Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By SimonSes 2020-09-05 17:32:53
Naegling will hit a bit harder at equal effective TP (10 DMG vs 15 MND, 15% damage) FTFY
Assuming we ignore sub hand and take 2350TP Savage ( 11.5 FTP EDIT: 11.125 I wanted to check for 2500TP Savage initially, but then changed to more realistic 2350TP and used right fTP numbers in calculations, but forgot to edit this fTP here)
RDM has around 40% WSD, so for:
No Temper II Sequence thats 15.575 + 1 fTP = 17.1
Temper II Naegling thats (15.575 + 1 + 0.66) * 1.15 = 20.424
Thats almost 20% more damage on Naegling Savage. I wouldnt call that "a bit harder". Also even if you make 40% more TP with Kclub and you probably wont be making more than 1000TP after WS with Naegling/Thibron, then with Kclub you will make around 400TP more. So you are not even matching effective TP on Naegling/Thibron. Also have you take into account that KC has 268 delay and Thibron 238? That wont make much difference, but probably cut another 1-2% TP generation advantage of Sequence/Kclub.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Geriond 2020-09-05 18:51:24
Matching effective TP isn't the goal; firing off as many WSs at 2000+ (or very close) is, so matching the total TP expended isn't an important factor.
For maximum efficiency, Sequence/KC wants to fire off at as close as possible to 1250 TP as it can (going a bit below is fine), while Naegling/Thib wants to fire off as soon as they reach 1000 TP.
As such, the question is, on average, how much faster does Sequence/KC hit ~1250 than Naegling/Thib hits 1000+, and how does this increased speed compare to Naegling's higher WS damage? In order to get a conclusion it'd likely take a statistical spreadsheet-like approach because of both sets being prone to over TPing because RDM has so much multi-attack, especially the Sequence set which will noticeably affect Savage Blade averages.
Keep in mind that Naeg cannot WS at under their preferred value of 1000, so if they get just shy they have to wait a full round before they can WS, while Sequence's goal being 1250 means they can fire at slightly less so they don't have to wait a full round and expend TP at a less efficient rate.
By SimonSes 2020-09-06 01:02:33
On avg in full buff scenario KC will get to just barely above 1000 tp in one round or to like 1600 tp in 2 rounds (speaking from RNG experience with similar setup). Naegling/Thibron will on avg take 2 rounds to get above 1000tp. Now one round with KC is much faster, but you will be at effective tp below 2000 which will be way less damage than Thibron effective tp around 2350 with Naegling. Now 2 rounds with KC with effective tp around 2350 or even 2450 will be both slower than 2 rounds with Thibron and will also do less damage on Savage.
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By Asura.Botosi 2020-09-06 09:24:39
I use my kclub with Crocea for infinite sanguine spam. Can practically never die.
I use Thibron with Naegling because the TP bonus is too good to pass up imo.
I use kclub on easy content because honestly it’s just way more fun.
Just my 2 cents. I don’t do math (this game has too many variables). I just see what works and use what seems faster to me.
By SimonSes 2020-09-06 09:37:05
I use my kclub with Crocea for infinite sanguine spam. Can practically never die.
Yeah this sounds like much better application for KC.
By Chimerawizard 2020-09-06 14:03:28
Anyone know where augmented metamorph ring +1 and the new Unity M.acc cape (augmented) play into effect for Rdm?? cape: sleep, silence, break, & dispel.
ring: every enfeeble aside from poison, frazzle, & distract. also any INT or MND mod ws.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 19:08:03
This might be posted somewhere already, but is there a good list of all the enfeebles and what a RDM should be aiming for with each set? For example, I have seen sets listed like:
Max Magic Accuracy
Enfeebling Skill
Enfeebling Effect (Potency)
Enfeebling Sleep
MND Enfeebles
INT Enfeebles
The above two, but with extra ACC.
I have a general idea of which spells need what, just looking for confirmation so I don't end up using the wrong set with the wrong spell. In the past, I used this page as a reference: https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/53899/question-about-enhancing-duration-and-skill/#3445857
Thanks for any feedback. RDM is a complex job and I'd like to be absolutely certain. Cheers.
By Nariont 2020-09-06 19:18:21
off top of my head the only other "set" i guess would be duration, which only really applies to dia and i think inundation, least ive never seen it get resisted since neither of those really care about potency
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 19:24:14
off top of my head the only other "set" i guess would be duration, which only really applies to dia and i think inundation, least ive never seen it get resisted since neither of those really care about potency
Yup, forgot about that one. I see some people using different sets for certain enfeebles. For example, is Silence best with magic accuracy? Or more of a MND enfeeble set? And what about sleep? Why do some players have a separate set for sleep and what are they aiming for?
Just a couple of questions really, there is more. I have played RDM on and off for a while, basing my sets off the other post, but I see other sources using other things, so it's made me question things.
By Nariont 2020-09-06 19:35:47
in a general sense, enfeebs like silence/sleep/bind that have a set potency and cant be increased with potency gear you want to aim for a mix of duration and int or mnd/macc/skill, and a set focusing on those over duration in harder to resist cases. Then for stuff that does get effected by potency/skill, which is basically everything else you mix that in with duration, again having a back up that favors stats/skill/macc for when its not easy to land stuff.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 19:54:48
in a general sense, enfeebs like silence/sleep/bind that have a set potency and cant be increased with potency gear you want to aim for a mix of duration and int or mnd/macc/skill, and a set focusing on those over duration in harder to resist cases. Then for stuff that does get effected by potency/skill, which is basically everything else you mix that in with duration, again having a back up that favors stats/skill/macc for when its not easy to land stuff.
That's a lot of sets lol. Is there anyway to narrow these down some? Also which spells are using INT, aside from Blind?
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 20:09:35
Blind is the only one. You may want to read the last several pages of this thread. I’m pretty sure all of your questions have already been answered.
That is what I thought, but I'd like to gather it all in one place if we can? I did something similar with Rune Fencer and it turned out to be pretty useful. All I need is confirmation for each spell, if anyone would be up for doing that? I have read so many different things, but I have also read several things that discount them too. Unless someone has already made an extensive list like the one I am suggesting?
By Nariont 2020-09-06 20:12:13
it can be if you really want to min-max i guess, but a lot of your good macc pieces will also be your good mnd/int pieces, your link already listed what spells are mnd/int/skill based and of the skill based spells rdm has i think only frazzle/distract 3 cant be properly reached without giving up too much in potency elsewhere currently. Duration pieces are largely going to be used in your normal sets(jse neck, jse back, etc.)
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 20:25:21
I have seen someone using an INT enfeeble set for Sleep, for example, when in reality you only need magic accuracy? Can add duration if you know it's going to land anyway.
Is Enfeebling skill only affecting Poison II, Frazzle and Distract III like the other posts suggests? BGwiki says it affects magic accuracy in general, for all spells except Dia (and Inundation). 1 skill is 1 magic accuracy, so you need to count up the skill+MACC on each piece to find the best.
EG: Atrophy Tabard +3 has 55 MACC + 21 Skill = 76 accuracy*
*Not counting the set bonus
By Chimerawizard 2020-09-06 20:29:32
skill: Poisons, Frazzles, and Distracts.
*Frazzles & Distracts also have a small MND mod.
MND: Slows, Paralyzes, and addles.
INT: Blinds.
no mod (probably), potency still matters: Gravities. Dia (DoT only)
lacks potency: Silence, Bind, Breaks, and Sleeps.
land rate (accuracy):
MND: Dias, slows, paralyzes, addles, and silence.
INT: Poisons, blinds, bind, gravities, breaks, sleeps, frazzles, and distracts. (probably)
60s: Sleep
90s: Sleep2
120s: Paralyzes, Poisons, Silence
180s: Dias, Slows, Addles, Blinds
300s: Frazzles, Distracts
idk: Gravities, Bind, Break
I try to equal out durations to the best of my ability, so they can mostly be recast within the same saboteur.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 20:36:21
Thanks Chimera, that makes more sense. This is why I see someone using an INT set for sleeps, to help a little with land rate accuracy, but they are still prioritizing pure magic accuracy.
Can I ask how much duration you are aiming for? 3 minutes?
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 21:09:44
To expand on Shadowmeld's helpful post for enhancing magic:
As much skill as you can:
Temper/temper II
500 skill:
Phalanx (phalanx+ if targeting self)
Bar spells
Gain spells
Duration* only:
Regen (with regen potency?)
Refresh (with refresh potency)
*Enhance duration for you, Composure set for others.
By Nariont 2020-09-06 21:11:54
theres no cap to enspells iirc
By Chimerawizard 2020-09-06 21:12:16
120s: ear, ring, leth. gloves, leth body, viti. hat.
180s: nothing
300s: leth. gloves, viti. hat. might also use the ear, not sure.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 21:12:40
theres no cap to enspells iirc
Oh cool, so it's the same set for Temper.
Edited after Nariont's post below.
By Nariont 2020-09-06 21:14:12
so its in the same category as temper, stack as much as you can or more appropiately as much as it takes to hit a tier if you're needing to weigh skill over duration for whatever reason
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 21:15:41
so its in the same category as temper, stack as much as you can or more appropiately as much as it takes to hit a tier if you're needing to weigh skill over duration for whatever reason
Do we know how much skill it is per tier? I know Endark II goes up in tier every 20 skill. Did anyone find out if the other enspells work the same?
By Nariont 2020-09-06 21:22:23
theres a formula on the enspell page but id guess every 8~10 skill is 1 extra point
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-06 21:23:56
theres a formula on the enspell page but id guess every 8~10 skill is 1 extra point
Yeah I see the formula is Floor[(400/3098)(Skill+3.65)]
As it's not confirmed, I'll go for the safe bet and assume it's every 8 skill. That way if I do have any room for duration, I can work some in there.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-09-07 01:21:17
You've put Dia in your "accuracy" list but afaik Dia lands 100% of the time so technically you don't need macc gear.
You can midcast with duration gear and with the Relic hat.
Something similar can be said about Inundation, minus the hat obviously. I don't think Inundation can be resisted in any way, it lands 100% of the time.
Duration* only:
Flurry One thing a lot of people do not know, or at least I didn't know and when this was found out I was very surprised, is that enhancing skill DOES have an effect on Haste spells, but it's not as obvious as one might think.
We don't know the exact details/tiers but the higher your enha skill when you midcast Haste, the harder it becomes for Slow to overwrite Haste.
How does this work in reality? It might be something like that if you cast Haste with 550 skill then you need a 550+ skill Slow for it to be able to overwrite it?
Of course it's not that simple, even because I have no clue how the concept of "skill" applies to enemies. Do they even have a "skill" value?
Nobody has done detailed tests, but there was this french guy (can't remember the name, had a Moogle for avatar) who found out that there was a relation between the skill and the possibility for slow to overwrite it.
I have no clue if this could have any useful implication in game though, I get the impression that against targets that matter, their slowga will always overwrite your haste, probably because we have no means to cast Haste with high enough Enha skill with current gear.
Regardless of that, I use my full duration gear for haste, but fill the slots where there is no duration+ gear, with enhaskill+ gear, just because why not?
I don't remember but I think I do this for all the spells in my "Duration" category, probably.
By Chimerawizard 2020-09-07 01:53:37
One thing a lot of people do not know, or at least I didn't know and when this was found out I was very surprised, is that enhancing skill DOES have an effect on Haste spells, but it's not as obvious as one might think.
We don't know the exact details/tiers but the higher your enha skill when you midcast Haste, the harder it becomes for Slow to overwrite Haste.
How does this work in reality? It might be something like that if you cast Haste with 550 skill then you need a 550+ skill Slow for it to be able to overwrite it?
Of course it's not that simple, even because I have no clue how the concept of "skill" applies to enemies. Do they even have a "skill" value?
Nobody has done detailed tests, but there was this french guy (can't remember the name, had a Moogle for avatar) who found out that there was a relation between the skill and the possibility for slow to overwrite it.
I have no clue if this could have any useful implication in game though, I get the impression that against targets that matter, their slowga will always overwrite your haste, probably because we have no means to cast Haste with high enough Enha skill with current gear.
Regardless of that, I use my full duration gear for haste, but fill the slots where there is no duration+ gear, with enhaskill+ gear, just because why not?
I don't remember but I think I do this for all the spells in my "Duration" category, probably.
Um... what? 2nd that, whAT!?! new haste set? ItemSet 360800
can you please post your source, i've never heard about this.
how do we go about testing this? is it 'chance' or is this more of a, hit this tier and it'll never overwrite, but before then, it's useless.