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Posts: 891
By Rips 2021-06-15 08:45:57
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Oh, I know they didn’t just call the auction house the market board. Them be fighting words.
Posts: 14802
By Pantafernando 2021-06-15 09:04:24
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No reimbursement for disposing it.

How cheap
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JoeRogan
Posts: 82
By Sylph.Herbs 2021-06-21 10:45:50
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The developers really don't seem to know what they want to do lately.

They nerf Geo and other jobs in harder content, they make no attempts to make content easier for casual players that obviously struggle doing stuff above N because of how much damage they take and then they bring out Nyame set that can be used on all jobs. It's not even that hard or long winded to get by ffxi standards, this set should of taken 12 months to get for the stats it offers. Let alone augments.

The people that want the challenge are now all wearing gear that makes it far easier and makes the majority of the mechanics of fights far less annoying, massive -dmg taken stats, huge chunks of magic evasion.

This gear is basically a nerf to all the content in the game, for the players that *say* want nerfs the least.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-06-21 10:58:05
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Sylph.Herbs said: »
This gear is basically a nerf to all the content in the game, for the players that *say* want nerfs the least.

Or they could be coming out with beefed up content that makes the gear a necessity. They have already spoken about removing level correction on former zones, and they are doing something with Job progression system. The new monsters could be as high as CL 150. Who knows. It does make former content/mechanics non-threatening, but that is the progression of gear creep in a 20 year old game.
By Draylo 2021-06-23 00:16:26
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It reminds me of what they did with Abyssea and how huge the jump was from the gear we had previously. People said they jumped the gun after Abyssea ended and the gear was so powerful it obsoleted every content that came before, then right after they came out with Voidwatch and that increased the difficulty a bit from Abyssea.

Hopefully they have the same plan, although this jump seems quite extreme giving the new sets, especially Nyame, as its completely ridiculous and all jobs. The other option is they don't give a ***about the game anymore and just want to go out with a bang with whatever is coming in 2021.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-23 00:19:03
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let's not all forget the uproar with the release of Delve at the start of iLvl gear and content, and how much the population bitched that the content was impossible without the gear from it. Perhaps they just took a lesson from that backlash and decided to release at least a start to newer gear that will be "needed" for upcoming content instead of the other way around like before.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tawhoya
Posts: 387
By Asura.Tawhoya 2021-06-23 02:21:52
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I took another break and have desperately been wanting to re-up, but reading the dev post kinda took me aback... 20 years this game existed and I've been apart of it for over 15 years. 15 years is nearly 1/2 my life that I've played this game and have actually "devoted" a great portion of my life to it... what a spectacular creation.

In my current situation, I cannot use discord or adhere to static event times and that really limits my usage of this game so I miss out on a good portion of what the game holds. (My latest hiatus of the game is primarily due to ALL activities of the people I know having events locked behind Discord). But regardless of the deterrent, the game still calls to me. I'm simply amazed at how well developed this game was to, not only last, but be a prominent force in my thoughts/logic throughout nearly 1/2 of my life.
By Draylo 2021-06-23 04:03:38
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Same here, its because its the best!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 583
By Asura.Meliorah 2021-06-23 08:10:04
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Asura.Tawhoya said: »
I took another break and have desperately been wanting to re-up, but reading the dev post kinda took me aback... 20 years this game existed and I've been apart of it for over 15 years. 15 years is nearly 1/2 my life that I've played this game and have actually "devoted" a great portion of my life to it... what a spectacular creation.

In my current situation, I cannot use discord or adhere to static event times and that really limits my usage of this game so I miss out on a good portion of what the game holds. (My latest hiatus of the game is primarily due to ALL activities of the people I know having events locked behind Discord). But regardless of the deterrent, the game still calls to me. I'm simply amazed at how well developed this game was to, not only last, but be a prominent force in my thoughts/logic throughout nearly 1/2 of my life.

This game doesn't really require high levels of communication, just do what you need to be doing and everything works out. I'm curiouis why you cannot use discord tho, lack of smartphone somehow? on a pc from 1990s?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-23 08:33:24
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Asura.Meliorah said: »
This game doesn't really require high levels of communication, just do what you need to be doing and everything works out. I'm curiouis why you cannot use discord tho, lack of smartphone somehow? on a pc from 1990s?

Its very true, its possible to play every aspect of this game right now without Discord. It just requires more personal knowledge for everyone vs a few giving orders and faster typing than most want to do in a video game these days. So its not really the game stopping those who prefer to not use voice communication from participating, its the playerbase's habits.

In regards to "not being able to use Discord"- I know from personal experience what it is like to be married to someone you love very much, who loves you, and yet absolutely abhors video games. My ex and I were married for 10 years- 15 years of a relationship total. Yet she never from day one understood my love of gaming. It was my thing, and she had hers. But a MAJOR rule in our marriage was me not using voice chat. Creeped her out.

I know, I know- its ridiculous. Its no different than typing in my mind, but to the non-gamer hearing you talk to other people so comfortably that your partner has never met can be unnerving. I still know a lot of married folks who's spouse is ok with them gaming, but draw a hard line at voice coms.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rangler33
By Asura.Tsm 2021-06-23 08:36:59
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sounds very strange. do they also oppose zoom meetings for work?

most interviews these days have at least some virtual interview concept as well.

edit: open ended question for anyone that has a SO that feels this way, not picking on anyone
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-23 08:50:07
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Asura.Tsm said: »
sounds very strange. do they also oppose zoom meetings for work?

most interviews these days have at least some virtual interview concept as well.

edit: open ended question for anyone that has a SO that feels this way, not picking on anyone

oh no worries- never forget probably the most key aspect of my prior post: "my ex". No, FFXI was not part of the divorce, but our general difference in personality and what we drew enjoyment from can definitely be revealed through this conflict we had.

Things like zoom calls or virtual interviews were viewed very differently, as simply part of one's job. But my ex-wife viewed things like Skype (the platform of choice back then) with my gaming friends as me having a social circle she had no way to converse with, meet, or really know anything about. And it made her nervous I think. Not from a cheating aspect- she at least knew enough about the gaming world to know how male-dominated it is in terms of percentages of players- I think it was a very big thing for her feeling like I had people I talked to about things I didn't talk about with her.

Some SO's who don't game also see even online gaming as no different than console gaming...until they realize the very intimate level of communication and sharing that happens between players, in particular a game like FFXI where one socializes with the same people for years sometimes. And its impossible to ignore that intimacy when they're down the hall hearing your side of voice coms.

My personal experience essentially boils down to this: non-gamers don't understand how we develop such close bonds with people we never meet. And it intimidates them to be on the outside of a world so important to their spouse.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 583
By Asura.Meliorah 2021-06-23 09:42:04
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People be crazy, I couldn't imagine someone telling me I can't sit in a room and talk to the wall.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rangler33
By Asura.Tsm 2021-06-23 09:53:03
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yeah i can't imagine it either. i mean.. phones are barely a different concept than computers when it comes to talking to someone that is not physically there
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-23 09:58:52
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really isn't so much about the actual concept of voice coms, but more the associated community behind they're not part of. All the examples that people have given so far as comparable almost always include people you know in the real world as well- work, phone calls, etc. Gaming voice coms is a very unique concept to a non-gamer...and they feel left out.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-06-23 10:21:10
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I keep hearing people talk about Discord like all the time. It used to be Ventrillo. At one point it was Teamspeak. I simply taught myself through FFXI how to type fast AF. I have no need for Discord.

I have always had music, a show, youtube, or a movie playing in the background while playing FFXI. I'm not turning my thing off so I can hear someone on a bad mic make a joke or try to explain to me (the WHM) that I need to keep people alive. I know my job. I'm sure for setting up skillchains, bursts, or some weird monster dynamic it is useful, but it's not my bag, baby.

Oh. When I tried Discord, all it wanted to do was be slow AF and constantly update all the time. Hard pass.
Posts: 223
By joemamma 2021-06-23 10:23:30
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Asura.Tawhoya said: »
I took another break and have desperately been wanting to re-up, but reading the dev post kinda took me aback... 20 years this game existed and I've been apart of it for over 15 years. 15 years is nearly 1/2 my life that I've played this game and have actually "devoted" a great portion of my life to it... what a spectacular creation.

In my current situation, I cannot use discord or adhere to static event times and that really limits my usage of this game so I miss out on a good portion of what the game holds. (My latest hiatus of the game is primarily due to ALL activities of the people I know having events locked behind Discord). But regardless of the deterrent, the game still calls to me. I'm simply amazed at how well developed this game was to, not only last, but be a prominent force in my thoughts/logic throughout nearly 1/2 of my life.

I'm the complete opposite I've avoided events that require discord. I find people incessantly chatting about random ***annoying to no end. I find discord to be very distracting and breaks immersion of the game.

And yes I could mute people but at that point why even get on discord.
By 2021-06-23 10:29:33
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 735
By Asura.Sirris 2021-06-23 10:34:24
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Eh Discord is different than Ventrillo or Teamspeak. It's a social media and communication platform unto itself that has largely replaced old-style forums like this one. Hard to do endgame today without it... my LS for instance centralizes around Discord much more so than in-game. At this point we wouldn't take people who can't do Discord and voice chat and a lot of LSes are like that these days.

Listening to music and watching stuff while playing XI is cool for solo stuff or mindless farming but not for harder content IMO.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-06-23 10:41:27
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Hard to do endgame today without it

I don't know what your definition of "hard" is. I have done every corner of endgame without it. It certainly helps for really structured events, like Master Trials or a doing a dynamis volte run for the first or second time. Lowmanning something like a merc, it's absolutely a bonus for being as efficient as possible. I am not going to argue that it is not helpful. But I wouldn't say not using Discord makes clearing events challenging. I think what really makes events challenging is not establishing a core strategy up front and making sure everyone is comfortable handling it. A solid group that never uses Discord is always going to be more functional than a PUG who uses Discord. It just comes down to basic fundamentals.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-23 10:45:16
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Eh Discord is different than Ventrillo or Teamspeak. It's a social media and communication platform unto itself that has largely replaced old-style forums like this one. Hard to do endgame today without it... my LS for instance centralizes around Discord much more so than in-game. At this point we wouldn't take people who can't do Discord and voice chat and a lot of LSes are like that these days.

Listening to music and watching stuff while playing XI is cool for solo stuff or mindless farming but not for harder content IMO.

Agreed. Discord has become almost our own personal repository of information, in particular a great thing for some of our members who aren't as forum-addicted as others (cough-me) for quick access to tactics, luas, gearsets, etc. And on top of that its a lot easier to pass on an event update in Discord at lunchtime knowing your members will see it on their phone hours before they might get online. Not to mention the usual task managing of schedules, jobs available, loot tables.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-06-23 10:49:07
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Asura.Sirris said: »
Hard to do endgame today without it

I don't know what your definition of "hard" is. I have done every corner of endgame without it. It certainly helps for really structured events, like Master Trials or a doing a dynamis volte run for the first or second time. Lowmanning something like a merc, it's absolutely a bonus for being as efficient as possible. I am not going to argue that it is not helpful. But I wouldn't say not using Discord makes clearing events challenging. I think what really makes events challenging is not establishing a core strategy up front and making sure everyone is comfortable handling it. A solid group that never uses Discord is always going to be more functional than a PUG who uses Discord. It just comes down to basic fundamentals.

Cosign on this one. Also like to add, there is another component to this that I've noticed more so today than say a few years back:

There are a number of people who just don't want to be bothered with reading/typing and rather communicate with their actual voice in real time. Not to to say either way is better than the other, it's just how the landscape has evolved.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JoeRogan
Posts: 82
By Sylph.Herbs 2021-06-23 11:24:42
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Requirements for voice chat isn't about anything but people wanting a more social experience and to hear other peoples voices.

Even newbie shells push it while doing stuff, it's not about better communication or because content is so hard it's needed. They just want to hear peoples voices for emotional or social reasons, especially during current times.

When we play the game normally, text chat is usually about what we are doing and it's more about the game. With voice chat, they are talking about random stupid crap 90% of the time, then someone is playing music or someone gets excited or angry and starts shouting, swearing or squealing.

However I think some like it because it allows them to communicate off the platform in ways that might get them banned too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 735
By Asura.Sirris 2021-06-23 11:33:07
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Asura.Sirris said: »
Hard to do endgame today without it

I don't know what your definition of "hard" is. I have done every corner of endgame without it. It certainly helps for really structured events, like Master Trials or a doing a dynamis volte run for the first or second time. Lowmanning something like a merc, it's absolutely a bonus for being as efficient as possible. I am not going to argue that it is not helpful. But I wouldn't say not using Discord makes clearing events challenging. I think what really makes events challenging is not establishing a core strategy up front and making sure everyone is comfortable handling it. A solid group that never uses Discord is always going to be more functional than a PUG who uses Discord. It just comes down to basic fundamentals.

I mean in the sense that Celebrindal said, Discord is so amazing for coordinating stuff, sharing knowledge and strats and luas, etc. Not having that makes things more difficult, not impossible but the convenience of it, especially for most of us who play this game still and are older, we have families, careers, we do stuff that means we won't always be in-game, but we can pull out our phone and check Discord to see if anyone needs help or has anything planned.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1353
By Fenrir.Richybear 2021-06-23 14:09:26
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It also can help keep things casual at times. Doing W3 dyna or Odyssey whether it's farming or bosses and you hop on to shoot the ***with your group. Most times the convos are like "Yeah yeah, you know what to do... so how was your day?" normal stuff. Could also be since smaller server, I've had generally the same group for years really. I know otherwise I'll be stupid shy on voice things, but now I'm at the point of *dog is squeaking wanting treats, so I'll push the button* "Rocket says hi, but also up your dps" type comments

I don't thing I've had Disco or Mumble/Vent/2cansandstring be overly serious since Delve 1 era... kinda.
Posts: 891
By Rips 2021-06-23 20:24:13
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The ventrillo days. Don't remind me.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Botosi
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2021-06-23 21:10:26
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I used to enjoy going on discord/ventrilo when I was younger, but as I’m older I’d much rather have music/tv/movie playing in the background.

Maybe y’all got more annoying, idk.
By Draylo 2021-06-23 21:44:37
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I kind of miss it but then again Im content not having it lol
Posts: 891
By Rips 2021-06-23 22:15:28
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*pushes to...laugh*
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2021-06-24 10:57:24
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Aw yeah, nothing said good times like hearing nerds audibly spit while talking about claiming Fafnir.
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