I'm trying to determine the ultimate healing breath's cured hp ammount.
this is the max I did manage to do, with deep breathing, AF legs, saurian helm and chanoix's gorget.
it can be improved. any info/ideas?
Yea there are a few more things,
#1 Wyvern Mail (DRG JSE Lv50) (+65)
#2 +1 the legs (+15%)
#3 Homam gambieras (+50)
#4 Ostregers mitts (+10)
The most wyvern HP+ gear you can get adds up to 225HP+ + 15% from AF+1 legs
i got up to 596 healing breath with af+1 pants chanoix gorget saurian helm ostrager mitts homam feet and wyvern mail wyvern had 300tp and was not deep breathing that is probly the max with saurian helm