Fallout Vegas

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Fallout Vegas
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1252
By Alexander.Tidusblitz 2010-11-01 21:13:20
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The game wasnt based around the brotherhood at all, the brotherhood was more just a side faction. The main factions in this game were Caesar's Legion and NCR
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2010-11-01 21:16:47
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Valefor.Sketchkat said:
Shiva.Superdan said:

1.) There is no entirely GOOD major faction.

I kinda like that, actually. It's sort of nice that there's no black and white when it comes to good vs evil cause it doesn't seem like that kind of world. I mean, would you be all about sunshine, lollipops and rainbows if you were in that post apocalyptic wasteland? I sure wouldn't, lol.

I'm not asking for them to be perfect.. But come on. The NCR is supposed to be the 'nice' option in the game... I've had soldiers blackmail me. They abandom comrades at the drop of a hat. They've terrorized citizens. They are more corrupt than our banks and insurance companies and don't give a damn about exterminating their opposition as long as it furthers their goals of domination. They'd even stomp over the civilians rights. What I would like.. Is for a major faction to care about the citizens, and not dominion. Hell, the Legion, as *** up as it is, looks after its own really well. Towns get guarded. Caravans Merchants travel routes are safe. It just made me :/ because I had to dilute my character, who was supposed to be the pinnacle of noble knights! D:

Also I play on console, not PC. My PC sucks.. and I've never been a fan of PC gaming when it comes to First person since I grew up with a controller in my hands.

Siren.Eagleeyes said:
Also what WAS with the little interaction with the Brotherhood of Steel?
I liked them. There just wasn't enough of them. I got to an idolized status, they supplied me with free ammo, I uprooted the old guy (Even though he admitted his mistake) and joined them as a BoS member. Good times. Then NCR tells you to kill them. Great >_>
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: eagleeyes
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-11-01 21:17:37
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Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
I actually prefer to have physical copies of things too?

Until the industry basically started shipping half the product on disk and half the product as a release day patch for the disk. At that point, having a physical disk started to not be as appealing or useful to me. I'm going to be patching for three hours anyway.

Worse, I can lose/break/scratch a physical disk. I can never lose a product I've bought online. It knows I own it and will let me download it as many times as I want forever. (And wherever!) No need to keep the disks around as clutter. And every time I download it, I know that download contains every patch available up to that point.

Plus, digital downloads are usually cheaper because there's no retail markup.

You better buy a physical copy of Duke Nukem Forever. Just so you can yourself that the game really did release
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: eagleeyes
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-11-01 21:23:38
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Probably one of the funniest commercials for a FPS.

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2010-11-01 21:27:23
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So what is your guys favourite setup? (Armor / weapon of choice?) and companions?

I've not played it as much as I would like so far, but only companion I haven't unlocked/done quest for is the ghoul. Arcade had an awesome questline, but now he's gone. Sent him off to battle D: Favourite compansions battle wise though have to be Boone (I mean come on... Not many mobs can even GET to him with their head still on their shoulders) and ED-E.
At the moment I'm favouring Power Armor & my 'Oh, Baby' Sledgehammer for close range, with a heavily modded Hunting Rifle for general use. With toughness perks & the implant for DT & regen.. It's easy charging into the middle of a load of cazadore things and just smashing them to piece. So much DT you can just sit and let legion blast you with bullets for minutes :L

Not looked up locations of any unique/awesome weapons, I just found a few on my travels. But I'd like to hear if there is any you'd reccommend^^ (Although I have like.. NO skill in energy weapons <_<)
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: eagleeyes
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-11-01 21:31:58
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Boone and Rex the dog

I personally hated Cass. she talked too much for my taste.

Didnt unlock the goul or veronica

I went for the non-combat style. Stacked my intelligence and charisma and sneaking ability for easy long distance shooting/looting

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2010-11-01 21:35:30
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haha, I liked Cass. I used her a lot on my evil file, even though she's a fan of NCR. She's simple minded, and I enjoyed her quest

Edit: MY good char is totally geared for a full on offense. Started game with high STR/END/AGI. All skills were aimed at him being a killing machine, with the exception of speech & lockpick which had to go high anyway. Charges into battle with power armor and guns blazing. Funnily has a hard time keeping ammo :p Hence the 'Oh, Baby'

My evil char however is more.. Delicate. Focuses on stealth & manipulation. I don't like evil characters to be a "IM GOING TO CRUCIFY YOU BECAUSE ITS FUN! :D" type.. I like the intelligent, cunning kind of villain. Favours a sniper rifle/Hunting Rifle, Light armor (Re-inforced leather, however I have a suit of combat armor for the rougher times..). Uses Cass & Rex as companions usually. This char isn't as high levelled, only about Lv16, but it's fun so far :)
Posts: 1134
By Zekko 2010-11-01 21:38:13
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NCR Veteran Ranger Armor(best looking armor in game imo)

Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle and the Alien Blaster pretty much 1 shots everything in the game at level 30 besides Deathclaws.

Raul > the others imo, -25% decay rate on weapons/armor is sweet. Plus hes pretty good with the Magnum.

ED-E just for inventory keeping.

I had Intelligence and Charisma at 1 and just got everything else to 10 through Intense Training and Implants.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2010-11-01 21:48:31
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Zekko said:
NCR Veteran Ranger Armor(best looking armor in game imo)

Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle and the Alien Blaster pretty much 1 shots everything in the game at level 30 besides Deathclaws.

Raul > the others imo, -25% decay rate on weapons/armor is sweet. Plus hes pretty good with the Magnum.

ED-E just for inventory keeping.

I had Intelligence and Charisma at 1 and just got everything else to 10 through Intense Training and Implants.

1 INT? :( I think I'd get annoyed with that. I go for 6INT to start every time. I never have enough skill points, I even hunt down the books. Main char only Lv25 so far but even at 30 I don't think I'd be happy with my skills.

I had a lot of fun in the valley.. I wiped it out at around Lv15. Those deathclaws didn't stand a chance against me and my Hand-to-Hand weapons !!!
(Thing is I'm not joking. I had a couple quests in there and got annoyed. I wore them down with using Boone-bait and cheating by hiding under the big red crane haha.. Only babies could get under. Idc if it's glitching, I needed deathclaw eggs!)

I'll have to try raul. Definately on my evil char. But Boone is still epic win in combat capabilities.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: eagleeyes
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-11-01 22:29:35
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why on earth would you want INT on 1.... You'll earn less skill points that way
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-11-01 23:33:13
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I'm not very far right now, I rebuilt my character a few times, playing on Very Hard + Hardcore mode, so I find that a High-Skill + Luck/Crit build really helps for conserving ammo, which, even with Ammo benches and high repair skill, can really be hard to come by.

First Recon Beret
7Base Luck
Born to Destroy trait

That there is a 20% base critical hit rate before additional weapon properties are factored in (For example, shotguns tend to have lower critical hit rate, while Rifles have higher) and it's a life saver.

Combine that with high sneak skill and the Better Criticals perk (One of the best perks in the game) and you have a good assassin build. It also helps with enemies that have absurd Damage Threshold, like Giant Radscorpions.

I haven't even made it much farther than Novac, I can't wait til I get further into the game. Tried going directly to the strip North along I-15 and got raped by about 30 Deathclaws.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Domz
Posts: 631
By Asura.Domz 2010-11-02 00:13:52
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beaten it twice so far, once on hard core mode just to see what the surprise was and was disappointed.

zic try going straight north of goodsprings if you want to reach new vegas fast. just replace the deathclaws with cazadors

also whenever you guys first start out and find your first star cap, kill the guy thats stalking you, guarranteed merchant hat for +5 barter
Posts: 1134
By Zekko 2010-11-02 03:23:47
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Siren.Eagleeyes said:
why on earth would you want INT on 1.... You'll earn less skill points that way

Because, if you do at least 40 side quests you will hit level 30, your skill points will be the same regardless if you have INT at 6 or Charisma at 6.

They dont do anything besides certain speech options either, if you are big on INT just put your skill points into Science for hacking and into Barter for Charisma.

The other SPECIAL points are way more important.
Posts: 1134
By Zekko 2010-11-02 03:30:33
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Since i cant edit: Education Perk picked early on in the game will max out effectivness for skill points anyway
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-11-02 03:35:26
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Asura.Domz said:
beaten it twice so far, once on hard core mode just to see what the surprise was and was disappointed.

zic try going straight north of goodsprings if you want to reach new vegas fast. just replace the deathclaws with cazadors

also whenever you guys first start out and find your first star cap, kill the guy thats stalking you, guarranteed merchant hat for +5 barter

I just went south on the I15 and took the 93 after Novac to Vegas/Freeside. Novac is important to get to anyway, for the best piece of Headgear in the game that I've seen. Perception+1 Critical Hit Rate+5 snazzy red Beret. Obtained by getting the correct outcome for "One for my Baby" though the quest itself is reward enough, powerful stuff despite it's fairly short length.

Zekko said:
Siren.Eagleeyes said:
why on earth would you want INT on 1.... You'll earn less skill points that way

Because, if you do at least 40 side quests you will hit level 30, your skill points will be the same regardless if you have INT at 6 or Charisma at 6.

They dont do anything besides certain speech options either, if you are big on INT just put your skill points into Science for hacking and into Barter for Charisma.

The other SPECIAL points are way more important.

I do not understand this. You get more skill points by having INT higher. a Base of 10, plus 1 additional skill point for every two intelligence it seems. Up to a max of 15 per level (17 if you take the Perk that increases it more) Which means a character with 1 Intelligence will wind up with only 290(In addition to base) skill points, a character with 10 Intelligence will wind up with 440 by level 30.

The two most useless SPECIAL attributes, are Endurance and Charisma.

The most important are Intelligence and Perception. With Strength, Luck and Agility pretty square, depending on what type of character you're building. Obsidian did a fantastic job refining the base mechanics in FO3 to make it much more of a Traditional RPG, while still keeping the level of personal involvement that the Original's FPS-ish take had. It's a great RPG when you sit there on the Perk-Skill-Attribute screen really contemplating what you should do.
Posts: 1134
By Zekko 2010-11-02 04:36:03
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Hmm, i didnt know if affected Skill points that much. I always got either 15 per level or 16(17?) every other level. With INT at one i have Lockpicking at 85, Speech at 85, Science at 85, Guns at 85 and the rest at 40 something.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-11-02 04:56:45
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Zekko said:
Hmm, i didnt know if affected Skill points that much. I always got either 15 per level or 16(17?) every other level. With INT at one i have Lockpicking at 85, Speech at 85, Science at 85, Guns at 85 and the rest at 40 something.

It might change later on, but from 1-10 I only get 13 Points per level with an INT of 7, but I know for a fact that INT influences the amount of skill points you receive per level, it could very well increase at higher levels though.

Fallout 3, it was a base of 10 skill points per INT +1 for every INT you had (so 11 minimum, 20 maximum and 22 max w/perk) This one doesn't seem to follow that function, as many people complained it was far too easy to cap skills out.

Mind you, I'm also playing on Hardcore mode @ Very Hard difficulty, certain things might be different on certain difficulties or Hardcore mode changes more than they advertise, either way, I'm enjoying the game too much to risk cocking something up right now. lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Domz
Posts: 631
By Asura.Domz 2010-11-02 04:58:37
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if you had the comprehension perk the most you would have to take science or security is up to 75. comprehension will boost skill magazine bonus by 20 and for the remaining 5 points youll just need a certain piece of gear. besides honestly there arent that many very hard terminals or locks, thats 50 points freed up right there
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-11-02 05:18:56
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Asura.Domz said:
if you had the comprehension perk the most you would have to take science or security is up to 75. comprehension will boost skill magazine bonus by 20 and for the remaining 5 points youll just need a certain piece of gear. besides honestly there arent that many very hard terminals or locks, thats 50 points freed up right there

You forgot about Mentats foo. There's 4 more points freed up (If 8 or less INT)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Domz
Posts: 631
By Asura.Domz 2010-11-02 05:34:52
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indeed, only thing you have to do is figure out where to put those points. ill tell you now, you can get by in hardcore mode with just 25 survival skill. gecko steaks do more than enough to keep hunger down. so thats another 75 points right there xD
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-11-02 05:45:28
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Asura.Domz said:
indeed, only thing you have to do is figure out where to put those points. ill tell you now, you can get by in hardcore mode with just 25 survival skill. gecko steaks do more than enough to keep hunger down. so thats another 75 points right there xD

There's no point in playing Hardcore mode unless you also tag on Very Hard difficulty as well. They work together so that your consumables become a resources, instead of a burden. Sunset Sasparilla is the No1 HP restorer as I wander the wasteland XD

I don't like reading tips though, there are thousands of guides made by professionals already, and reading other people's ***makes the game 90% less interesting. I prefer to find everything out myself
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Domz
Posts: 631
By Asura.Domz 2010-11-02 06:01:55
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heh if you think you got the balls i can send you to a location that is guaranteed death to all but the most well equiped players if you want. great challenge but crap loot ; ;
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2010-11-02 07:44:19
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Odin.Zicdeh said:
Asura.Domz said:
beaten it twice so far, once on hard core mode just to see what the surprise was and was disappointed.

zic try going straight north of goodsprings if you want to reach new vegas fast. just replace the deathclaws with cazadors

also whenever you guys first start out and find your first star cap, kill the guy thats stalking you, guarranteed merchant hat for +5 barter

I just went south on the I15 and took the 93 after Novac to Vegas/Freeside. Novac is important to get to anyway, for the best piece of Headgear in the game that I've seen. Perception+1 Critical Hit Rate+5 snazzy red Beret. Obtained by getting the correct outcome for "One for my Baby" though the quest itself is reward enough, powerful stuff despite it's fairly short length.

Zekko said:
Siren.Eagleeyes said:
why on earth would you want INT on 1.... You'll earn less skill points that way

Because, if you do at least 40 side quests you will hit level 30, your skill points will be the same regardless if you have INT at 6 or Charisma at 6.

They dont do anything besides certain speech options either, if you are big on INT just put your skill points into Science for hacking and into Barter for Charisma.

The other SPECIAL points are way more important.

I do not understand this. You get more skill points by having INT higher. a Base of 10, plus 1 additional skill point for every two intelligence it seems. Up to a max of 15 per level (17 if you take the Perk that increases it more) Which means a character with 1 Intelligence will wind up with only 290(In addition to base) skill points, a character with 10 Intelligence will wind up with 440 by level 30.

The two most useless SPECIAL attributes, are Endurance and Charisma.

The most important are Intelligence and Perception. With Strength, Luck and Agility pretty square, depending on what type of character you're building. Obsidian did a fantastic job refining the base mechanics in FO3 to make it much more of a Traditional RPG, while still keeping the level of personal involvement that the Original's FPS-ish take had. It's a great RPG when you sit there on the Perk-Skill-Attribute screen really contemplating what you should do.

Higher END allows more implants. More implants = more stats. Way I see it, you start off a bit weaker, but it's like getting END for free. (Since your 2 points spent on END at start for example, can be made up by getting 2 more implants. 2END + 2 other stats > 2 other stats?)
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Mmbacon
Posts: 155
By Diabolos.Mmbacon 2010-11-02 08:36:24
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What is the first companion you can get? I just completed the ghoul quest where you launch them into space.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Hiryo
Posts: 278
By Cerberus.Hiryo 2010-11-02 08:56:31
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Diabolos.Mmbacon said:
What is the first companion you can get? I just completed the ghoul quest where you launch them into space.

Boone was the first i got, but i depends what you do i guess, i got ED-E after when i had high enough skills
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2010-11-02 10:24:50
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Boone was my first too. He's in Novac where you just got the quest for the ghouls. Go back and talk to the sniper in the dinosaur at night.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [51 days between previous and next post]
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1252
By Alexander.Tidusblitz 2010-12-23 14:51:05
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Did anyone else play Dead Money and leave wanting their wasted 10 dollars back like me?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-12-23 15:08:03
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Alexander.Tidusblitz said:
Did anyone else play Dead Money and leave wanting their wasted 10 dollars back like me?

Even if it was the greatest DLC on the planet, there's always going to be people in that boat.

I didn't get it though, but It's getting a "Meh" reception, so probably. More or less it's a Slight level cap raise I suppose.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1252
By Alexander.Tidusblitz 2010-12-23 15:11:47
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I loved every single fallout 3 expansion, but dead money was just ***for so many reasons.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-12-23 15:26:42
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I didn't like any of the Fallout 3 expansions, so I'm avoiding it like the plague. The one I hated the most was the simulation one? Operation Anchorage?
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