November 2022 Version Update

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November 2022 Version Update
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Posts: 346
By Sidiov 2022-11-11 16:42:29
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36 today
24 mimics
3 LT - junk
12 total thuds - junk (2-3 on some runs)
3 LT (IN A ROW!) - crep cloak, volte bracers, epam ring
2 rainbow chests (first two from lucky streak)
3 gold chests,

probably coincidence, but BOTH rainbow chest runs gave a fresh mars orb on trade-in - and those were back to back runs.
Posts: 898
By Rips 2022-11-11 18:14:40
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Sidiov said: »
36 today
24 mimics
3 LT - junk
12 total thuds - junk (2-3 on some runs)
3 LT (IN A ROW!) - crep cloak, volte bracers, epam ring
2 rainbow chests (first two from lucky streak)
3 gold chests,

probably coincidence, but BOTH rainbow chest runs gave a fresh mars orb on trade-in - and those were back to back runs.

That's very solid for 36 orbs. Good job.
Posts: 112
By Trillium 2022-11-11 18:18:55
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Aerix said: »
I mean, these days REMA-tier weapons are usually considered a basic requirement for almost all content by most groups. So it kind of makes sense that SE has adopted that kind of mindset for their endgame story content as well, especially if one ends up with a complete or nearly complete Prime weapon by the end of it.
Sorry but this doesn't make sense to me.

RMEA-tier weapons are wrongly considered "required" by a part of the community to be invited into end-game content activity.
We already discussed over these boards how, most of the time, this is a very un-inclusive and unjustified approach, but regardless it was the game community requiring that, not the game itself.

It's a big difference Aerix, a HUGE difference.
Story has always allowed ANYBODY to enjoy it. Even people who exclusively do the story and ignore everything else.
I'm not being like the fox & the grapes, this thing doesn't concern me at all. I have multiple RMEAs, I do all sort of end-game activity and you can bet I'm gonna get at least 1 Prime Weapon.

I'm talking about everybody else
People who don't have a RMEA, who never got one nor is interested in one. People who never did end game content, who plays vanilla, who logs in just for the community or for super casual activities. People who do Ambuscade vol1 on E with friends and they struggle even on that.
There's A LOT of people like that. You just don't hear from them because they don't post on FFXIAH and people like us usually don't hang around people like that, but trust me there's a lot.

Now they're gating the story, the motherfucking bloody main story, behind what would be a super intense and insane grind for them. It's like telling them "ok, watch this on youtube because you'll never manage to do it yourself".

Having run sortie on a number of characters to try to scam at least a +1 earring on a few jobs on dm mules, I can say that getting to prime weapons at level 2 will not be an issue for anyone willing to put in a week or two of work. Even if you go solo and do 0 fighting objectives you could probably get 20k muffins in a month at worst. Not terrible for the missions at release. Not nearly as bad as COP at release.

That being said, I am also hoping they don't make higher than level 2 be hard required for missions later on. Was a little annoyed that some mules had the shield for LOL PLD/Majesty shenanigans, will need to use some of their reserves to grab another damage weapon instead of upgrading their +3 gear. (nothing else to spend muffins on really for dm/trove mules)
Posts: 112
By Trillium 2022-11-11 18:44:52
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Ironically, this was posted earlier. Fitting.

Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
If y'all didn't have these stupid tangent discussions in update threads, it would be a lot easier for more casual XIAH users to get actual information about the update. If you have something that you'd prefix with "unpopular opinion but" in a tweet, instead make a thread for it so people who don't care can ignore it.

Anyways, I think Byrth and Martel said it was due tot he current defense on the shield, the shield size, plus the shield skill puts it wildly ahead of Ochain. I'm no pld or shield expert, just what I rad earlier from them.
Yeah, it's the shield skill+, combined with being size 6(same as ochain), that puts it so far ahead. Though the defense is quite nice. And there's great potential for additional stats later.

It's basically an ilvl Ochain. So SE is totally fine adding a new shield, that's effectively an ilvl Ochain, but still doesn't want to actually ilvl Ochain... -_-

If they could have the mp return calculate prior to any damage reduction taking place it could at least have that. Maybe add additional SIRD or something on it... or make it tp return as well, or something weird, like maybe each hit increases meva until you get hit with something then it resets... but that would probably be more tied to a ja I guess...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Longsnake
Posts: 21
By Asura.Longsnake 2022-11-11 23:09:09
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Anyone figure out a new trigger for Vol. 1's "the magical energies dissipate" message?
By 2022-11-12 01:08:46
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Humpo
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Humpo 2022-11-12 04:57:50
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KujahFoxfire said: »
44 > 45 = 1,629,848

I'm a bit curious, what's your EP/Hour?
By 2022-11-12 06:17:00
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Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-11-12 15:29:13
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Man so that's what 10+ hrs/level at this point? So ~100 hours to get from 40-50. What a crazy wamoura.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-11-12 15:36:18
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It's very reasonable, when you don't do it the exact way you all insist on doing it.

Instead of forcing ml50 to do content, get ml50 by doing content.

This is the last thing you get for 6 months, and you want it done in 2 days.

(They never should've let you get exemplar points at all outside of instances, but logistically your whining would've made it impossible)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2022-11-12 16:30:07
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I think youre vastly underestimating the EP you get in instanced content.
Went thru some logs from my last dyna-d
22ish EP per Squadron
45ish per Regiment

Almost 1000 Regiment mobs to get to ML5, which has a very tame total ML earned.

ML 15 = 432k xp, at 45 a pop = almost 10k mobs. That 432k total xp to go from 0-15 is the same as going from 34-35. Theres more content beyond dyna-d obviously, but that 6 months “from instanced only” is highly unlikely.

Thats also not factoring the absolute sodomy of EP loss on death when you have major TNLs. And yes, no matter how god tier good you are, deaths will happen.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-11-12 16:33:08
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You're also splitting that 18 ways. (or however many multiboxes you take)

Between a Dyna, daily omen, daily sorte and daily odyssey it comes out to something reasonable. Also UNM should give exemplar points.

Reasonable being, actually reasonable, and not zealotigously unreasonable. (*)If you find dailies to be reasonable. Which they aren't. But that's another thing.
By 2022-11-12 16:36:39
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-11-12 16:59:46
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I'm hitting ML 30 on all my important jobs and letting daily segments and sortie do the rest. They'll come up with a campaign eventually.

If there is an issue with needing more MLs to get wins then sure, but otherwise I'll get to it eventually.
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-11-12 17:11:19
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They'd have to bump exemplar points in instanced content to be 3-5x what it currently is to be anywhere close to reasonable for the M50 grind.

Our group has someone whose been exclusively WAR for C farms since joining up with us and is only like M32ish. And we've been running pretty consistently with the occasional day missed or weekend break here and there since February. Ody has about the best points for content all things considered and that's still only about 3M points for close to a year. That's is far from reasonable when it its almost 26M to get to 50. That's almost 8 years of "content for ML". The paltry amount you get from Dyna, Sortie, and Omen don't even amount to anything more than a small drip that barely covers a single HP death when you get into the deeper levels.
By 2022-11-12 17:24:40
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-11-12 17:33:36
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It should go without saying that if it were content only, the rates would be higher and/or the amounts would be lower.

The rates and tnls are based on the fact that it's available at any time. It would be different.
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-11-12 17:46:33
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
It should go without saying that if it were content only, the rates would be higher and/or the amounts would be lower.

The rates and tnls are based on the fact that it's available at any time. It would be different.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
It's very reasonable, when you don't do it the exact way you all insist on doing it.

Instead of forcing ml50 to do content, get ml50 by doing content.

This is the last thing you get for 6 months, and you want it done in 2 days.

(They never should've let you get exemplar points at all outside of instances, but logistically your whining would've made it impossible)

These are two very contradictory statements and either way remain untrue to the fact that there is nothing "reasonable" about this. Well outside of botting it for ~10 days or however long that ends up taking.
Posts: 495
By Hopalong 2022-11-12 18:22:04
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Its painfully clear that SE doesn't want you to finish the grind for painfully obvious reasons.

Their job is to make the hours fun for us but they ran short of fun somewhere in 2021 or before I guess.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-11-12 18:22:52
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You think it is unreasonable because you can't have it today.

You are wrong. It's supposed to keep you subbed for another 6 months while they add nothing else.
Posts: 495
By Hopalong 2022-11-12 18:30:02
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I think they are on a more 2-5 year timeline now with current content.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-12 18:35:12
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Well, they did say they wanted to get to the 25th anniversary of the game.
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2022-11-12 18:50:40
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Serjero said: »
They'd have to bump exemplar points in instanced content to be 3-5x what it currently is to be anywhere close to reasonable for the M50 grind.

Our group has someone whose been exclusively WAR for C farms since joining up with us and is only like M32ish. And we've been running pretty consistently with the occasional day missed or weekend break here and there since February. Ody has about the best points for content all things considered and that's still only about 3M points for close to a year. That's is far from reasonable when it its almost 26M to get to 50. That's almost 8 years of "content for ML". The paltry amount you get from Dyna, Sortie, and Omen don't even amount to anything more than a small drip that barely covers a single HP death when you get into the deeper levels.

you know sortie gives much points too yeah?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-11-12 18:52:16
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Sortie gives very little EP. Their mobs give 1/3rd the EP as Odyssey mobs do for the same level, and you kill far fewer of them.
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2022-11-12 18:54:27
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Sortie gives very little EP. Their mobs give 1/3rd the EP as Odyssey mobs do for the same level, and you kill far fewer of them.

that's only if u skip trash and only kill bosses.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-12 19:01:02
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Sortie gives very little EP. Their mobs give 1/3rd the EP as Odyssey mobs do for the same level, and you kill far fewer of them.
Was noticing that the other day, it's a task shame.
For content released after master level, it's a real shame
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-11-12 19:13:53
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
You think it is unreasonable because you can't have it today.

You are wrong. It's supposed to keep you subbed for another 6 months while they add nothing else.

Nothing about M50 is alluring enough to keep people subbed to the game for another 6 months. It'll either be botted all the way over the course of a month or two or not done at all.

It also certainly has little appeal to a casual player base and if anything would deter people from coming back.

Now if it was better tied to content, like a single Ody/Sortie run giving you 5 hrs worth of botting/grinding then people would be at least somewhat pleased with that. It'd still be locked behind time gated daily entry and extend the content they currently have well outside the requirements it'd take to finish getting gear upgraded.

We already have some pretty ridiculous grinds in the game between Sortie, Ody, and REMAs. There wasn't a need for another 300 hr exp grind on top of that. How many groups out there actually have every Ody piece R25? How many people actually have multiple jobs with 5/5 Empy +3 and +2 earrings for those same jobs? How many people actually have 6+ jobs geared with all the toys?

There is certainly a lot of content in this game and due to the nature of the job system and with a lot of gear being compressed from Ody and more wardrobes the amount of people in the game where they'd be sitting in town saying they have nothing to do once they hit M50 on one or two jobs is less than .01%.

They could cut this grind in half and it would still be absurd.

Also yea, sortie sucks for points especially compared to C farms. Even if you cleaved down as much as you possibly could it's still not a good rate, for either muffins or exp.
By Draylo 2022-11-12 19:18:56
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Like, joking aside from earlier post on this, isn't this what all the people who quit wanted? A long term grindfest of EXP? Yet none of them ever come back because of any excuse they come up with. SE just keeps catering to them for some reason, I don't understand it. Personally, I don't mind that we have a longterm grinding goal, part of me wishes we still had traditionally exp parties for it though but I guess with bots and stuff its gone mostly.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-11-12 19:28:06
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Roughly a month of 8 hour days at the rate I EP to get a job to 50.

That's one of the more grindy grinds that's ever ground imo.
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