Star Wars: Episode VII Filming Begins In May

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Star Wars: Episode VII Filming Begins in May
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Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-04-21 13:50:57
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I'm trying to remember where I've seen a similar outfit. I want to say it was from one of the games (which narrows it down, right?).
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
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By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-04-21 14:02:44
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I'm lowering my standards to zero for this as I did with Star Trek '09 so I can be pleasantly surprised when it isn't total ***.
Posts: 264
By Hinamori 2014-04-21 14:03:03
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Server: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
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By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-04-21 14:04:37
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So when is the mass ritualistic suicide of the fanboys planned?

And should I dig up the Futurama clip about how to properly execute virgins?
Server: Siren
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user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-04-21 14:06:31
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couldn't be a hell of a lot worse than episodes 1-3 can it?


my bad, vic already said this, I thought pg 2 was pg 1.

I'll put myself in timeout for a while.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2014-04-21 14:08:37
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Cerberus.Avalon said: »

I'm trying to remember where I've seen a similar outfit. I want to say it was from one of the games (which narrows it down, right?).

Maybe you're thinking of Kyle Katarn's clothes?
Server: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
Posts: 3618
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-04-21 14:09:32
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I think I saw that outfit last time I was at the leather and BDSM night at my local gay bar. Just sayin'.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Temptaru
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By Fenrir.Atheryn 2014-04-21 14:11:05
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Looks reminiscent of Han Solo's shirt/vest with a few jedi-ish accessories.
Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-04-21 14:12:45
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Bismarck.Dracondria said: »
Cerberus.Avalon said: »

I'm trying to remember where I've seen a similar outfit. I want to say it was from one of the games (which narrows it down, right?).

Maybe you're thinking of Kyle Katarn's clothes?

I'm not sure it was that, unless he had robe-like bottoms (for lack of a better word).

The bottom seems similar to this - kinda.

Gah, this is bugging me. The gauntlets he's wearing in the VII banner is triggering a memory I can't recall.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2014-04-21 14:14:26
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Starkiller's normal clothes? He has a few outfits

Could be something from Knights of the Old Republic or the Jedi Outcast series
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-04-21 14:29:24
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Bismarck.Dracondria said: »
Starkiller's normal clothes? He has a few outfits

Could be something from Knights of the Old Republic or the Jedi Outcast series

I'm at work looking up Star Wars costumes ; ;

This is close to what I'm thinking of.

Server: Fenrir
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user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2014-04-21 14:46:52
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The arms in the SW7 teaser poster seem too slender to be those of a male character.

It could be Mara Jade, or Jaina Solo, assuming Abrams is drawing from the expanded universe of characters.
Server: Bismarck
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user: misacat
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By Bismarck.Misao 2014-04-21 14:51:03
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Leneth 2014-04-21 14:52:06
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I don't remember a sleeveless Jedi Robe with a such a huge V-cut up front.

Skin looks like dark force paleness, together with green Light saber.. better not be another good turns bad trilogy <.<
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
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By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-04-21 14:54:41
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Jacen Solo? The caption is technically right and would throw people (while drawing them in to the familiar Skywalker name) off not familiar with the expanded universe.

Maybe this go around they can get the audience to actually give a ***about the downfall of a hero.
Server: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
Posts: 3618
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-04-21 14:56:58
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Bismarck.Leneth said: »
Skin looks like dark force paleness, together with green Light saber.. better not be another good turns bad trilogy <.<
It's advertising for the first film of the trilogy. If they're leading with that kind of image, it is much more likely to be bad-turns-good. But that could also just be a villain shot. Actually, with the combination of paleness and the implication that it's a Skywalker, I'd almost bet it is a redemption story for some villainous nephew of Luke or something.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2014-04-21 15:02:25
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Incoming Darth Caedus?
Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-04-21 15:03:05
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I'm amazed that what used to take 4-5 years to film/produce now only requires less than 2 years. I suppose with digital technology reaching incredible new heights, anything now days is possible.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Disney cranks out a new Star Wars movie every other year from here on out.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-21 15:03:11
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
I'm lowering my standards to zero for this as I did with Star Trek '09 so I can be pleasantly surprised when it isn't total ***.

Can't possibly be worse than Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Awkward Picnic.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-04-21 15:07:33
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*laugh track*
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Vaporybean 2014-04-21 15:08:54
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Bismarck.Dracondria said: »
Incoming Darth Caedus?

I hope not, his rise to power and his short reign was lackluster. But i'm comparing him to Sith Lords of the past(Bane in particular). If the story includes Jaina and Jacen in general however, i'll be a happy camper. Star Wars needs Mara Jade though. An incredible character, to say the least.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-21 15:13:21
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »

*laugh track*

I have to wonder sometimes if Episode 1 (Even though you're quoting 3 so sorry for kinda unrelated tangent) is objectively worse. I can't see much further than Liam Neeson as a Jedi.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Hinamori
Posts: 127
By Ragnarok.Tatsiki 2014-04-21 15:18:56
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Odin.Zicdeh said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »

*laugh track*

I have to wonder sometimes if Episode 1 (Even though you're quoting 3 so sorry for kinda unrelated tangent) is objectively worse. I can't see much further than Liam Neeson as a Jedi.

Can I have your shiny objects?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Leneth 2014-04-21 15:19:05
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Bismarck.Dracondria said: »
Incoming Darth Caedus?
I keep reading that it will be an original story, but haven't seen a trustworthy source document for that.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Hinamori
Posts: 127
By Ragnarok.Tatsiki 2014-04-21 15:21:05
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Bismarck.Leneth said: »
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »
Incoming Darth Caedus?
I keep reading that it will be an original story, but haven't seen a trustworthy source document for that.

lol, original source. If I see a reference of a talking mouse or duck I will burn down the screen.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-21 15:21:56
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Ragnarok.Tatsiki said: »
Odin.Zicdeh said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »

*laugh track*

I have to wonder sometimes if Episode 1 (Even though you're quoting 3 so sorry for kinda unrelated tangent) is objectively worse. I can't see much further than Liam Neeson as a Jedi.

Can I have your shiny objects?

Penguins have a glad behind their eye that converts salt water into fresh water.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2014-04-21 15:23:04
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All of the characters in Episode 1 were so lifeless and emotionless that, ironically, the only things that gave the movie any life were the two things people hate most about the trilogy - Jar Jar and Anakain.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-21 15:26:35
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The only character who's emotionless nature was out of character was Darth Maul. Remember Jedi's are supposed to have control over their passion. Sith, not so much. I'm sure there's some fanfic *** reason why Maul seems so composed despite being a Sith blademaster.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
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By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2014-04-21 15:37:18
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Ugh... bracers. Is this guy an archer? If not then he doesn't need a bracer. They were used to protect the wrist from bow string impacts and to contain loose clothing from getting in the way of the string as well as to protect the string from any type of rough armor that might be worn. Wearing a wrist restricting bracer like that would be a decidedly dumb move for anyone using a melee weapon, especially one known for lightning fast movements and high mobility.

Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-04-21 15:40:37
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Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
Ugh... bracers. Is this guy an archer? If not then he doesn't need a bracer. They were used to protect the wrist from bow string impacts and to contain loose clothing from getting in the way of the string as well as to protect the string from any type of rough armor that might be worn. Wearing a wrist restricting bracer like that would be a decidedly dumb move for anyone using a melee weapon, especially one known for lightning fast movements and high mobility.


I consider that some pretty informative insight. :o
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