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Screenshots » id:83074
Present for the kiddies
Score: 2.77
Votes: 26
Classification Item » Kiddie Present
Tags Present for the kiddies
Date Submitted 2024-12-07 09:10:28
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Comments (3)
Bahamut.Pantafernando[Report] Score: 10
We desperately need like dozens of new images to bury this one and make it disappear from the main page
2024-12-10 13:52:15
Asura.Angryturnip[Report] Score: 1

Sounds like some plastic has been mixed in with whatever you're smoking buddy.
2024-12-08 21:22:53
Asura.Yojimmbo[Report] Score: -8
Lego was attempting to exhume his body in an effort to retrieve the non-biodegradable plastic from his nose. Lego wanted to melt the plastic and have it mixed in with their own Lego plastic.
"We wanted to give children the opportunity to play with him for a change" - Lego
2024-12-07 09:15:08