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Screenshots » id:81736
didn't know MB Utsusemi was possible
Score: 6.06
Votes: 16
Classification Player » Bruno
Date Submitted 2020-08-21 20:41:36
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Comments (5)
Shiva.Eightball[Report] Score: 2
2020-08-23 14:41:46
Siren.Bruno[Report] Score: 1
@Crevox This was solo with no Trusts
2020-08-23 19:53:33
Asura.Slyshenx[Report] Score: 1
That's awesome, you literally magic bursted yourself with utsusemi: ni off his fragmentation xD
2020-08-23 20:49:07
Diabolos.Genome[Report] Score: 0
Nice, but since there was no message of MB on the spell itself I would guess it's more like the code to assign that RoE is oversimplified and doesn't check actual magic bursts, only something like "casts on the same target (yourself) that is receiving a skillchain effect). I wonder if there's a spell you can cast n yourself that would show an MB message, maybe cure since you could in theory burst it on light on an undead for damage..
2020-08-24 05:36:36
Asura.Crevox[Report] Score: -2
It was probably your trust that is filtered out.
2020-08-23 19:24:25