These New-age WHM Make Me /sigh

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These new-age WHM make me /sigh
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Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2009-11-13 08:33:46
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Midgardsormr.Shiroichi said:
Hades.Peitha said:
stack as much mind as possible when i cure. People forget that mind has the biggest increase in cure potency. Well this is my opinion.

Mind only has a noticable effect on Cure V.
On the lower cures the effect is so minimal that you can ask yourself if it's worth putting it in there.

For Cure III and IV I stick to Potency > Haste > -Enmity.
Mind comes last here.

I do stack mind for Cure V, Stoneskin and MND based enfeebling magic in places where I can't equip skill/Magic Accuracy gear.
(Gearsets can be found in my AH profile)


I do not have SCH leveld yet either, there is no shame there.
I too shall do so, but when I feel like it and have the time to do so.

Yeah, sets are pretty much only for dynamis right now where I need cure IV / V more often. For most PTs I use one balanced set and swap out a couple pieces for hMP.

I've been /BLM for so long it's been a bit rough for me to actually switch to something else. It just doesn't feel right. I do admit how good of a sub it is though. I just have to find the time and desire to finish leveling it.
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Midgardsormr.Shiroichi 2009-11-13 08:45:20
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Hades.Peitha said:
Mind has the biggest increase in cure potency compared to vit and healing magic.

On Cure V most certainly.
Cure V is the only spell that does not have a cap regardless of how much MND, VIT or Healing magic skill you throw in it with MND being it's biggest modifier.

However Cure V is one spell which I only use in the 'Oshit tank/melee needs cure NAO' situation.
Or paired with Afflatus Solace when you know something is going to hit your tank or puller very hard within the next 20 seconds.
(Nightmare Antlion in Dynamis Tavnazia comes to mind. Or another occasion, Citadel Buster.)
Cure III and IV cover all other situations and don't need MND at all really.

On Cure I to IV Healing Magic skill only has effect on the soft cap of the spells.
At a certain point skill does not go any further and cures have to be augmented with MND and cure potency.
However the effect of MND on Cures I to IV is like 1 extra HP in the soft cap per 15~20 MND you put in it making stacking up MND for any cure prior to V very questionable.

So I'll just keep using Potency -> Casting time reduction -> Haste -> -Enmity and MND will go in whatever slot doesn't cover the higher priorities.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 41
By Odin.Potpressure 2009-11-13 09:40:13
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Yea I was totally not talking about it with it's cost. I was more going for what Marzanna was saying. The same person that thinks a roundel is a waste had in the past got an a.coat for more gil than a roundel was worth and they were on the AH. That a Loquacious paired with Novia are better for casting cures. I'm not telling people not to use a Loquacious or bashing it at all. Almost all gear is situational, yes. But for a WHM that will spend most of his time casting cures it's kinda a no brainer. Well I know what is right or wrong. Just thought some of you would feel my pain with this one and might even get a kick out of how some people think.

Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: cocl
Posts: 32
By Hades.Clack 2009-11-13 09:42:57
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Midgardsormr.Shiroichi said:
Hades.Peitha said:
Mind has the biggest increase in cure potency compared to vit and healing magic.

On Cure V most certainly.
Cure V is the only spell that does not have a cap regardless of how much MND, VIT or Healing magic skill you throw in it with MND being it's biggest modifier.

However Cure V is one spell which I only use in the 'Oshit tank/melee needs cure NAO' situation.
Or paired with Afflatus Solace when you know something is going to hit your tank or puller very hard within the next 20 seconds.
(Nightmare Antlion in Dynamis Tavnazia comes to mind. Or another occasion, Citadel Buster.)
Cure III and IV cover all other situations and don't need MND at all really.

On Cure I to IV Healing Magic skill only has effect on the soft cap of the spells.
At a certain point skill does not go any further and cures have to be augmented with MND and cure potency.
However the effect of MND on Cures I to IV is like 1 extra HP in the soft cap per 15~20 MND you put in it making stacking up MND for any cure prior to V very questionable.

So I'll just keep using Potency -> Casting time reduction -> Haste -> -Enmity and MND will go in whatever slot doesn't cover the higher priorities.

I disagree. You should check my cure set and try to cure3 for 280 or hell, even cure4 for 564. I balance enough haste and enmity minus that whenever I need a cure3/4 it's up, and I almost NEVER pull hate.

Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: marzanna
Posts: 123
By Leviathan.Marzanna 2009-11-13 14:04:50
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There for some reason seems to be some disagreement over the benefit of MND, Healing skill yadda yadda, for Cure IV and below. I don't really understand:,

Type your stats in there and you can clearly see the benefits and so on..

I don't really have time for this but all sets are important in their own way, Max pot is all well and good but if you then go and rest in only a dark staff, you're not really getting ahead so to speak.

I have what I would say decent sets for each, I can't possibly get anymore Hmp other than that club/shield Hmp combo which I *refuse* to change nations for, NOTHING is worth listening to those bagpipes every time I warp home...

I have a max haste/conserve mp set (and by that I mean capped haste. Inc. Fourth mace, Goli body.. there more but I don't have time to log on) which I use for all na/erase+haste etc (spells that arent benefited by other stats). For this, any slots that I can't stick either of the two goes to -ENM, Novia, errant cape etc etc if possible.

Max mp for the start of fights, or for as people have said, entering a BC then buffing and still having "full mp".

Enhancing/barspells set. Inc. relic, enhancing earring, aug torque or w/e its called and so on.

Then of course the obvious cure Pot, max enfeeble pot, enfeeble skill, enfeeble skill/mnd pot, divine skill for repose, and enmity down versions of all of the above for longer fights...

Edit: Sorry somewhat dodgy post, I'm meant to be going out of town 10mins ago and boyfriend is getting impatient >_>
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