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Yotevol said:
Let's correct this statement. You don't "NEED" a Ridill, you really, really "WANT" one. You "NEED" air to breathe. You "NEED" food to live. You don't "NEED" a piece of code that is attached to your account and gives you a weapon that phenomonally increases your damage per second. In all honesty, if you moved to my server, I would be sure to place you on the blacklist as soon as I could and proceed to inform every HNM LS that you have difficulties with discerning the difference between real life and the game. Seriously, if you don't have the time to join an "end-game LS", then why go for end-game gear? I'm sure there are people that are in a linkshell that have spent a lot of time and dedication to build it up and coordinate fighting Fafnir on a regular basis for the whole purpose of the hope of getting a Ridill for themselves or friends of theirs. And now, you are saying, "I am willing to pay 5 million for this particular item." Basically saying, "I am more important then the several weeks/months you spent in your efforts, so give me gear." Or worse, you bought the gil online with real money, which makes you even lower than the stuff my dogs release daily. In either case, get over yourself, discover that you are NOT the center of the universe and find an end-game linkshell that will take the time to work with you and not for you.

That statement is a little extreme to be saying your tone is relaxed. If the guy wants to attempt to buy a RDL for 5 mil, let him... Like so many others have said, GL finding it for that price, but to each their own. Perhaps he crafts, farms like crazy... you don't know. It's his gil, let him do with it as he wishes.

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