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Aliceisback said:
Honestly think of pudding camps you can run around JAing aggroing everything there to still do less dmg...

You are wrong there. Ebullience makes a Bliz IV from a decent SCH do over 1600. Can any normal BLM do that? I doubt it. I just hit 75, but at 74 with day bonus from Obi, AF2 legs, Ugly pendant, and Sorc. Ring, I was doing 1522 at puddings with Blizzard IV. SCH can do more damage on those, without a doubt.

And yes, I realize we have AMII, and SCH does not. However, with SCH's MP efficiency, they are a beast. This thread should say to level the one that suits you best, because you can basically think of SCH as many have said, a "Jack of all trades, and master of none." Just level what you want.

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