These New-age WHM Make Me /sigh

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These new-age WHM make me /sigh
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Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: cocl
Posts: 32
By Hades.Clack 2009-09-18 05:16:11
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It's very hard to hold back when someone says something to the extent that you did about the pld not being a dd. Especially because I noticed you had a maat's cap which is a huge accomplishment in my opinion. I hold higher standards for people that can accomplish things like that. I'll be honest, some of the maat fights are pretty hard and can really demotivate a person losing over and over. I just expected you to know how things worked in regards to pld tanking.

That was my mistake in assuming though. You're right, I don't know you, your friends, or how you spend your time on the game. Lashing out at you probably wasn't a good approach at the situation, but when I spend days with the people I do, doing the things we do, it's hard to think of any other way that works as well.

Burtgang is nice, don't get me wrong. It's uses are very very limited. Just like hauteclaire's uses have gone way down since the introduction of atonement.

It seems our focuses are in different parts of the game, both which we seem to enjoy. So I apologize for offending you with those comments, I just hold people to higher expectations. We're all entitled to our opinions.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-09-18 05:21:36
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Enternius said:
/SCH is famous for improving on your main job's capabilities, while quite literally providing nothing useful in return.

Take, for example, the situation at hand. A WHM/SCH will out-main-heal any other subjob combination but that's basically all you'll do better than others.

For a BLM/SCH, you're much better at pure nuking than, say, a BLM/RDM, but you lose Gravity, Stoneskin, and Blink among other things.

/SCH is a very viable option if you're doing your job and no more.

That being said, it would be stupid to show up BLM/SCH if you're soloing an NM or something, no?

This and pretty much /endthread this.

The whole basis and what's been said by everyone is purely situational.

if you are doing endgame lowman things where you need your WHM to enfeeble or ES sleep then sure /BLM but in exp/nyzul or hell anything 6 man where WHM is just there to keep everyone alive /SCH is beyond MP control/preservation.

Etern your on my server so feel free to ask around about my WHM... I was in the tank parties at the end of Perfect Dodge at all times, i'm continuing to be in the tank party in Kneeru's shell Nextgen.

My nyzul static im the only mage then DDx5... nobody is as fast or as MP efficient as me on WHM in anything anyone has ever seen.

the sad downfall to all of this is that my samurai no longer see's the light of day.

When doing certain things that require tedious pulls i will use carby as /SMN and when sleeps are extra important i still do /BLM for ES....

but my preference is by far and lightyears /SCH. Going almost entire dynamis runs resting maybe TWICE is by far the most amazing aspect in my life.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-09-18 05:28:31
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Clack said:
It's very hard to hold back when someone says something to the extent that you did about the pld not being a dd. Especially because I noticed you had a maat's cap which is a huge accomplishment in my opinion. I hold higher standards for people that can accomplish things like that. I'll be honest, some of the maat fights are pretty hard and can really demotivate a person losing over and over. I just expected you to know how things worked in regards to pld tanking.

That was my mistake in assuming though. You're right, I don't know you, your friends, or how you spend your time on the game. Lashing out at you probably wasn't a good approach at the situation, but when I spend days with the people I do, doing the things we do, it's hard to think of any other way that works as well.

Burtgang is nice, don't get me wrong. It's uses are very very limited. Just like hauteclaire's uses have gone way down since the introduction of atonement.

It seems our focuses are in different parts of the game, both which we seem to enjoy. So I apologize for offending you with those comments, I just hold people to higher expectations. We're all entitled to our opinions.

And that's great and i appreciate the better approach, it's easy to point out i don't do much endgame and many people can easily exploit that, it's no secret.

as far as the Maat's cap is concerned... i just obtained it last week... i was very bored this summer and had no money what-so-ever to do much. I had originally taken all jobs to 37 for the hell of it... early this year i took them all to 50 out of boredom.

I figure why not just do it....

...and your right... some of the maat fights are beyond insane... but i even have all the video's up in HD on youtube in case anyone else wanted to see how i did them.

and i can fully fully fully understand the ignorance on PLD tanking (especially in HNM) but i never bashed the joyeuse in general... just was wtf over a PLD not wanting burtgang. I honestly had no idea and can easily admit that but can say i did no wrong in doing so... just many people quick to snap....

...which is the same replies for this /SCH and WHM discussion in general.

The biggest reason i don't do endgame is because i don't want to be consumed by the game more than i already am, i don't want to become that mindless drone or botter in someones linkshell.

I dont want the drama or stardom from endgame or being in a top LS...

anyone on siren who even knows about me can easily say i'm not an ***, i even help random people shouting for help just because i know how it feels not to have anyone to help you out.

basically i play wherever this game takes me, i've met many great friends both IRL and game, again fanfest was a blast, i feel like a total nerd or geek for it but i don't by any means regret it.

I guess when it comes down to it i'm getting old and tired of videogames....

my college trip is almost at an end, i'll graduate before i know it sometime early next year...

And if you want to know the biggest reason i even pulled that conversation out of the hat on that guy is because upon viewing his profile... there was all kinds of comments about hacking stealing and botting...

karama is a *** and that kind of thing disgusts me....

There was even a link to a forum about something involving the NASA bot and stealing things, cant fully remember....

i just can't stand people who bot cheat and steal in ways that hurt others and then come in to gloat about it, really frustrates me.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-09-18 06:52:13
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I do agree with almost everything you've said, however i don't quite know about this :P

Clinpachi said:
... nobody is as fast or as MP efficient as me on WHM in anything anyone has ever seen.

Anyways, im trashed and need sleep, later lol >_>
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-09-18 07:03:46
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Marzanna said:
I do agree with almost everything you've said, however i don't quite know about this :P

Clinpachi said:
... nobody is as fast or as MP efficient as me on WHM in anything anyone has ever seen.

Anyways, im trashed and need sleep, later lol >_>

When it comes to everything we have ever done in dynamis/nyzul/events/ZNM... i've had to skip a run before... due to RL things...

i come back... and i'm told a DD couldn't make it on either... and somehow a RDM and WHM BOTH were constantly out of MP, and everyone wiped on the boss... oh and of course the WHM didnt have /SCH lol.

for dynamis i've not made that either, and what do i hear? multiple wipes in the tank party resulting in too much downtime....

i'm not one to brag...

at all what so ever... check the board history....

but i log on to voice chat, and nearly every time people say things like "You have pachi as the WHM in the main tank party this time, we should be fine"....

it's always great to hear things like this...

....again it's not always a good thing... my samurai and other jobs i like to play never see the light of day ever again...


But no i'm not saying it can't be done or that I'm THE best WHM in the world, and remember i used to hate WHM until the recent updates, but honestly i can understand coming on WHM to everything because if you want things done right, you have to do them yourself.

For example on chariots and soulflayers i immediately stand up front with the tank... not back at the distance like we used to, within any given moment of bio/blind/paralyze/poison... i have it off the entire party within 2-3 seconds after its put on. Every time... on time. (and i actually keep echo's on me for silence occasions... another lazy thing most don't do ><)

I feel like i'm one of the few people who even understand the significance of sacrifice sometimes as well...

I'm not saying that everyone else sucks but my reaction time and preparation for things give me a lot of pride when it comes to playing on WHM, and related to the thread.... and i never once ask for recognition on my WHM, people just compliment it on their own which really adds to the enjoyment.

...i really owe most of it to /SCH. Before it and the new things i struggled and hated WHM.

EDIT: good god its 8am and i havn't been to bed... on a good note i capped DRG EXP, unlocked drakesbane, got 3 levels into polearm merits, and went from 248 skill to 271 thanks to *** *** level sync on birds at 60. @_@ i'm off to bed now lol. Thanks for keeping me on my toes FFXIAH >_>
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: xdudemanx
Posts: 990
By Seraph.Xdudemanx 2009-09-18 07:32:55
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i read bits n pieces of thread n thought it was interesting read...i was whm main on my old character long time ago before wings of goddess n repose etc...this time around was a hell of alot easier xpn whm up...i got drawn in to lvl whm again cuz of the update a lil while with /sch just makes keeping mp up so much certain situations u wont do alot of resting so having sublimation is great plus penury etc....its just all just depends on what ur doing i guess.. /blm still comes in handy for escape and tractor
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-09-18 10:25:48
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Lordgenbu said:
Oh and to one of Korpg's earlier posts, BLMs get 19.09% Slow with super capped MND gear. While WHMs cap @ 43.99 Slow I with full MND gear.

A) Quote me saying that. I never did. Stop saying I did.

B) According to testing it shows that Slow 1 caps at about 29%. Slow II (with 3 merits) caps about 37%. Where do you get your information that Slow I > Slow II? {source}

Lordgenbu said:
Tarowyn said:
Someone posted above the max +mnd for each job, though I'd have to go and verify it myself to be sure, offhand whm and blm shouldn't be that far off from each other.

Too lazy to look up BG testing, but checked the Japanese wiki, it lists a 30% absolute cap on slow I.

I'm just glad you're smart and have HNM experience and titles vs these idiots who never even touched an HNM outside of Nyzul. It sorta disgusts me, considering if I didn't know about car mechanics why would I talk about it? Same applies to HNM, don't talk about it if you don't know about them. Lol

A) You don't have to deal with HNMs to know your job. As you yourself has proven that the opposite is true (in case you don't understand what I'm saying, its this: Just because you kill a mob doesn't mean you are the best in the game, or that you know everything in this game)

B) He did insult you. He called you an idiot and a lier, and you praised him for it. You are too stuck up your own *** to realize it, because "he killed a mob that I killed before" type of mentality.

Alyria said:
Agreed. Stop calling people names. Continue on the topic. Thanks.


Lordgenbu has been banned from posting on this thread. Thank you.

Thank you very much Alyria. We don't need his type of misinformation to be considered plausable.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-09-18 11:14:42
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There are a lot of sucky WHMs out there, and it really sucks for those of us who love the job. It was my first 75 and it will always be my favorite. Sure, I like BLM, SAM, THF, PLD, and BRD (retired BRD for now), but WHM is now and will always be my first love.

I still /BLM most of the time, because a lot of times I'm at places where having an extra Escape helps out, like Sea or Sky. I do /SMN for things like Kirin and JoL where I make good use of the extra refresh and MP. I really should level /SCH, but since I don't get on much to play recently, who knows when that will happen.

I have seen a lot of WHM over the years, and probably the best I've played with on Odin is Dmer.

He has excellent gear and he is dedicated to the job. He has good gear and skills on PLD, SCH, BLU, RDM, BRD and many other jobs, but if there's an event, it's almost a guarantee that he'll be there on WHM kicking *** and taking names.

As for me, I've done a lot on WHM, but probably my single most memorable moment was one time when I was tank party WHM for Jailer of Love. We had two RDM/PLD (Ichrius/Varus), a SCH (Dmer), a crazy BRD (Quixacotl) and me on WHM/SMN. I was the only WHM in the LS that night.

The 6th slot was being covered by a rotation of Chi Blasters, and I worked in a BLM when no one was ready for a Chi.

For 50-60 solid minutes I was running around like mad, rebuffing with bar/shell/haste, keeping (5/5) regen on both tanks, healing status ailments, curing, cycling devotion in with converts, and then constantly checking boost counts and dropping/adding people to the party.

It was a test of nerves and skill, and I will never forget it. Another WHM logged in when JoL was down to maybe like 20% and asked if I needed a break. At that point, I was like "Nowai! I'm in the zone!!!" and it really felt that way.

I miss the old days of KRT burns (I'll still do them if I have a group of friends who want to go), because those took SKILL and TEAMWORK to do well.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: cocl
Posts: 32
By Hades.Clack 2009-09-18 14:58:32
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I have mad respect for skilled whms. Doing dynamis with 4 relics in your party with only a bard and sublimation for refresh, with the sams sub war and the wars sub sam, it gets very tedious and mp conservation is of utmost importance. You have to find a way to conserve your mp. And I hardly ever get to rest unless we're doing frags that need job changes or doing the towers/eyes.

I can say the best whms i've played with are Avarghaladion and Pergatory on Asura, and Nephilim, Algus, Urdus, Skibear on hades. It takes a lot of patience and skill to be a whm in excellence (not that it doesn't anywhere else).
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-09-18 18:48:34
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Clinpachi said:
But no i'm not saying it can't be done or that I'm THE best WHM in the world

Not having a go, because that might not be how you meant it, but it was kinda how it came out lol. Anyways, a lot of what you're saying applies too me also, however i probably wouldn't of said that i was the best... Just because i didnt really want too turn this into an "mines bigger than yours" thread, pictures and all ^^;;

And aramina id prolly agree with you there, JoL would probably one of my favourite ones (also my first and my favourite ), though i think its because the more pressure I'm under the more fun i have.. I'm sick. I'll often be seen complaining that there is a RDM in my party because that makes things boring for me <_<

But i think my favourite still would probably be low manning one of the that last PM fights, 8-5? *shrug* the one where you can win by curing Prishe. Im not really sure why, i just remember at the time i did it RDM were thought of as the better healer, was nice too show WHM could manage just as well if not better lol..

(It wasn't technically low manning, but our MNK and THF dcd constantly throughout and were barely there, and our DRK was my boyfriend at the time who was out with friends at some bar, and i was just trying too get him the win lol <_<)

And ummmm... /SCH, just do it! <_<

Edit: Korpg, hes not quoting you implying you said that, you mustve said something about the % and hes replying to that too try get the topic back on track and look smart... except he was wrong lulz..
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Didgist
Posts: 291
By Fenrir.Didgist 2009-09-18 20:13:56
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Just posting to represent Maat fights not being difficult, the insane amount of partying before level sync was introduced is/was the hard part.

Also couldn't resist coming in here and reminding people that old school whitemages couldn't even paralyna or silena ANYONE back in LoO Torama parties. I quit my first static over that ***and leveled WHM sub immediately.

I love the new school of WHM, even if they are gimp they at least know what their job is.

Also resting in dynamis? I'm confuzzled.
Server: Odin
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user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-09-18 20:51:05
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Marzanna said:

But i think my favourite still would probably be low manning one of the that last PM fights, 8-5? *shrug* the one where you can win by curing Prishe. Im not really sure why, i just remember at the time i did it RDM were thought of as the better healer, was nice too show WHM could manage just as well if not better lol..

(It wasn't technically low manning, but our MNK and THF dcd constantly throughout and were barely there, and our DRK was my boyfriend at the time who was out with friends at some bar, and i was just trying too get him the win lol <_<)

I had a friend who needed Dawn finished and he and I ALMOST pulled off a duo of that fight with WHM and RDM. Honestly, if we could have cured the other guy at all, I think we would have won, and if Kasuma hadn't gotten himself killed at a very untimely moment (beginning of 2nd phase). Either way, with a weakened RDM and me on WHM, we mananged to take the 2nd phase down to about 25%. That's a testament to us both, I think.

Also, for kited Kirins, I love being WHM in the kite party. I also volunteered to come WHM/NIN and be one of the kiters just to demonstrate to people how to best kite Kirin. Heck, I managed it for about 5 min as WHM/BLM once when we had a few bad breaks that led to us scrapping to get it back. Me holding it alone on WHM/BLM with no external help except Refresh was pretty sick for just having Blink and Stoneskin (and running like hell when necessary).

Also, EXPing 70+ in Bibiki Bay (better have a stunner), Moon, Sky, and meritting in KRT... ah, the olden days...
Server: Bahamut
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user: Rydiya
Posts: 7063
By Bahamut.Rydiya 2009-09-18 21:05:49
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Aramina said:
EXPing 70+ in Bibiki Bay (better have a stunner), Moon, Sky, and meritting in KRT... ah, the olden days...

._. I miss those days.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-09-18 21:11:26
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Rydiya said:
Aramina said:
EXPing 70+ in Bibiki Bay (better have a stunner), Moon, Sky, and meritting in KRT... ah, the olden days...

._. I miss those days.

By 2009-09-18 21:22:49
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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-09-18 21:33:55
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Tails said:
Clinpachi said:
if you are doing endgame lowman things where you need your WHM to enfeeble or ES sleep then sure /BLM

If you wanted to enfeeble something wouldn't you go /sch for the bonus light arts gives you with Enfeebling magic? Unless you only want to sleep/enfeeble something once every 10 minutes that is.

Not my logic.. and i more meant ES sleep side of that. I'm pro /SCH lol. And really thats my side of the argument... 10 minute JA instead of the 32453298 benefits of SCH sub lol.
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Server: Unicorn
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user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2009-11-09 11:45:31
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Wow, didn't realise there was this much hating on whms with no sch sub. I didn't have it for a long time, but once I got it to 37, I wish I'd done it a lot sooner. Sub just breathed new life back into whm for me.

/smn was more enjoyable for me than /blm in long term endgame events like dyna if you don't have sch. /sch is pretty much the multipurpose sub for whm, the others are situational.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Filiros
Posts: 95
By Bismarck.Narayan 2009-11-09 11:49:57
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Hmmm. As a starting WHM; Divine Seal > Raise (Any) augments the spell & lessens exp loss. I'm curious about COR/WHM use more now, Divine Seal > Healer's roll since Dice is COR's mana scroll.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-11-12 21:38:27
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Bismarck.Narayan said:
Hmmm. As a starting WHM; Divine Seal > Raise (Any) augments the spell & lessens exp loss. I'm curious about COR/WHM use more now, Divine Seal > Healer's roll since Dice is COR's mana scroll.

Say what?? lol...
Server: Midgardsormr
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user: Sect
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By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-11-12 21:40:51
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Divine Seal > Raise has no bearing on EXP loss.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-11-12 21:46:53
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Trying to comprehend why on earth people are still saying this.. ugh...
Server: Odin
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Posts: 41
By Odin.Potpressure 2009-11-12 22:53:04
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I might not be the best WHM but sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that cares. I have so many WHM friends and all of them seem to think /sch is a bad sub job and a waste of time to even level as a sub. Some that use a Loquacious over Roundel earring and think that cure potency aside from staff/club and tunic is pointless. I've tried so many times to help my friends see the light but I've lost all hope on it. I think the new age of WHMs not knowing how to gear up is here to stay. I don't mind tho. Just makes some of us stand out more than others.
Server: Fairy
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user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-12 23:00:41
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Odin.Potpressure said:
...Some that use a Loquacious over Roundel earring...

I don't know what it's like on Odin, but there haven't been any new Roundel Earrings obtained in months on Fairy. You can expect to pay about five million (at least) for one now and they're never on AH.
Server: Leviathan
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user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-11-12 23:06:06
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Mine cost me 4.6mil, 5mil isn't much more of a stretch. But that's not really the point, more the fact that they think cure pot+, /sch etc is a waste, which it most certainly is not. These new MP onri whm's that seem to be leveling up lately make me /wrist.
Server: Fairy
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user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-12 23:23:22
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Leviathan.Marzanna said:
Mine cost me 4.6mil, 5mil isn't much more of a stretch. But that's not really the point [...]

But it's my point, being that it's a virtually unobtainable item now (at least on Fairy. Dunno how you guys do in Campaign.)
more the fact that they think cure pot , /sch etc is a waste, which it most certainly is not. These new MP onri whm's that seem to be leveling up lately make me /wrist.

Yeah, this all makes no sense. I use hardly any MP gear on my BLU/SCH healing setup and I have little-to-no problems with MP at all. WHM has higher base MP and enjoys -10% MP cost from Light Arts, so I can't forsee any problems there, either.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-11-12 23:30:20
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It's not that much less expensive/more common on levi, trying to give comparison between servers lol. By not the point I mean, that its understandable if people don't have an item if it's hard to come by on their server, however thinking it's a waste really bugs me... some people just use that as excuse "It's to damn expensive" those same people usually cure in MP rather than Com. Earring or w/e.
Server: Fairy
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user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-12 23:40:14
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Leviathan.Marzanna said:
It's not that much less expensive/more common on levi, trying to give comparison between servers lol. By not the point I mean, that its understandable if people don't have an item if it's hard to come by on their server, however thinking it's a waste really bugs me... some people just use that as excuse "It's to damn expensive" those same people usually cure in MP rather than Com. Earring or w/e.

Right, it's definitely not a "waste", and I'm really quite upset that they didn't put BLU on Roundel (or any of the new potency gear outside Shantotto pants) :\ We've got the most MP efficient cure (not counting JAs), why not give us incentives to use it?

Communions are arguably pricey for your average WHM, but Geists are pretty good "NQ" alternatives. Any form of potency (be it % or MND) is better than curing in MP gear. Novia isn't bad to cast in, either.
Server: Kujata
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user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-11-13 00:18:04
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I <3 my roundel earring. I got it for free though, kujata has had the bcnm numerous times (not recently that I know of though) and it has a really good drop rate. I would have never bought it though.
Server: Unicorn
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user: Tarowyn
Posts: 737
By Unicorn.Tarowyn 2009-11-13 00:38:28
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I dunno, Roundel is nice and all but cost aside, it is easy to "waste" the extra healing of it. It's less likely to happen on 3/4 but then your gains are smaller too so the main concern is on 5. The problem with big cures is that if you want to make sure you're getting max benefit out of them, you have to also make sure the target is missing at least that much hp or some amount will just get lost and the higher your max cure, the more potentially dangerous that can be.

I have a much bigger issue with WHM's who play in stupid ways then people who don't wanna drop millions of gil on what is mostly a marginal increase which noone but the WHM themselves really care about.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-11-13 01:07:38
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I dont really know any whm who ponders about how much of those extra cure points would go to waste if your cure-ee is in need of a big cure. He's in need of a big cure, just cure him before he dies. If he doesnt need a big cure then just toss him a regen or cure2 :P

Ive never been concerned over curing higher than a persons hp...infact I tend to regen over peoples hp alot as a matter of precaution. In the end I do think maybe the roundel saves me some mp in the long run on cures because it does boost the cure cap on cures1-4 (Im not really counting 5 because I dont think Ive hit my cure5 cap lulz, I dont carry around uber amounts of mnd gear)..this is kinda fun on smn when I was caught main healing at tyger the other week but I dont really think its a necessary item at all certainly not for 4mil...the tiny boost isnt worth 4mil.

It just looks shiny and sexy and is fun to have if one gets it for free. In a magical someday Ill play with it on dnc.
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