Dem Galka Bots Doe

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Dem galka bots doe
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rangler33
By Asura.Tsm 2021-08-18 20:50:35
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so i can tell you you're definitely wrong on s. astral, they were up to about 27m/stack prior to sparks nerf. i can't say for certain on heroism but if you go through my posts i wrote down prices at the time. you can always check waybackmachine to find your own numbers as well.

sparks nerf was June (

June (2020):
Riftcinder - 800k/1 (160)
Riftdross - 400K/1 (94)
Pluton - 300k/99 (172)
Beitetsu - 920k/99 (73)
Riftborn Boulder - 700k/99 (183)
Heavy Metal Plates - 7,900k/99 (80)
High Purity Bayld - 780k/99 (97)
Alexandrite - 820k/99 (167)
M. Silver - 375k/1 (103)
L. Jadeshell - 400k/1 (99)
100 Byne Bill - 370k/1 (83)
S. Astral Detritus - 27,000k/99 (111)

so these prices start 5 months after the nerf

November (2020):
Riftcinder - 550k/1 (154)
Riftdross - 300K/1 (94)
Pluton - 180k/99 (76)
Beitetsu - 650k/99 (90)
Riftborn Boulder - 300k/99 (112)
Heavy Metal Plates - 5,900k/99 (144)
High Purity Bayld - 460k/99 (193)
Alexandrite - 400k/99 (280)
M. Silver - 220k/1 (102)
L. Jadeshell - 210k/1 (63)
100 Byne Bill - 200k/1 (29)
S. Astral Detritus - 15,700k/99 (37)
Rostam - 96,000k (4)
Comm. Charm +2 - 49,000k (6)
Beastmen's Medal - 1,500k (145)
Kindred's Medal - 1,800k (101)
Demon's Medal - 1,400k (79)

February (2021):
Riftcinder - 650k/1 (51)
Riftdross - 400K/1 (195)
Pluton - 160k/99 (51)
Beitetsu - 650k/99 (33)
Riftborn Boulder - 145k/99 (147)
Heavy Metal Plates - 5,200k/99 (60)
High Purity Bayld - 700k/99 (11)
Alexandrite - 300k/99 (105)
M. Silver - 140k/1 (82)
L. Jadeshell - 171k/1 (39)
100 Byne Bill - 200k/1 (2)
S. Astral Detritus - 14,800k/99 (72)
Rostam - 80,000k - (6)
Comm. Charm +2 - 43,800k (4)
Beastmen's Medal - 900k (191)
Kindred's Medal - 1,300k (179)
Demon's Medal - 1,100k (31)

s. astrals appear to be 280k/single from the feb 2020 snapshot, can't see the stack price. anyways.. things have definitely went down in value as gil price has went up.

last edit, found my post of june
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2871
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2021-08-18 21:31:13
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Posts: 911
By Seun 2021-08-18 22:13:34
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Asura.Tsm said: »
so i can tell you you're definitely wrong on s. astral

I specifically said "heroism currencies" to mean heroism crystals and aggregates. Both are more expensive now than they were prenerf. Detritus still has nothing to do with crafting or (to my knowledge)duping. Not sure why you tried to plug that in, it doesn't belong there.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2871
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2021-08-18 22:34:10
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Picking out one item that has gotten more expensive when everything else has dropped probably has more to do with supply and demand for that specific item considering you need 26 stacks to get the 25+k RP needed to cap out a +2 neck.

Additionally, regular Joe -can- farm Omen for swarts solo, not happening in Dyna-D. Same with Ambu, which generates a lot of currency supply for the other items.
By Shichishito 2021-08-18 22:41:37
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i'm not familiar with the augmentation process but can't you just do dynamis with your SU5/neck and rank them up that way without ever spending 1 gil on heroism currency?

afaik you can't get around swarts.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2871
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2021-08-18 22:44:46
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Additionally, regular Joe -can- farm Omen for swarts solo, not happening in Dyna-D.
By Shichishito 2021-08-18 22:55:25
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is the rank point ratio so incredibly slow doing the dynmis route? trying to understand what justifies the price for heroism currency when it's entirely optional while swarts aren't.
i get that you can farm swarts solo but there is also way higher demand as the upgrade path of all the old REMA channel in swarts while heroisms are only usefull for SU5.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2871
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2021-08-18 23:48:47
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You're stuck on the job you're doing the neck / weapon for
You cant do it solo (3 person minimum to enter)

As far as how much RP a group can get in a run, well thats is very YMMV. Its been a while, but when I did it way back when with an ok group (18 char, 5 humans), I think we would net about 1800-2000 per run. My numbers may be off on that, but even at 2k per run, thats 13 runs. 2 runs per week = almost two months to cap RP on one item.

Like I said, my numbers may be off, but even if I'm wrong and your average group can make 4k per run, thats still a month to R25 a single piece of gear.
Posts: 71
By dontclickme 2021-08-19 00:47:47
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As far as how much RP a group can get in a run, well thats is very YMMV. Its been a while, but when I did it way back when with an ok group (18 char, 5 humans), I think we would net about 1800-2000 per run. My numbers may be off on that, but even at 2k per run, thats 13 runs. 2 runs per week = almost two months to cap RP on one item.

Depends on the zone and how effective your group is. Sandy and Jeuno give me the best results (around 5-6k per run) doing Aeolian Edge cleaving. Bastok can apparently net a similar result with BLUs, but haven't tried.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 339
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-08-19 01:00:39
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
You're stuck on the job you're doing the neck / weapon for
You cant do it solo (3 person minimum to enter)

As far as how much RP a group can get in a run, well thats is very YMMV. Its been a while, but when I did it way back when with an ok group (18 char, 5 humans), I think we would net about 1800-2000 per run. My numbers may be off on that, but even at 2k per run, thats 13 runs. 2 runs per week = almost two months to cap RP on one item.

Like I said, my numbers may be off, but even if I'm wrong and your average group can make 4k per run, thats still a month to R25 a single piece of gear.
Depends of buffs and competent DDs really, we can with just Melee burn get rank 15~17 from a fresh neck or weapon
Posts: 911
By Seun 2021-08-19 01:02:35
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Breaking 5k RP/run isn't uncommon. There is still a demand for the currency because people don't want to wait the few weeks it takes to finish normally. "I bought this new [insert item here] and I want it to be awesome today" I assume is the logic. Meanwhile, you would still spend less if you paid a merc to do it for twice what they're asking for.

I can see people buying a stack or two to finish capping their items off, but the way this currency moves suggests that this isn't how it's being used.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 339
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-08-19 01:11:53
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You also have those over the top gil buyers/capped gil accounts that bought Aggregates for 4x the price cause you could trade it in less time or just bad a math.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rangler33
By Asura.Tsm 2021-08-19 08:33:52
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Seun said: »
Asura.Tsm said: »
so i can tell you you're definitely wrong on s. astral

I specifically said "heroism currencies" to mean heroism crystals and aggregates. Both are more expensive now than they were prenerf. Detritus still has nothing to do with crafting or (to my knowledge)duping. Not sure why you tried to plug that in, it doesn't belong there.
s. astrals is used in a similar way and drops from the same event. i didn't think you were dumb enough to pick specifically 1 item and say "this is evidence that not everything is down in value", when it's literally everything except for that specific item.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2441
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-08-19 09:23:07
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S. Astrals come from omen, which any endgame player needs to do semi-frequently to cap out their AF. Heroism only come from dynamis, and a significant portion of players are willing to kill W1 boss and buy their upgrade mats, so there isn't anywhere near the guaranteed stock.

Dynamis drops in general are getting pretty scarce, since few farm it outside of those selling RP or W3 runs. The campaigns are pretty significant for voids/shards/medals, but do nothing for heroism.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rangler33
By Asura.Tsm 2021-08-19 10:04:11
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looks like it's also just straight up wrong that heroism haven't come down:

really wish ffxiah had a useful price history. would literally be pennies in hosting for just a bigger table

edit: suen prob mad hes had to shell out for a few necks recently
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Ferusio
Posts: 353
By Hades.Ferusio 2021-08-19 10:21:14
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I have recently come back after a really long pause and when I stopped playing I had like 65% of Apocalypse, so to get back into the swing of writing macros and gear etc I've been soloing dyna in the same way I used to Lowman Dreamworld dynamis with a small pt, so usually I don't get a whole load of time to play because I'm old and have responsivities so mostly I would do a 1 run a day on dyna Bubu usually very quiet on Cerb so pretty much always get to myself.
Yesterday I got as chunk of time and over the last month and have got up to like 85% of Apocalypse. As I had a chunk to play I thought I would do as much dyna as I could stomach, so did 3 extra zone on my rotation adding Bastok, Jeuno and then Valk. So the main thing I noticed the three that I don't normally do were crawling with RMT just killing everything en mass with very little attention to proc', is this typical of Dyna zones during times when it is daylight in Asia?
Posts: 884
By Rips 2021-08-19 10:25:14
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They're back. All of them. Lol.
Posts: 884
By Rips 2021-08-19 10:26:20
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Hades.Ferusio said: »
I have recently come back after a really long pause and when I stopped playing I had like 65% of Apocalypse, so to get back into the swing of writing macros and gear etc I've been soloing dyna in the same way I used to Lowman Dreamworld dynamis with a small pt, so usually I don't get a whole load of time to play because I'm old and have responsivities so mostly I would do a 1 run a day on dyna Bubu usually very quiet on Cerb so pretty much always get to myself.
Yesterday I got as chunk of time and over the last month and have got up to like 85% of Apocalypse. As I had a chunk to play I thought I would do as much dyna as I could stomach, so did 3 extra zone on my rotation adding Bastok, Jeuno and then Valk. So the main thing I noticed the three that I don't normally do were crawling with RMT just killing everything en mass with very little attention to proc', is this typical of Dyna zones during times when it is daylight in Asia?

I couldn't tell you, friend. I'm sure someone here can.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2441
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-08-19 10:26:26
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Pretty typical to see bots in jeuno 24/7, because there is an abundance of NMs and all NMs have a ~5% chance of dropping 100s without procs. Since they use low quality bots, they can't proc efficiently, and jeuno becomes highest output.

I can't comment on the others, I would think output is extremely low without procs.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-19 10:54:37
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In addition, if they weren't there, you could run a tight loop killing NMs. When you get a bijou, drag your train of undesirable NQ mobs to the boss pop, use a macro to trade the trigger and they all despawn. This lets you focus purely on the NMs, which are more worth your time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-19 11:12:59
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Rips said: »
They're back. All of them. Lol.

Obviously. They never don't come back. it's just impossible to know if they're new accounts or the guy took a break. Either way doesn't matter. The result is the same, cash money.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-19 11:18:09
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No sign of the Galka gang on Odin for a number of days now.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2441
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-08-19 11:29:47
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Rips said: »
They're back. All of them. Lol.
Not all of them, 1 alliance on Asura it looks like. Sat/Sun they had alliances on every server, multiple on some. If they got 3dayed Monday morning, they wouldn't be back yet because of the way it rounds. Whether the others show back up or not, seems pretty obvious they got permaed monday and waited until the weekend to reroll in hopes they'd get more time in.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-19 11:36:11
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Here's the thing, if they were banned, why wait at all?

If I get banned at 3am, I have 2 new bots up and running at 3:30. Especially if they're actually in china, it's 3pm there at midnight PST. They just stand around, *** in hand and not make new accounts because reasons?

As obvious as it seems to you they got banned, it seems obvious to me a break is taken so an investigation if they bother to do one possibly fails due to no bot being online. hard to say they were botting nonstop if they actually stop, eh? It's why I want them to answer.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rangler33
By Asura.Tsm 2021-08-19 12:02:20
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SE doesn't ban on the weekends, it seems obvious as thorny said, that they are doing a thursday-until they are banned rotation to try and get the maximum time in as possible. if they ever break that habit and bot monday-thursday your argument might have some credence eiryl. but i would say as of now it definitely does not.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2441
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-08-19 12:03:38
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
If I get banned at 3am, I have 2 new bots up and running at 3:30. Especially if they're actually in china, it's 3pm there at midnight PST. They just stand around, *** in hand and not make new accounts because reasons?
Paying for 18 account keys to get banned within 24 hours is not financially viable, they take 3-4 hours to cash out sparks(watch them, I did). Best case that's 6 cashouts = 12m in a day. Realistically, they probably aren't anywhere near accolades cap, perhaps aren't even unlocking accolades to begin with. If they do that on a monday and get banned tuesday, they literally make less money than the accounts cost.

If they do it on the weekend, they guarantee they're ok until SE steps into the office and bans them, so they have a chance to make profit.

I don't know why you think SE needs them online to do an investigation, they have logs of everything going on and they'll be keyed by character ID so even if the characters have since been deleted they are easy to pull up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-19 12:17:55
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Like I've said a thousand times. It's not about can't it's won't.

They won't ban them 24 hours after a start or 3 minutes after a start it's a week seemingly minimum. For "investigation" purposes. Red tape and whatnot.

If they had some fear they'd start tomorrow not on Thursday. I assume stf is in The office right now.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2441
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-08-19 12:19:55
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Like I've said a thousand times. It's not about can't it's won't.

They won't ban them 24 hours after a start or 3 minutes after a start it's a week seemingly minimum. For "investigation" purposes. Red tape and whatnot.

Someone never botted cruor, because that's absolutely not true. I get that you have a half dozen gimp chars running easy farm, but you're arguing with people that have real operations and real insight onto SE's policy. Your sample size is absolutely nothing in comparison to mine.

If you're so sure that's not what's happening, start buying keys and let us know how long they last.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-19 12:21:28
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I already do and thwy laat months. Starting another two next week in anticipation of next Thursdays one ban.

I'm not going run 18 taru around saruta though that's too much effort.
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