I'm talking from a philosophical/moral standpoint. Not a health standpoint.
I generally associate fat people with being lazy and usually leeching off others. Not to say there are not skinny lazy people but when I think about "Who do I know that I would call lazy" fat people come to mind.
I'm a little overweight, because I got lazy, and I know I need to stop being a lazy POS to stop being fat.
I actually recently discovered a situation with a friend of a friend of a friend, where the mother of a child was brought up on charges of neglect. "How did this happen?" asked everyone, as they knew she was on welfare/wic etc. People saw he shopping, people saw her using food stamps and buying diapers and formula. Well turns out her fat *** was eating all the food she bought, giving the child (a two year old) apparently next to *** nothing, and she was trading the diapers and formula to a drug dealer who happened to have a kid as well.
So I don't know, this is why I eehhh so hard about this.
Is she just a piece of ***, and her piece of ***lifestyle causes her to be fat? Or did she get fat and become a piece of ***because of it? Is there a link? I DON'T KNOW. EHHHHHHHHHHHHH