~First And Final Line Of Defense V2.0~

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~First and Final Line of Defense v2.0~
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1,360
By Odin.Creaucent 2020-12-29 16:54:31
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Heghmoh said: »
Why do all the capes on the BG wiki guide use -DT instead of -PDT? with other jobs i always do pdt because its so easy to hit mdt cap with Shell. Or is it just for the additional BDT as the tank?

It depends on what your set needs really some capes i have DT, others i have PDT and atm im trying my general tanking one when im using Ochain with block rate as i dont really need the DT on it.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-29 17:13:44
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Asura.Sirris said: »
The Community Guide is a good resource but am I crazy or are the hybrid sets not gear haste capped? You could maybe do haste on the ambu cape?

This is the set I use. It's based on Martel's Hybrid TP set but with a few personal preference modifications.

ItemSet 377334

It caps equipment haste, caps DT/PDT/MDT (With Shell V), has 1260 ACC with Enlight II, has 3,178 HP without food.

If you have an R15 Burtgang, then this will have 1290 ACC. If you wish to NOT use Srivatsa, then with an R15 Burtgang, you'll be at 1255 ACC, 3,028 HP. At this point, I'd recommend using a second Odnowa Earring to make up for the loss of HP (and maintain some ACC lost from dropping Telos) or a Tuisto Earring.

I made this set because I'm not a fan of Vim Torque +1 and how it drains your HP by -50/tic which on paper, I'm sure it's the best performance neck option in terms of just TP gain but in practice, it's a nuisance to deal with, not just for yourself but for your healer as well. A max Regen IV WHM will be absolutely *** blasted by this neck piece and even a max Regen V SCH will notice it. I just simply reworked this set a little bit to help ease the pain of dealing with the -50HP/tic as well as maintain a good amount of STP, ACC and HP. I actually have every single one of my sets optimized so that NOTHING I do will EVER drop my HP below 3,207. Except for Hybrid TP, but with food, that won't be a problem either. With as much gear swapping we do on PLD to minmax everything, not every PLD is going to have their sets as optimized as they should be to maintain high HP during swaps. So this neck piece chipping away at your HP ON TOP of HP being juggled back and forth from constant gear swapping, you can imagine how frustrating this could end up being for your healer to deal with. Regens are supposed to sort of remedy the HP drops PLD's have with gear swapping, but with that Vim Torque +1 equipped, Regen starts to become redundant and begins to show just how much of a problem losing HP between gear swaps really is.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2020-12-29 17:21:52
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Another option to Vim Torque is Combatants Torque, Stp Acc/Atk & Shield Skill.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-29 17:28:28
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Asura.Wotasu said: »
Another option to Vim Torque is Combatants Torque, Stp Acc/Atk & Shield Skill.

Wow, completely forgot about that one. This could actually see some use as well here, especially the Shield Skill +15. Very nice. I only tossed the Unmoving Collar +1 in my set mainly for the 200 HP and small amount of Enmity and ACC. To include Combatants Torque, something's definitely gonna have to be changed to get some HP back. Hmmm...
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-12-29 17:28:34
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bombsdiggity said: »
i noticed your enmity set had eschite instead if souvereign schuhs and you ommitted gishdubar in cursna, looks good though

If you're referring to the general enmity set, Eschite Greaves gives Enmity+15 versus Souveran Schuhs +1's Enmity+9. As for the Cursna set, I didn't even notice the missing Gishdubar Sash, thanks!

Odin.Creaucent said: »
In all honesty I wouldn't use that set anyway as you can cap SIRD and Cure potency in the same set which I'll put my set up once I get home.

As for Cure + Cure SIRD, I appreciate the critiques. I suppose I need add an actual Maxed Cure Potency/Cure Received set.

*I'll also need to denote that I personally use the Caballarius Sword to bridge the gap as well as add a sizeable chunk of HP. I really enjoy abusing cure cheats healing for 1,200+ and hitting 4K HP.

*Second to that, it's a personal choice but I only use Cure SIRD when I'm under 60% HP and NEED my Cures to go off. With the HP cap being ~3,000, it's not a set I enjoy using.

Heghmoh said: »
Why do all the capes on the BG wiki guide use -DT instead of -PDT? with other jobs i always do pdt because its so easy to hit mdt cap with Shell. Or is it just for the additional BDT as the tank?

It's personal choice really. Friend gave similar critique about my heavy reliance on DT-. Sirris had similar train of thought to my own: I just like to cover All Damage and not be bothered with juggling PDT/MDT/BDT.

Asura.Sirris said: »
The Community Guide is a good resource but am I crazy or are the hybrid sets not gear haste capped? You could maybe do haste on the ambu cape?

No, they definitely aren't haste capped. I put those together based on what seemed the most practical/pragmatic (except for the third "unrealistic" set).

I said this previously, but Sets by Brahmsz is more of a "Here's what I use." versus "Here's what is BiS."
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2020-12-29 17:34:57
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Generally I lean on Ochain for "SIRD" unless I'm holding bunch of mobs and cant really position easily like Omen mobs. But I do have SIRD swaps when needed.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-29 17:46:55
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
I really enjoy abusing cure cheats healing for 1,200+ and hitting 4K HP.

Lol, same here. This is the cure set I've been using and it's great for this.

ItemSet 374957

Fastcast +6% aug on the boots.

Caps DT/PDT/MDT/SIRD, Cure Potency and Cure Potency Received.

Cure III heals for 700 HP.
Cure IV heals for 1,311 HP.

With Hachirin-no-Obi equipped and Aurorastorm II

On Darksday:
Cure III heals for 750 HP.
Cure IV heals for 1,405 HP.

Regular Day:
Cure III heals for 875 HP.
Cure IV heals for 1,638 HP.

On Lightsday:
Cure III heals for 945 HP.
Cure IV heals for 1,769 HP.

I'm curious what kind of numbers other people are getting in their cure sets. I realize there's many different approaches to cure sets and would like to see what others have come up with.

Edit: Adjusted cure numbers in accordance with in-game day of the week results.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-12-29 17:49:19
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To quote the New/Returning players section:

One of the biggest challenges a Paladin will ever face isn't a NM or content event, but balancing their HP pool across various sets.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-12-29 17:53:01
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Aricomfy said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
I really enjoy abusing cure cheats healing for 1,200+ and hitting 4K HP.

Lol, same here.


I'm curious what kind of numbers other people are getting in their cure sets. I realize there's many different approaches to cure sets and would like to see what others have come up with.

My Cure II's hit for...

Actually, lemme double check before I say numbers off the top of ym head...
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-29 17:58:08
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
To quote the New/Returning players section:

One of the biggest challenges a Paladin will ever face isn't a NM or content event, but balancing their HP pool across various sets.

What I've discovered after optimizing my gearswap for HP balance is that it all comes back to how much HP your Precast set has. The vast majority of sets all have the ability to reach over 3,200 HP quite easily, while your Precast FC set does not. My Precast set has 3,207 HP and no matter what I cast or do now after optimizing every single set, my HP never drops below 3,207.

By "optimizing" I simply mean just adding proper priority tags to each item in every set. Items with the highest HP are highest priority. Lowest HP or zero HP items are the lowest priority. Here's an example set for reference.
sets.precast.casting = {
    main={ name="Nibiru Blade",bag="Wardrobe 4", priority=5},
    sub={ name="Nibiru Shield",bag="Wardrobe 2", priority=7},
    ammo={ name="Sapience Orb", priority=1},
    head={ name="Carmine Mask +1", augments={'Accuracy+20','Mag. Acc.+12','"Fast Cast"+4',}, priority=4},
    body={ name="Rev. Surcoat +3", priority=15},
    hands={ name="Souv. Handsch. +1", priority=14},
    legs={ name="Souv. Diechlings +1", priority=13},
    feet={ name="Carmine Greaves +1",bag="Wardrobe 3", priority=8},
    neck={ name="Voltsurge Torque", priority=2},
    waist={ name="Siegel Sash", priority=3},
    left_ear={ name="Odnowa Earring", priority=11},
    right_ear={ name="Odnowa Earring +1", priority=12},
    left_ring={ name="Moonlight Ring",bag="Wardrobe 3", priority=9},
    right_ring={ name="Moonlight Ring",bag="Wardrobe 4", priority=10},
    back={ name="Rudianos's Mantle", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','HP+20','"Fast Cast"+10','Spell interruption rate down-10%',}, priority=6},

Highest Priority = 15
Lowest Priority = 1
Posts: 40
By bombsdiggity 2021-01-09 01:18:28
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So, are you simply reducing the time that you have low hp or preventing your hp from being low in the first place by swapping things in a specific order?
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-09 01:43:59
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bombsdiggity said: »
So, are you simply reducing the time that you have low hp or preventing your hp from being low in the first place by swapping things in a specific order?

It's to prevent your HP from dropping that low in the first place. It helps keep your HP high as well as helps the healer relax and not panic every time you do anything. SMNs have it the worst as their HP drops by about 6-700 every time they do a Blood Pact or something and there's not much they can really do about it. Their Idle HP might be 1800-2000 or so, but their actual HP might as well just be 1100-1300 with how often they have to perform those actions. This can be extremely annoying to deal with for healers and stressful.

Unlike SMN, a PLD has the tools to maintain their HP at a very high number when performing any action. There are several attacks that will damn near one shot you or attacks that rely on splitting the damage like one of the Omen bosses, so having your HP always very high is beneficial in a lot of ways other than just unga bunga NUMBER BIG. If I were to just flat out equip that set I posted above using a /equipset command, my HP would drop far lower than if I had equipped it with gearswap and using priority tags.

For example, the typical Turtle idle set has about 3,400~ HP give or take. That's the set that you want to try to keep your HP as close to as possible, the one you're just standing around in. If I were to /equipset that set above, my HP would dip into the yellow. If I were to equip it using gearswap and proper priority tags, I'd barely lose just under 200 HP.

The more HP you have at all times, the better your chances of survival.
The less HP you lose when performing actions, the more relaxed and at ease your healers will be. If you're constantly losing HP due to swapping without priority tags, your healer is going to panic constantly trying to heal you when it's not even actual damage you're taking.

Equipment in-game without using gearswap is equipped from top row left to right to the bottom row. Main Hand, Sub, Ranged, Ammo, Head, Neck, L.Ear, R.Ear, Body, Hands, L.Ring, R.Ring, Back, Waist, Legs, Feet, in that order. Some items when equipped before others drastically reduces your overall HP. You can always equip higher HP items and keep your HP exactly the same, but you can never drop your HP and recover it by THEN equipping higher HP items. You have to prioritize equipping the HIGHEST HP items FIRST before anything else that will drop your HP compared to what you currently have equipped in that slot versus what you're about to swap into.
Posts: 11
By Harribelle 2021-01-09 05:41:26
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I really appreciate you writing about that priority system Aricomfy, It cleans up the problem I was having with augmented gear not applying to the HP cap and leaving me like 200 hp down every cast.

After changes I'm down about 96~ hp on my casts, which is still not optimal but it's nice to not be losing that souveran health anymore for spellinterrupt.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-01-09 12:23:32
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Aricomfy said: »
Equipment in-game without using gearswap is equipped from top row left to right to the bottom row. Main Hand, Sub, Ranged, Ammo, Head, Neck, L.Ear, R.Ear, Body, Hands, L.Ring, R.Ring, Back, Waist, Legs, Feet, in that order. Some items when equipped before others drastically reduces your overall HP. You can always equip higher HP items and keep your HP exactly the same, but you can never drop your HP and recover it by THEN equipping higher HP items. You have to prioritize equipping the HIGHEST HP items FIRST before anything else that will drop your HP compared to what you currently have equipped in that slot versus what you're about to swap into.

I took some time to think to think about your use of priority swaps. I like the idea of it in theory. The thought I came to was that this is basically the same as how old gearing macros in "ye olden days" worked where you actually wrote in the pieces you wanted to swap to line by line in the macro itself.

It's basically the same exact principle, since when the macro is sent the game is reading & swapping your equipment line by line in the order you wrote it in.

I know no one else is crazy enough to try this besides myself, but that's exactly what priority swaps reminded me of after giving it some thought.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-09 16:33:36
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Harribelle said: »
I really appreciate you writing about that priority system Aricomfy, It cleans up the problem I was having with augmented gear not applying to the HP cap and leaving me like 200 hp down every cast.

After changes I'm down about 96~ hp on my casts, which is still not optimal but it's nice to not be losing that souveran health anymore for spellinterrupt.
No problem, I know I type a lot at a time about some things, but the only reason why I do is because when I didn't know anything about these things, I wish someone typed all this out just as plainly for me when I was looking to get into a certain job. It would have helped immensely to understand things better for me.

About the Augmented gear not applying, there's been a couple hurdles I've noticed when getting those pieces to apply properly with priority tags. I don't know if you're still having those issues with getting them to apply but I'll run down the list just in case you or anyone else needs the help figuring it out.


The most frequent thing you'll almost 100% of the time have equipped that will have augmentation brackets is your Ambuscade Cape, so I'll use that item as an example. When you "//gs export" with the cape on and copy/paste it into your desired gearset in GS, it'll look like this.
    back={ name="Rudianos's Mantle", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','HP+20','Enmity+10','Mag. Evasion+15',}},

In order to add a Priority tag to this, you have to delete 1 of the double brackets at the very end of the line where ",}}," is. When you do this correctly, it should look like this.
    back={ name="Rudianos's Mantle", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','HP+20','Enmity+10','Mag. Evasion+15',}, priority=4},

Notice the ",}}," is now ",},". The second bracket here was simply just relocated to be at the very end of "priority=4},".

Duplicate Items:

I'll use Moonlight Ring as an example. Sometimes you'll have more than one of the same item. Sometimes, you'll have two of the same item that is augmented with different paths. When you want to make sure there won't be any issues swapping into duplicate items that aren't augmented, you need to make sure you have those two items in their own dedicated Mog Wardrobe. For instance, with Moonlight Rings, I have 1 of them in Wardrobe 3 and the other in 4. You MUST remember which Ring in which Wardrobe is going to be equipped into that slot at all times, or else you'll have conflicts with gearswap not being able to do the operation for your ring slots.

To simplify this, you just need to use the Moonlight Ring in Wardrobe 3 in your Left Ring slot for every action and spell that you plan on using it with. Same thing goes for the ring in Wardrobe 4, just use Wardrobe 4 ring in the Right Ring slot always.

In Gearswap, you'll have to write these rings out exactly like this.
left_ring={ name="Moonlight Ring",bag="Wardrobe 3", priority=7},
right_ring={ name="Moonlight Ring",bag="Wardrobe 4", priority=8},

This bag="Wardrobe 3" method is also used by Corsairs when swapping between multiple Rostams, so this also can be used in those areas as well.

Making Normal Items Priority Tag Ready:

Augmented items are already prepared for you to quickly add in priority tags, but what about the items that aren't augmented? Well, it's as simple as adding something to the beginning and end of every item. When you have a line like;
ammo="Sapience Orb",

You just simply alter it to look like the following;
ammo={ name="Sapience Orb", priority=1},

If you do not do this, gearswap will NOT change this item out in your desired order. If you have 10 items in your gearswap that DO have priority tags on them and 5 items DON'T, those items will conflict with the items that DO, rendering the whole process worthless. The items that don't have priority tags will still try to be equipped in their original order which might be priority=7 for example, but you have your Left Ring set to priority=7, so there will be a conflict. There won't be an error message or anything to indicate this, but it doesn't help your HP either way. You must make sure everything is properly priority tagged to see the full benefits of it all. It's a lot of annoying work editing everything to be tag capable but it's incredibly worth it in the long run.

Note: The priority numbers such as "priority=7" used in these examples are purely for visual demonstration to help you write and add proper tags to your sets. Your sets might differ depending on your own personal equipment, so please use what priority number works best for YOU.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-09 16:46:47
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
I took some time to think to think about your use of priority swaps. I like the idea of it in theory. The thought I came to was that this is basically the same as how old gearing macros in "ye olden days" worked where you actually wrote in the pieces you wanted to swap to line by line in the macro itself.

That's actually exactly how priority tags work. Those old methods might even be the inspiration behind the creation of priority tags. The only issue was that there wasn't enough macro lines to properly force all of your equipment to swap in the desired order you needed it to, lol.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-09 20:22:03
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Alright, I know I'm rambling on and on about the priority system, but I feel like I needed to properly demonstrate the difference between using priority tags and not using priority tags, so I slapped together a video. I hope this conveys the importance and purpose of using priority tags in your gearswap sets.

Didn't have any editing software or anything to make this more professionally made and far more in depth or I absolutely would have, but I hope it's good enough as it is.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-01-09 23:50:56
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I don't think you have order everything in priority 15 -> 1. I only put
Gearslot={ name="Something", priority=1},
on all the important HP swaps. Less to edit that way.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-10 02:55:20
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Asura.Wotasu said: »
I don't think you have order everything in priority 15 -> 1. I only put
Gearslot={ name="Something", priority=1},
on all the important HP swaps. Less to edit that way.

I actually just tried using this method in-game with my Phalanx set to see if there was a chance of something odd I may have overlooked and instead of dropping to 3,207 HP like I usually would if I were using the 15-1 priority system, I dropped down to 2,908 HP. I know it's annoying doing the adjustments and cross checking to add proper tags to each and every item in every set, but it looks like there's no other way around it. Priority tags are essentially useless unless everything is properly tagged and with the right number. I'll post my Phalanx set as an example.

    sets.midcast["Phalanx"] = {
    main={ name="Deacon Sword", priority=2},
    sub={ name="Priwen", priority=7},
    ammo={ name="Staunch Tathlum +1", priority=1},
    head={ name="Yorium Barbuta", priority=4},
    body={ name="Yorium Cuirass", priority=12},
    hands={ name="Souv. Handsch. +1", priority=15},
    legs={ name="Yorium Cuisses", priority=5},
    feet={ name="Souveran Schuhs +1", priority=14},
    neck={ name="Unmoving Collar +1", priority=13},
    waist={ name="Gold Mog. Belt", priority=6},
    left_ear={ name="Odnowa Earring", priority=8},
    right_ear={ name="Odnowa Earring +1", priority=9},
    left_ring={ name="Moonlight Ring",bag="Wardrobe 3", priority=11},
    right_ring={ name="Moonlight Ring",bag="Wardrobe 4", priority=10},
    back={ name="Weard Mantle", priority=3},

As you can see, everything has a tag and a corresponding priority number. Souveran Hands +1 has the highest HP in the entire set, so they are the highest priority, being priority=15. The Souveran Feet +1 has slightly less HP than the Souveran Hands +1 so they are priority=14. Unmoving Collar +1 (R15) has slightly less HP than the Feet, so they're priority=13, so on and so forth.

You have to start with the highest HP items and work your way down to your lowest HP items. The Deacon Sword and the Staunch Tathlum +1 have zero HP on them so they are both the lowest priority items in this set.

15 = Highest Priority = Equipped FIRST
1 = Lowest Priority = Equipped LAST

Every item slot has their own invisible priority number. Unless you manually assign it one within your GearSwap, that item will try to be equipped into that slot in its own pre-programmed priority order. You can't leave an item without a priority tag and proper priority number or it won't work properly, or at least to its fullest potential.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-01-10 05:06:30
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I only do prio 1 on the important pieces swaps and it works for me. At work for another 7h so can't share my setup atm.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-10 06:07:48
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Asura.Wotasu said: »
I only do prio 1 on the important pieces swaps and it works for me. At work for another 7h so can't share my setup atm.

If you could post your Idle set, your Precast set and which ever spell's Midcast set you have that all use your method of priority tags, I'd be grateful. I'm genuinely interested to see if there's another working method out there, or if it's just "working" but not actually "working".

I'll even give the sets you post the 15-1 priority tag method that I use so that you can copy them and paste them into your gearswap so you can try them out for yourself and see if they work any better or worse for you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1,105
By Asura.Shiraj 2021-01-10 06:22:23
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This is not PLD gear, but RUN just to show what I think Wotasu meant, this was how I was told and read up on how Windower read gear changes.
Even doing priorities like that, not a single HP drop out of place. But the way I read about windower gear changes is that without any priorities, Main weapon slot = slot 1 to change, and feet were slot 16; to change that you done priority 1 as highest HP equipment to take over the main slot.
    sets.enmity = {
		ammo="Sapience Orb",
		head={name="Halitus Helm", priority=2},
		body="Emet Harness +1",
		hands="Kurys Gloves",
		legs="Eri. Leg Guards +1",
		feet="Ahosi Leggings",
		neck="Futhark Torque +2",
		waist="Trance Belt",
		right_ear={name="Tuisto Earring", priority=3},
		left_ear={name="Cryptic Earring", priority=4},
		left_ring="Defending Ring",
		ring2={name="Moonlight Ring", priority=1},
		back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','Mag. Evasion+10','Enmity+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}}, 
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-01-10 07:48:01
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Where he uses 1-4,I only use 1's. But I'll paste my sets after work.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-10 07:52:10
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
This is not PLD gear, but RUN just to show what I think Wotasu meant, this was how I was told and read up on how Windower read gear changes.
Even doing priorities like that, not a single HP drop out of place. But the way I read about windower gear changes is that without any priorities, Main weapon slot = slot 1 to change, and feet were slot 16; to change that you done priority 1 as highest HP equipment to take over the main slot.

Ahh, now I'm starting to see. Yes, that's correct, your Main Hand is pre-programmed to be priority=1 and the feet are priority=16 in-game. I can see the justification now for making items other than your Main Hand priority=1. However, making multiple items priority=1 is not the way to go about things. GearSwap will try to equip everything with priority=1 all at the same time and will randomly pick an item to equip out of all of them to be equipped first. Even in the RUN Enmity set you posted above it has more than just priority=1, which will work better (as far as my tests have lead me to believe) than just having everything important be priority=1.

	sets.enmity = {
    ammo={ name="Sapience Orb", priority=1},
    head={ name="Halitus Helm", priority=11},
    body={ name="Emet Harness +1", priority=9},
    hands={ name="Kurys Gloves", priority=5},
    legs={ name="Eri. Leg Guards +1", priority=10},
    feet={ name="Ahosi Leggings", priority=4},
    neck={ name="Futhark Torque +2", priority=8},
    waist={ name="Trance Belt", priority=3},
    left_ear={ name="Cryptic Earring", priority=6},
    right_ear={ name="Tuisto Earring", priority=13},
    left_ring={ name="Defending Ring", priority=2},
    right_ring={ name="Moonlight Ring", priority=12},
    back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','Mag. Evasion+10','Enmity+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}, priority=7},

I've done the math and edited the set you've posted to include the method of adding priority tags that I use. Check it out and see if it works any better for you. Keep in mind that just a single set being changed to be in this format most likely won't show any results. It depends entirely on whether or not both of your precast AND midcast sets are given the same treatment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1,105
By Asura.Shiraj 2021-01-10 08:09:09
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Aricomfy said: »
I've done the math and edited the set you've posted to include the method of adding priority tags that I use. Check it out and see if it works any better for you. Keep in mind that just a single set being changed to be in this format most likely won't show any results. It depends entirely on whether or not both of your precast AND midcast sets are given the same treatment.

I'll give it a test, but it'll be hard to notice it tbh, I spent so many hours fine tuning my RUN lua that none of my sets bounce more than 50 HP so with little changes like this, I prob won't notice without an external help
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-10 08:12:57
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
I'll give it a test, but it'll be hard to notice it tbh, I spent so many hours fine tuning my RUN lua that none of my sets bounce more than 50 HP so with little changes like this, I prob won't notice without an external help

Cool, if you want me to do the same for your precast set, just drop it here and I'll give it a go. I just want to make sure that when you do test it, it all works properly the first time without any head scratching.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-01-10 13:09:07
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Ok so my 3 swap examples, Idle.Tank precast.FC and midcast.Cure
No HP loss happens besides what the sets are designed to.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-01-10 14:15:26
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I was honestly quite confused as to how the priority 1 thing was working at all at first. Till I re-read the gearswap note on priorities.

So a bit of info first.
-- Prioritizing gear changes --
Currently equip swaps can be ordered by using advanced "sets" tables similar to the above:
sets.nohead = {head={name="empty",priority=1},lring={name="Angha ring",priority=2}}

Gear is changed in descending order from highest to lowest, so the above set would equip Angha ring and then
unequip the head slot. All gear that is not defined is given a default priority of zero, and all positive and
negative rational numbers are acceptable priorities. If two pieces of gear have the same priority value, they
will be swapped in the default order (from 0 to 15 in ../windower/res/slots.lua).

I do not recommend moving Sub in front of Main, Ammo in front of Range, etc. as these will cause silent equip
So. when you assign multiple pieces priority 1,you end up with those pieces all being "1" and everything else being "0". 1 being higher than 0, all the pieces with "1" will swap before any with 0 are processed. Among those with priority "1" they will swap in the default order as they have a tie. Then it moves to priority 0, everything else, and swaps those in default order.

So this works a fair portion of the time if priority 1 is only assigned to a few very high HP pieces, and those pieces have enough extra HP to cover the rest swapping in default order. And of course that the order amongst the priority 1 pieces doesn't matter.

Assigning descending priorities to each pieces is more of a perfected method. Will always maintain the maximum possible HP, whereas it is possible for the priority 1 method to breakdown depending on the pieces involved and what pieces you are swapping from. Of course the priority 1 method is also much less work.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-01-10 14:32:25
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Just how I made mine when I googled a solution for the HP loss, only found 1 showing Prio "1" so did that. So far it works.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-10 14:58:48
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Asura.Wotasu said: »

Here's your sets edited. Give'em a spin and see if they help you out any.

Ragnarok.Martel said: »
I was honestly quite confused as to how the priority 1 thing was working at all at first. Till I re-read the gearswap note on priorities.

So a bit of info first.
-- Prioritizing gear changes --
Currently equip swaps can be ordered by using advanced "sets" tables similar to the above:
sets.nohead = {head={name="empty",priority=1},lring={name="Angha ring",priority=2}}

Gear is changed in descending order from highest to lowest, so the above set would equip Angha ring and then
unequip the head slot. All gear that is not defined is given a default priority of zero, and all positive and
negative rational numbers are acceptable priorities. If two pieces of gear have the same priority value, they
will be swapped in the default order (from 0 to 15 in ../windower/res/slots.lua).

I do not recommend moving Sub in front of Main, Ammo in front of Range, etc. as these will cause silent equip
So. when you assign multiple pieces priority 1,you end up with those pieces all being "1" and everything else being "0". 1 being higher than 0, all the pieces with "1" will swap before any with 0 are processed. Among those with priority "1" they will swap in the default order as they have a tie. Then it moves to priority 0, everything else, and swaps those in default order.

So this works a fair portion of the time if priority 1 is only assigned to a few very high HP pieces, and those pieces have enough extra HP to cover the rest swapping in default order. And of course that the order amongst the priority 1 pieces doesn't matter.

Assigning descending priorities to each pieces is more of a perfected method. Will always maintain the maximum possible HP, whereas it is possible for the priority 1 method to breakdown depending on the pieces involved and what pieces you are swapping from. Of course the priority 1 method is also much less work.

There we go, that's making a lot more sense now. Alright, so yeah, it does actually work, just not at 100% maximum efficiency. Pretty interesting. Really appreciate you finding that snippet of info, Martel.
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