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Screenshots » id:82362
It's finally done!
Score: 5.84
Votes: 38
Classification User » Tephen
Tags Smythe's Escutcheon
Date Submitted 2022-01-07 11:57:22
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Comments (6)
Bismarck.Vespertaru[Report] Score: 6
Why are people still taking screenshots on their phone?
2022-01-10 09:00:32
Asura.Aeonova[Report] Score: 1
Is it not just going into your windower > scripts folder, clicking the init.txt and putting the line:
bind sysrq screenshot png hide
That makes my printscreen button take a screeenshot... I mean if I used Windower, of course.
2022-01-22 21:27:34
Bismarck.Drakelth[Report] Score: 1
is it the cell phone photo or the game settings? I ask because that looks so much blockier and pixelated compared to my monitor.
2022-01-10 19:10:04
Bismarck.Apathy[Report] Score: 0
Very nice, congrats!
2022-01-11 22:15:54
Carbuncle.Asora[Report] Score: -2
Just use //screenshot png
2022-01-18 17:47:53
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: -7
In the past it was a joke, but nowdays there is a long standing glitch in windower that when you boot up an instance of FFXI the screenshot button says it takes a SS but it really doesn't. There has been almost 0 effort to fix it on anything part, so its just one of those things we've all lived with and just use our phones or other programs like snippet.
2022-01-16 03:49:15