Is there a way to move the equipment, inventory, mini menu, etc ui about a 1000 pixels to the right?
This would be a really big help as I keep having to turn to look at these menus on ultrawide.
Lua Addon Ideas |
Lua Addon Ideas
Is there a way to move the equipment, inventory, mini menu, etc ui about a 1000 pixels to the right?
This would be a really big help as I keep having to turn to look at these menus on ultrawide. Offline
Posts: 4645
Is there a reason there isn't a version of aecho for doom and paralysis? Tried making one today and doesn't seem that hard, wondering if there isn't one because it's considered too far in some way or other? Too much automation?
Tons of people use gearswaps with auto holy waters for doom etc
Fenrir.Jinxs said: » Is there a way to move the equipment, inventory, mini menu, etc ui about a 1000 pixels to the right? This would be a really big help as I keep having to turn to look at these menus on ultrawide. Unfortunately, no RadialArcana said: » Is there a reason there isn't a version of aecho for doom and paralysis? Tried making one today and doesn't seem that hard, wondering if there isn't one because it's considered too far in some way or other? Too much automation? These addons exist, they're just not in windower's repo. You can easily make a copy of aecho yourself and edit it, tho. Offline
Posts: 4645
I'm guessing this isn't possible but I'll ask anyway.
Would it be possible via an addon to modify the dimensions of the map system (or maybe offer a complete map relacement system), so that instead of a 512x512 map it instead could show a 1024x1024 map. All the markers being modified to accommodate that also? It's easy to add a larger map into the dat file, but the game won't show it since it uses exact dimensions. Guessing this is too complicated but just wondering, since it would unlock the ability to add high res maps. There was a whole map system being created in the past year that was an alternative with great looking graphical maps and markers. I'm not sure what the progress of that is though. @Lili do you know?
Lua addon, simple idea.
An addon that keeps track of how many Segments you obtain in each Odyssey Farming Run. Additional things that could be tracked: Number of Chest/Coffer/Aurum opened Number of Halos killed Number (and name?) of NMs killed. Moglopohone Addon that will buy KI once your 20h has passed c.c Have it check every hour~ or a set time and after buying KI, slumber itself.
Bismarck.Xurion said: » There was a whole map system being created in the past year that was an alternative with great looking graphical maps and markers. I'm not sure what the progress of that is though. @Lili do you know? You're thinking of probably They are making 2048 x 2048 map assets and additional "point of interest" icons. Offline
Posts: 18
Is there an addon that displays a mobs weakness both physical and damage types? As a war with goldfish memory on these things it would help to know which weapon is best to use per mob on sheols xD.
ikudosi said: » Is there an addon that displays a mobs weakness both physical and damage types? As a war with goldfish memory on these things it would help to know which weapon is best to use per mob on sheols xD. Incursion back then, the last boss, could be sorta difficult according to the 2 "main" adds he spawned with. There were several different types of combinations, each of its two main adds had a job and according to those jobs the Boss would gain 2 strong buffs: Regain, more Meva, more Eva and so on. Given could use all different debuffs possible but had to choose between them, I used that addon to announce in partychat which Add monster job and which correspondant buff we would have to deal with. The Party message was automatic, you only needed to target the monster the first time, or you could activate the message manually by selecting the target and using the command. By the same lines we could use a similar method for Odyssey, I could adapt that message so that each time you target a monster in odyssey for the first time, it says a specific message. Like: "Immune to light based sleep, strong against slashing, weak to blunt, resistant to darkness" etc etc. Wwould be very easy to adapt my addon (which is on windower btw) to deal with this as well. Know what the big problem is? Finding a good and RELIABLE source of information about the real characteristics of each of those monsters. If you find one, then updating my "Announce Target" addon should be relatively easy. Offline
Posts: 378
Asura.Sechs said: » Lua addon, simple idea. An addon that keeps track of how many Segments you obtain in each Odyssey Farming Run. Additional things that could be tracked: Number of Chest/Coffer/Aurum opened Number of Halos killed Number (and name?) of NMs killed. Can I second that request? Also, can we get an addon that goes through the currencies menus, so if you want to find how much, say, plasm you have, you can do a search for plasm, and it tells you how much you have (similar to item search)? Offline
Posts: 4645
Problem is I think it was abandoned.
RadialArcana said: » Problem is I think it was abandoned. Akaden will post about it in our discord from time to time. last time it was discussed was earlier this year.
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Posts: 517
I assume that there is a reason this hasn't been done already, but would it be possible to develop an addon to search the names of quests completed, or dump them to a log file?
Zubis said: » I assume that there is a reason this hasn't been done already, but would it be possible to develop an addon to search the names of quests completed, or dump them to a log file? The data in game I think can be somewhat unreliable in my experiences. I know a few people have messed with quest information, but I want to say that some of the quest are almost completely unreliable depending on what you want it to do? <Bard Quest doesn't even show up in log until you completely finish it.> If it's just entirely to know if it was completed, that might be okay, but knowing if it's flagged or any other states might be impossible. And even then I think until some one matches them up to the ID's .dat file it still may not be possible to get them all. Check Ivaar's Git, it may have some quest/mission stuff I think. I had most mission stuff figured out, but honestly have not played or messed with stuff in months. Though it's completely possible I am off base. Zubis said: » I assume that there is a reason this hasn't been done already, but would it be possible to develop an addon to search the names of quests completed, or dump them to a log file? There is this addon by Ivaar, but based on the readme it is only a subset of quests and not all of them Offline
Posts: 517
That's very useful and exactly the reason I was thinking of (Adoulin), thank you!
Posts: 218
Will love an Addon to fix or Replace Character selection Order, on the Selection Screen ... Because SE won't take their big fat fingers out of their A......
Lakshmi.Byrth said: » Idea: An addon that serves the same purpose as Spellcast, but actually reacts to when the spell/ability/whatever is cast/used and finishes casting/being used. Benefits: At the moment, Spellcast uses precastdelay, midcastdelay, and aftercastdelay to determine timing. The downside is that we use things like Fast Cast which speed up what these delays should be in game. Also, there are times when you try to use a JA, WS, magic spell, whatever and don't actually use it. Accessing action packet can circumvent these problems. Example: * You try to use Provoke, but you can't because Provoke's recast isn't back up yet. -- In Spellcast, you swap to your Enmity gear, wait your precast delay, attempt to use Provoke, wait your aftercast delay, and swap back to whatever your aftercast set is. -- In an Action Packet version, you could swap to your Enmity gear, attempt to use the ability, see that nothing is generated, and swap back to your "aftercast" set. No need for precast/midcast/aftercast really, because they're defined by when packets arrive. Example 2: * You cast Fire IV on Red Mage. -- In Spellcast, you swap to your fast cast gear, wait the pre-cast delay, attempt to cast Fire V, wait the midcast delay, swap to your midcast gear, finish waiting the full casting time of the spell, wait your aftercast delay, and swap to your aftercast gear. Because you have a ton of Fast Cast (or Elemental Celerity if it was with BLM), you swap back much slower than necessary. -- In an Action Packet version, you could swap to your precast set, wait a predefined time, send the command to cast the spell, read the "started casting" packet and swap to your midcast set, wait for the "you cast the spell" or "your were interrupted" packet and swap to your aftercast set. These represent massive gains over current Spellcast, but it's going to require the effort of a team of people to get this running and ensure the transition for most players between Spellcast and a Lua version is smooth. Iryoku has already volunteered to make an expression parser for current Spellcast xmls if anyone wants to undertake the project. This ended up being a great idea. something that give the mog sack/case/satchel the same functionality as wardrobes would be sweet.
Bismarck.Drakelth said: » something that give the mog sack/case/satchel the same functionality as wardrobes would be sweet. I don't know if this is possible, but an addon that overrides examination messages and instead autotrades correct items to ???s(for spawns/quests/whatever else) if check them with the proper items inventory would be nice.
Posts: 218
An addon to register Target as a Group.
Then Able to assist Auto target to Only attack the Registered one. Will be nice in Ody, when you have 3 or 4 packs of mobs .... Offline
one that enhances the autotarget feature to switch to mobs aggressive towards you but aren't in your cone of view and another toggle that checks your surroundings within 30 yalms if a mob unaggroed target is available to switch to instead of disengaging. the engage/disengage delays in omen, dynamis and odyssey are brutal.
another one would be a proper party finder, not sure tho if a addon would be the right format for it Offline
Posts: 32
Something to remove animation-lock with. Totaly ruins the game when you have like 30 adds.
Shichishito said: » one that enhances the autotarget feature to switch to mobs aggressive towards you but aren't in your cone of view and another toggle that checks your surroundings within 30 yalms if a mob unaggroed target is available to switch to instead of disengaging. the engage/disengage delays in omen, dynamis and odyssey are brutal. I get it but it also sounds very botty or at least would be used by botters. Wiking said: » Something to remove animation-lock with. Totaly ruins the game when you have like 30 adds. |
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