will help you "clear" content you might have wiped on a time or two before you killed it. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: » Ramuh.Austar said: » none of the damage dealing rings are going to let you clear content you can't to begin with FC ring opens up the most changes to sets. OK, by your bar: which content are you going to clear with new FC sets you couldn't clear with your old FC sets? one example would be the MNK strat we used for sealed fate, my damage was never an issue and even had to turn at some points, but there were times my shadows were down because my FC set wasn't capped. for tanks that like to maintain a specific HP value, the extra FC for example would allow my taru pld to go from 74 to capped FC. other races or ones with more MLs can throw in some quick cast. or those that maintain a higher HP minimum, now you are reaching more FC than you were before. another big one that comes to mind is blu feather tickle/wind spam. with haste and FC being multiplicative for recast, you don't need capped gear haste, and since this ring gives a nice amount in the ring slot in addition to the magic acc, it's a large upgrade on m.acc while maintaining capped recast. the extra damage you do with the other rings are pretty nominal. even if you boost your damage by 2% with these rings, content won't be cleared 2% faster. not to mention that not every fight is going to have the same RNG, over a 3-5 minute fight, a player keeping the same variables can still have upwards of 25% between the low and high DPS values of a fight. Ramuh.Austar said: » but there were times my shadows were down because my FC set wasn't capped. I think people tend to overlook FC on melee jobs and forget these are All Jobs rings. Reaching 40% FC on some melee jobs can be a struggle, much less 80%. Now, I would never choose this ring under any circumstances, even over the tank one, but the FC itself does have some value and I would absolutely put it in all my melee jobs FC sets if I just magically obtained it for free. More bigger number more better than anything you can do defensively.
That's why choice rewards never actually have a choice. You always pick the melee item unless the account is job locked / multibox. How it always was. How it will always be. (and of course, the game is 70% dd's, 20% mages and 10% pet jobs so of course it makes sense the most use is dd options) SimonSes said: » Shiva.Flowen said: » Thank you for writing down my thoughts :) I would add DNC to the list of jobs using PDL too. It has more PDL options, but also box step to further lower def of the target. Possibly also BST with Rage and/or doing Corrosive Ooze. It kinda also gives DRK option to use WSD in armor and you would still probably be able to use PDL on ring with PDL on neck/earring in many situations. Now what can make this ring more niche is Prime WSs having huge attack bonuses, which might be the case considering all this PDL direction they took (song, aftermath). Lol yes I knew exactly why you said it’s a must have for BLU and I agree. I don’t disagree with the points on DNC, BST and DRK, there are certainly situations where it’s going to be bis even with all the other PDL availability and those jobs abilities can make those situations more frequent. DNC I find in a great PDL position with gleti’s body, emp legs (with a boat load of attack too), neck, earring etc, but it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t make use of it. One of the first thoughts when I saw ephramad’s was I need this for PK. I grabbed Cornelia’s for now but I’ll definitely be swapping to ephramad’s to play with soon. The Heroes' Gambit gives no prompt when trying to trade a ring. Presumably only when the ring is tossed. Guess we'll have to wait for someone with a mule to see what the replacement process entails.
Asura.Disclai said: » The Heroes' Gambit gives no prompt when trying to trade a ring. Presumably only when the ring is tossed. Guess we'll have to wait for someone with a mule to see what the replacement process entails. Prothescar dropped on a mule for science. Eagerly awaiting the findings lol LS member confirmed that there is no cost to swapping a ring.
Uncharacteristically merciful of SE. Asura.Disclai said: » LS member confirmed that there is no cost to swapping a ring. Uncharacteristically merciful of SE. Just tried dropped the ring, zoned. No cost swap. So yes, only 'cost' is the conquest tally wait (which is long compared to most of the other mission rewards) but that's nice Remains to be seen if it's 1 tally since acquiring or 1 tally since dropping but it sounds like it's since acquiring Valefor.Prothescar said: » Remains to be seen if it's 1 tally since acquiring or 1 tally since dropping but it sounds like it's since acquiring Can confirm it's since acquiring. LS member dropped theirs post-tally and was able to choose another. |
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