Dynamis - Nothing Drops

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Dynamis - Nothing drops
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Server: Cerberus
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user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2011-05-12 07:35:16
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1) What the hell, the update has been out for all of less than a week. How about we figure out exactly how everything works before we knock it.

LOL don't mess with ppls Dynamis they get a little upset after years of doing it. ^.~
Server: Cerberus
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user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2011-05-12 07:45:45
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2) You CAN still go in 2x a week to dynamis and have the same original drop rates as before. They didn't change CoP Dynamis at all.

I still feal ripped off as they did take away all the starter towns and I never realy collected coins from the dream lands. They are still taking away from my game I think :(
Server: Fenrir
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user: Terminus
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By Fenrir.Terminus 2011-05-12 08:09:26
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Cerberus.Irishlass said:
If they are going to make it be like this they should still at least offer the old school way that you can go in 2 times a week with no changes. It seems like a rip off to me to take away something that you pay for. I can see adding more to the game but to take stuff away...... thats a rip off lol

I can totally relate. I mean, people put a TON of time into building relics... it's kind of like going to college for 3 years, then finding out that your bachelors is now going to require 6. Or something.

But I also get the feeling that there's a trick to it, and that before long, the community will work it out. Take Abyssea, for example - at first, people were dying, timing out, getting absolutely no drops off anything they did manage to kill. Now, a whm and mnk kill everything, and staggers are pretty easily understood.

Or... at least I hope that's hwo it works out.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Eliane
Posts: 1635
By Cerberus.Eliane 2011-05-12 08:11:01
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After doing Dynamis - Xarcabard a couple of times, think can pinpoint how the NMs pop. A jobs NM seems to be lottery from two demons of the respective jobs around the NM tower, mainly around the old MNK/BST/WHM tower, to the west and east of it.

Did test it and found it to be true with Duke Berith(RDM), Duke Gomory(MNK), and Count Raum(THF).
Server: Cerberus
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user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2011-05-12 08:13:32
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Yup like maybe there are some mobs or NMs that drop coins only and no af or something that would'nt be so bad. :)
Server: Cerberus
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user: Zandra7
Posts: 736
By Cerberus.Zandra 2011-05-12 08:49:05
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Bismarck.Altar said:
2) You CAN still go in 2x a week to dynamis and have the same original drop rates as before. They didn't change CoP Dynamis at all.

You're joking right? Cause one always made much more than a 1/3 the currency totals in dreamlands than they did in cities.

"Hey gaiz, don't worry. Instead of making <10% per run, you can settle for <33%."
Server: Bismarck
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user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 09:30:11
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I wonder if it was /DNC red procs because NIN doesn't have JAs that target enemies, or because it's the subjob? Have any DNC/NINs been able to stagger red with their steps? Has anyone /NIN been able to stagger red at all? (Was the red Provoke staggering from a WAR or someone /WAR)?

Rereading thread and checking the stagger list sent to me. :X
Edit: nevermind, COR shots have been red as well as WSes and spells like Holy.
Just anything from whoever claims the monster first...? Does aggroing not set the stagger proc? A sleeping BLM would be the one claiming all the links, and what if it goes yellow and and... /slap SE

Does this mean it's best to sub a job with abilities that target monsters if you don't naturally have any? (Have not got red with steal/despoil/mug yet on THF, means jobs without these would need to sub something like DNC or WAR to have job abilities that qualify and can use these abilities frequently?)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kaliannan
Posts: 1
By Cerberus.Kaliannan 2011-05-12 09:46:31
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I did Dyna Bastok the other day 7 or 8 relics dropped, 4 of which were in the first 5 minutes and 0 currency during the entire run. And in all actuality SE didn't increase the drop rate on currency, since they changed it to being re-entry 24 hrs, they actually lowered it and kept the drop rate on relics the same.

But, SE needs to lower the respawn rate of mobs as they do respawn crazy fast. You can however sneak and invis to where you need to go but, if you come across an NM you better be ready.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Sekaran
Posts: 48
By Lakshmi.Sake 2011-05-12 10:36:05
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Respawn rate is fine, imo. Unless you're soloing or duoing..
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: llen
Posts: 5
By Cerberus.Lllen 2011-05-12 10:41:39
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Well my ls did its first run in the new dyna. We did Bastok omg, there are some good changes.

1) Scorpians depop when beastmaster is killed.
2) Invis (don't think its needed but no 100% sure if true for all mobs) and sneak work wonders
3) It doesn't last 3.5 hours
4) If someone comes a little late, they come come in sneak up and get to us.

We got a hundo off the first NM we killed which was great since it was a bank run.

Give it a chance, we got several pieces of gear, a hundo and a couple of singles.

We have a lot to learn, it is totally different and I think the dynamics of the party/jobs will change some.

P.s. We were only in for an hour..lol just trying to stay alive and figure it out, didn't hit any timers.
Server: Diabolos
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user: Inuyushi
Posts: 121
By Diabolos.Inuyushi 2011-05-12 10:41:57
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Cerberus.Kaliannan said:
I did Dyna Bastok the other day 7 or 8 relics dropped, 4 of which were in the first 5 minutes and 0 currency during the entire run. And in all actuality SE didn't increase the drop rate on currency, since they changed it to being re-entry 24 hrs, they actually lowered it and kept the drop rate on relics the same.

But, SE needs to lower the respawn rate of mobs as they do respawn crazy fast. You can however sneak and invis to where you need to go but, if you come across an NM you better be ready.

Upbeat got 28 O.pieces, 19 Whiteshells and 8 Bills in a single run solo with nin/dnc. If he was to bring in that much doing solid farms everyday for a week he'd be just shy of 400 pieces. Depending on what you need and how things sell I would say that's more currency in the system. He did proc red with every kill and had 0 TH. I know everyone is complaining about needing to proc stuff like it's Abyssea, but maybe SE really is trying to make people who dont have TH able to get drops. Also, this system is new. We may find stuff that 100% drops 100's with the correct proc. Then people might be walking out with a garunteed 100 everyday and some odd bills farming a pop.

tl;dr - New system is new. Give it time.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tuvae
Posts: 1277
By Ragnarok.Tuvae 2011-05-12 10:43:52
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You can also do dreamlands and original zones in the same day. They dont follow the same entry times, which is nice. :D
Server: Leviathan
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user: Fyyvoaa
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By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2011-05-12 10:46:23
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Is any of it soloable?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 10:56:45
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Entered Beaucedine early Windsday (6-7:00ish), NIN/DNC, could not replicate staggering success at all with steps, flourishes, Jin/Metsu/Chi/Ei/Ku, nor any ninjutsu on any of the monsters (Hydra - THF, MNK, WAR, DRK, Goblin). Trying one more Hydra before I'm kicked out of the zone. Full moon (98%), a few minutes past JP midnight IRL, 6/6/1123, I have no idea. Unless someone else does it, will try entering Bastok on Darksday next time I can enter.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inasura
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2011-05-12 11:06:07
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Maybe its based off the element of the ability, by the icon colour not if it actually has an element or not... since the previous success was on fireday and steps and violent flourish are light (or white icons atleast) maybe tied to the teir 2 SC combos? IDK could be nothing but it might be worth checking out... already entered to *** around today a bit since i hadn't tryed yet or i'd give this a shot myself.

Edit: So if entered on wind day then wind (Green) and thunder (purple) abilitys might do something.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 11:14:25
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Hmm, because of cast time, I did not try Ichi spells, in retrospect. ><
Should be ice blue or water blue around Windsday, though... In that case, I should have tried Blade: Retsu, Teki, To, Yu, and Suiton/Huton/Hyoton: Ichi/Ni also. Next time will try spamming skills with icons matching colors of the three days around when I enter, if I have any, probably in a different zone (considering San d'Oria, Jeuno, Xarc). Maybe will wait for a day that works with a job ability I have and isn't Darksday...?
Well, this is the list we got earlier:
Dynamis-Bastok // Darksday
Earth Shot - Red
Light Shot - Red (Don't suppose these just fit under the general "Quickdraw" for JA color? If so, then I think these all fit with "Darksday.")
Stun - Yellow
Provoke - Yellow and Red
Shadow of Death - Yellow
Flash - Yellow
Holy - Red
Red Lotus Blade - Red
Numbing Shot - Red
Dispel - Red
Sanguine Blade - Red
Banish II - Red
Blind II - Red
Ground Strike - Red

This would mean Lightning/Lights/Darksdays would be potentially easier days to go in and stagger if that's true? This would absolutely explain why my group was never able to stagger, though, since we mostly only have white-icon JAs and entered in the middle of the week (Thunder, Earth, etc.)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inasura
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2011-05-12 11:25:50
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hmmm yeh that list throws out that idea then... the fact that you had stun and earth shot as staggers throws out the one day in either direction too since they are thunder and, well, earth. It's strange that everything except for those 2 are conistant with day of/before/after though... were these strictly dark day or did you have a bit on light and fire day as well?

Edit: didn't know quick draw had a black icon sorry, my cor is 17 so i kinda thought they all had there own things but that would explain the earth shot... that stun still throws it out though since stun is thunder based dispite being dark magic skill.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 11:29:01
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Well, Stun didn't get red, though - it got yellow. This wasn't from my group though, think it was much earlier in the thread. Does Quickdraw have an icon color? I'm not too familiar with COR, but if it's a submenu with the different elements (like "Sambas" has all the different sambas inside, but the Samba option itself has a white icon), maybe it's the greater menu's color that appears in your base JA menu?
Edit: ah, black icon. D:
Sooo... could that possibly be it? I can't test until tomorrow, but I definitely will (might enter on Lightningday and test Light icon things - see if I have an ice WS, too).

Reviewing JAs though: Provoke has an ice-colored icon... that has nothing to do with Darksday. It got both red and yellow on 2 different monsters on the Darksday run? That completely breaks that idea unless that player had no abilities that worked for Darksday (highly unlikely).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inasura
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2011-05-12 11:32:14
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True maybe yellow works different then red but all the spells are lining up aside from that one... was stun consistantly a proc or is it possible that stun overlaped with something else?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 11:35:27
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Reading up on any updated findings in BG thread and elsewhere, actually.
NIN/DNC only targeted non-mage mobs and procced consistently. Post here says mage monsters were procced by magic and melee monsters by JAs. They might be based on the monster's job after all, which would totally make sense. However, the JAs and WSes I used did not work on the melee monsters I pulled. :/

But the triggers they listed don't work with the days at all, like Shark Bite(white) on Iceday.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inasura
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2011-05-12 11:40:10
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Theres a brain fart and a half... 4 years of playing nin and I always though provoke had a red icon XD SE did say they are gunna add an explanation of the system to the goblin so sometime soon it should be explained. I'll try fiddling around with it tomorrow as well maybe and see what happens.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 11:44:36
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Going to try working with this idea that was posted:

Will help a lot to have a gobbie explanation if (s)he isn't completely vague about it. "Doin' certain stuff might get ya more stuff!"

Bastok run group didn't post what monsters they procced what on. Going to review someone's proc chatlog, though. I personally still haven't seen a staggered Dynamis monster yet, so we at least know that it's not anything I'm doing, lol. I really hope it's based off of monster job... that was the hunch at the start.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1549
By Sylph.Liltrouble 2011-05-12 11:44:43
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As an dyna ls leader, I find all of this information interesting, but I'm really focused on discovering how to clear these zones now
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 11:47:50
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First 5 posts on page 8 for the city zones; don't know if stuff was posted about clearing Beaucedine or Xarcabard, but if these are all anything like our accidental clear in Windurst, it should actually be easier than ever (or at least more straightforward).
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Leoheart
Posts: 565
By Unicorn.Leoheart 2011-05-12 12:02:19
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Due to the circumstance of bad currency yield, is there going to be an inflation for it now?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1549
By Sylph.Liltrouble 2011-05-12 12:05:34
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Unicorn.Leoheart said:
Due to the circumstance of bad currency yield, is there going to be an inflation for it now?
thanks Aena for the tips about clearing and I fully expect prices to soar on currency. I remeber back in 04' bynes were going for 18-20k each
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-12 12:08:56
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There's a little inflation on my server (bynes especially), but prices are still roughly the same - I think once people figure this out, it'll stay about the same or maybe even be subject to a price decrease depending on yield/run. It sounds like there's potential to make more currency than before once we all start doing this right. Soloing 30-40 pieces/day is better than a share of 50-80/3 days with a group if you can manage to do so with luck. If 100 piece drop rate is as good as people are making it sound (though I have not seen one drop from an NM yet) or proccing makes them drop much more frequently, it seems like we can hope for cheaper/more available currency provided people don't all start jumping in to make relics and stockpile&buy out the market.

It really depends on how things go once this is all dissected, I think, and whether or not people completely give up on Dynamis during the rough process of figuring it all out. I'm going to miss organized group runs (save for dreamlands), but it will be nice being able to go in and solo/low-man for no loss when you can't get the jobs you would have needed before.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tuvae
Posts: 1277
By Ragnarok.Tuvae 2011-05-12 12:11:10
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in xarc atm

Winsday - Blade ten(dark knight)
Iceday - Tachi: Hobaku(dark knight) Dancing edge(warrior)
Hobaku (warrior)
all those proc'd yellow. And on those type of mobs. :/ not always procing when we try on other mobs so i dunn what the timing is or anything for them ><
Server: Caitsith
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user: Crunkie
Posts: 91
By Caitsith.Crunkie 2011-05-12 12:19:40
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Last night went in to Xarc got all the TE so we could farm almost full 2hrs. PT set up was MNK/THF/RNG/BLM/RDM. Very successful run...50+ currency ~15 AF pieces (no AA or D.Chap) =( went in on firesday and were there through watersday. Was not paying attention to any of the mobs during proc except voke did get Red on Duke Gomory. Other Notable procs were:
Yellow/Red~Asuran Fists
Red~Bounty Shot
Red~Dancing Edge
Yellow~Chi Blast

Managed to use those Same WS+JA and proc'd a decent amount of mobs.
Hope any of that helps somebody.

Will be doing another run tonight I'll look into noting times/days/mobs.
Posts: 4040
By Leoheart 2011-05-12 12:25:29
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Sylph.Liltrouble said:
Unicorn.Leoheart said:
Due to the circumstance of bad currency yield, is there going to be an inflation for it now?
thanks Aena for the tips about clearing and I fully expect prices to soar on currency. I remeber back in 04' bynes were going for 18-20k each

Wow, 18-20k, that's like horrible :x
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