Dev Tracker - Discussion
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2886
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-05-07 07:41:12
Honestly, it's a challenge. Today's decent players have:
-Insane ego for doing easy content
-Gear creep
-Tons of jp capped jobs, rmea, etc
-An obscene amount of addons that amount to cheating in common use
Even with all these things, the idea of even trying to do multiple high-rank NMs is too much? Quitter. It's like people just want to grind easy content(and make no mistake, these NMs are easy, because you've boiled them all down to braindead zerg strats) and think it makes them skilled or jerk off to their RP slowly climbing.
This is a challenge, and while it may not be the most fairly designed or balanced challenge, I expect the players who consider themselves to be good to actually want to beat it, rather than grind the same way they have been.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-05-07 07:44:44
You can do any tier. And monk can practically solo v15 dullahan. Similar situation with rdm and sgili. Blu with acuex. Etc.
I can see groups using the amplifier for Bumba or their t3 boss of choice, and then filling the other two bosses with t1/2 at 15 just to keep the difficulty low.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2886
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-05-07 07:50:07
Sure, but unless the amplifier gives an additional 250% you're still getting less Bumba RP than you would otherwise for 10500 segments. Some of the T1-T2 stuff is worth eventually augmenting, but to really make use of it you're likely going to want to be able to do T3+T3 or T3+Bumba.
Suppose on Asura you might do it just to not have to wait in line 3.5x.. lol
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-05-07 07:52:18
I see what they were going for, but as always it isn't what the meta wanted.
They want to spam bumba to max out nyame and *** everything else. This doesn't help with that. I don't think anyone can do 3 bumba 15's in one set.
For the other people, yeah, it'll work nicely. You can mix it up and get 3 wins and increase your points. For the ones that aren't laser focused on bumba every time.
The whole story arc for Odyssey is like that. I see what the plan was, it makes sense, but it wasn't exactly what people wanted. *sadface*
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Asura.Aravlis 2021-05-07 08:45:51
For the love of God can they just do the sensical thing and make it so each job can only be used once PER PLAYER?!? This whole system would be so much better if that was the case. Functional setups could be used in 3 consecutive runs without having to figure out how to do content without a WHM or BRD or whatever as long as everyone in your group has multiple useful jobs available.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2886
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-05-07 08:48:08
For the love of God can they just do the sensical thing and make it so each job can only be used once PER PLAYER?!? This whole system would be so much better if that was the case. Functional setups could be used in 3 consecutive runs without having to figure out how to do content without a WHM or BRD or whatever as long as everyone in your group has multiple useful jobs available. Completely missing the point. They want you to make multiple strategies and stop relying on the same broken jobs and abilities. The game has so many strong jobs and concepts, it's perfectly doable.
By Taint 2021-05-07 08:54:08
How about give us our SJs back instead of forcing us to Naegling all the things.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Asura.Aravlis 2021-05-07 09:07:43
I understand that that's what the intent is. I just think it's nonsense. If there was other current content in end-game I'd actually kind of like the idea of the challenge in strategy but with this being the only thing it seems they are trying too hard to get us to do something we really don't want to do.
My fix to make everyone happy - allow repeat jobs, as long as they are on different players, but give a bonus at the end based on the number of different jobs used.
By Garretts 2021-05-07 09:15:18
Do they want us to GASP DO CHALLENGING THINGS!??
I'll admit the no sub job, no repeat job mechanic is horse ***.
However, it's also an interesting thought on how it could be done.
It's definetly a static sort of addition to the content, not very pug friendly i'd say, but who's Pug'ing Bumba V15 right now anyway? (If you are, you're light years ahead of everyone else, and should rightly be proud of yourself, disregard my thoughts)
So 6 people, what are the best 18 jobs and how are those jobs divided well enough:
WHM, SCH, RDM, possibly PUP
we're cheesing the ***out of bumba by zerging it down before it has a chance to even do it's aura/fetter's move, and clearly that works but in the times we've caught an unlucky death, or attack down aura paired with bad rolls and actually had to deal with the mechanics, we proc'd blue (it's arguable that we got increidbly lucky in the 3 or 4 times this happened) and the fight was ABSOUTELY manageable.
Assuming that a working strategy develops, each person would only need to gear out and have ready 3 jobs. IF that's a stretch in 2021 for some groups, then maybe clearing bumba v15 isn't the problem.
I had an additional thought, that maybe they designed bumba to be clearable on the same types of setups that the other T3 NM's require.
Mboze = pet jobs
Ongo = Skillchain/Magic burst
Chezui = Ranger
Shark = blunt
Bee = piercing
dinosaur = slashing
So maybe the intent with Bumba was to fight it as a melee zerg 1 time, a ranger/tank fight another, and a pet heavy method a third time.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Brixy 2021-05-07 09:19:34
The NMs are easy. It was never an issue of beating 3 in a row. The issue is the system itself. Some jobs lose a lot without a subjob. Scholar lose barspells, haste and phalanx. Bard loses dual wield and the ability to help heal via /WHM or /RDM. Tanks lose enmity tools from /BLU and /DRK. Etc...
Its not so much the fights as much as it is trying to stitch together 3 viable sets of tanks, healers, and buffers for those NMs when we are missing a lot of tools.
By Garretts 2021-05-07 09:22:38
Whm or Sch
PLD or Run
??? <honestly unsure of a 6th slot on this setup
WHM or Sch
Pld or Run
I'm spit balling here folks: Just like there's an optimal way to zerg it down with *** Naeglings, There's a means to fight 3 fights in a row with 18 different jobs only being used once.
I'mma be honest. This isn't AV with 2hr's.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2886
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-05-07 09:27:02
trying to stitch together 3 viable sets of tanks, healers, and buffers
Let's not pretend this game doesn't have some of, if not the, most job variety of any game on the market.
BLU can remove debuffs, diamondhide, heal, etc.
DNC with split timers can produce a huge amount of raw healing.
PUP can tank with essentially no healing, even better if combined with a setup that can be out of range.
PLD with majesty can put out huge amounts of aoe healing.
Every single job can now cap subtle blow with path B SU5 weapons.
There are far more than 3 viable setups, it's a matter of being able to both plan ahead and figure out what will give you problems. You have to plan the setups based on the NMs you're doing and use strategy that isn't based around brainless zerg. But, it's definitely not impossible, there is an insane amount of flexibility in the game.
Even if you don't want to try anything unique, you still have:
tank: PLD, RUN, PUP
healer: WHM, SCH, RDM
and then you can support the SCH with a dancer(helps make up for heal volume since SCH will need stratagems for -na) and support the RDM with a BLU and DPS carrying the meds you can freely access infinitely from curio(since they can't -na)
By Garretts 2021-05-07 09:56:35
and Thorny looked upon the sniveling mass of parse watching simpleton and said one simple word:
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 371
By Ragnarok.Inx 2021-05-07 10:17:28
RP is calculated based on damage dealt, so you don't need to win to be awarded it right?
So isn't the question really how are the rp increase(s) applied? Is it a boost to rate, or bonus on returning to the waiting area?
I mean as someone pointed out above there seems no stipulation for there to be 3 different NM's, the challenge always being that you lose access to what you used previously within the same gaol visit.
Looking at what this system seems to be trying to achieve in an activity sense is simply to encourage people to burn all 3 KI's on every entry.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1222
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2021-05-07 10:29:49
All this discussion just makes me glad I had zero interest in augmenting any of the gear in the first place
I've got enough grinding going on already with mastery rank!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2886
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-05-07 10:41:55
Here, did some of it for you:
-SCH, DNC can heal. DRG has restoring for emergencies. SMN has some healing potential.
-SCH handles -na. Meds for backup.
-Haste cap from Hastega2 and embrava(add haste samba after embrava gone, still almost capped).
-ratio from box step, angon(+surge), crimson howl
-accuracy from feint, diamond storm, conspirator, ecliptic howl
-SCH and DRG use 1h.
PLD(tank, extra heal)
-RDM, PLD, BLU can heal.
-Meds for debuffs.
-Mighty guard + haste2 for haste cap. Wild card to get a second cast in.
-Ratio from chaos roll, dia(lightshot), and ageha or frightful roar
-Accuracy from hunters, food, distract.
-COR uses 1h.
Blunt(or zerg, just change out pup):
-WHM is only healer, but they can handle it.
-WHM can handle debuffs, but should have meds for backup.
-Haste + march for haste cap.
-dia2, fury, frailty, shell crusher for ratio.
-precision, madrigals for accuracy.
-BRD, GEO, WAR use 1h.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4154
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2021-05-07 10:48:39
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Brixy 2021-05-07 10:49:53
trying to stitch together 3 viable sets of tanks, healers, and buffers
Let's not pretend this game doesn't have some of, if not the, most job variety of any game on the market.
BLU can remove debuffs, diamondhide, heal, etc.
DNC with split timers can produce a huge amount of raw healing.
PUP can tank with essentially no healing, even better if combined with a setup that can be out of range.
PLD with majesty can put out huge amounts of aoe healing.
Every single job can now cap subtle blow with path B SU5 weapons.
There are far more than 3 viable setups, it's a matter of being able to both plan ahead and figure out what will give you problems. You have to plan the setups based on the NMs you're doing and use strategy that isn't based around brainless zerg. But, it's definitely not impossible, there is an insane amount of flexibility in the game.
Even if you don't want to try anything unique, you still have:
tank: PLD, RUN, PUP
healer: WHM, SCH, RDM
and then you can support the SCH with a dancer(helps make up for heal volume since SCH will need stratagems for -na) and support the RDM with a BLU and DPS carrying the meds you can freely access infinitely from curio(since they can't -na)
Let's not pretend this game doesn't have a huge inventory problem either. I'm all for experimenting and job exploring and have always been a fan of that line of thinking. I've used dnc to tank and main heal when viable for a long time as well as pup tanking. covering 18-22 jobs between 6 people with our current inventory will be very difficult for most people. Hell, with both my characters combined I have brd, cor, war, mnk, drg, dnc, sch, smn, and pup. That's only 9/22 with 2 characters and maxed out inventory/sacks on both. Do I have a bunch of situational sets because I like to max a jobs potential? Absolutely. But that's exactly what you are trying to purpose to get around an awful event design.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2886
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-05-07 10:51:18
9/22 with 2 characters extrapolates to 27/22 with 6 characters
all i'm hearing is a lot of excuses from the people who can't fathom having to do something besides buff and spam ctrl-1(or turn auto-ws on..)
By joemamma 2021-05-07 10:54:51
If you buy that new FFXI T shirt you get a 300% bonus to RP.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2021-05-07 11:04:36
I have too many jobs geared to get my gear specifically in the slots accessible to the Moogle in Odyssey. It's utterly RIDICULOUS that there's an event where they want you to change jobs mid-process AND NOT GIVE YOU ACCESS TO ALL OF YOUR INVENTORY.
I'm so close to being done with this game until this content blows over. Odyssey is really losing me. I normally don't complain to this point, but it's extremely un-fun.
If you dont have a perma then it's miserable shouting for people. I spend 20+ mins shouting for a tank on the busiest server. I can't imagine what the dead servers are like. Then when I do find a tank they take 30 seconds buffing before pulling any mobs.
The repetitive segments farms followed by the repetitive NMs aren't fun.
The lack of subjobs is ridiculous and annoying.
This content blows. I'm sorry, but it sucks. I've seen more people dwindling away the past few months than I have in a while and I understand why.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2021-05-07 11:11:58
I'm confident that eventually they'll get things right for Odyssey, with more small tweaks here and there.
And surely this little experience will teach them what NOT to do for the next content.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2021-05-07 11:14:47
year 20 is the year they will finally learn
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2021-05-07 11:28:30
I have too many jobs geared to get my gear specifically in the slots accessible to the Moogle in Odyssey. It's utterly RIDICULOUS that there's an event where they want you to change jobs mid-process AND NOT GIVE YOU ACCESS TO ALL OF YOUR INVENTORY.
I'm so close to being done with this game until this content blows over. Odyssey is really losing me. I normally don't complain to this point, but it's extremely un-fun.
If you dont have a perma then it's miserable shouting for people. I spend 20+ mins shouting for a tank on the busiest server. I can't imagine what the dead servers are like. Then when I do find a tank they take 30 seconds buffing before pulling any mobs.
The repetitive segments farms followed by the repetitive NMs aren't fun.
The lack of subjobs is ridiculous and annoying.
This content blows. I'm sorry, but it sucks. I've seen more people dwindling away the past few months than I have in a while and I understand why.
I feel this so much. There’s zero reason why NQ phones don’t stack on the NPC like Omen. And honestly there’s zero reason why farming segments can’t be a server wide event like WoE. At the very least if I want to farm segments for four hours straight I should be able to. I have been doing less an less on game lately because of how poorly Odyssey is designed.
By joemamma 2021-05-07 11:29:29
20 years to make EMP armor plus 3 hype levels so high they will never live up to expectations.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-05-07 11:29:30
Returning to lobby after winning one fight should reset your SPs.
By Katyl 2021-05-07 11:40:33
Porter moogle when? I can't understand how they make changing jobs between fights a feature and not include this.
By Foxfire 2021-05-07 11:43:39
9/22 with 2 characters extrapolates to 27/22 with 6 characters
all i'm hearing is a lot of excuses from the people who can't fathom having to do something besides buff and spam ctrl-1(or turn auto-ws on..)
By SimonSes 2021-05-07 11:58:09
The biggest problem is that many players will have even 10 jobs but might still not have the proper jobs to fill for 3 fights. There is no many people like me who have pup, dnc etc.
Another problem is that porter moogle is not there. I have no idea how I would even do it without porter moogle. I would need to send like 50 items to another char to make room for 3 sets of jse in the inventory accessible in Gaol.
By Nocki 2021-05-07 12:04:17
The biggest problem is that many players will have even 10 jobs but might still not have the proper jobs to fill for 3 fights. There is no many people like me who have pup, dnc etc.
Another problem is that porter moogle is not there. I have no idea how I would even do it without porter moogle. I would need to send like 50 items to another char to make room for 3 sets of jse in the inventory accessible in Gaol.
Better send those 50 items!
I've seen a lot of people mention reasons not to kill 3 bosses in a row, and no real enthusiasm for completing the content as was originally intended. We should be happy they took an incentive based approach to getting the community to do it how they intended instead of making it consume all 3 moglophones upon entry...
My group is excited to work towards clearing 3 bosses a run and farming RP on a few sets in particular. Along with actually having motivation to gear and use "unconventional" jobs. Is anyone esle excited? =o
This thread is for discussion of recent news from the Dev Tracker - News thread. Keep it civil.
Original thread by Pantafernando archived here.