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Screenshots » id:80883
Classification User » Spoiled
Date Submitted 2018-12-19 01:16:01
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Comments (5)
Bismarck.Danz[Report] Score: 1
newtons law would state that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. so when that massive chunk of lead goes one direction. shouldn't the taru go flying the other?
2018-12-29 21:04:55
Phoenix.Yavaan[Report] Score: 0
Why does it look like the Taru is in a diaper?
2019-01-19 05:34:59
Lakshmi.Elidyr[Report] Score: -1
Grats man.
2018-12-23 08:30:58
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] Score: -2
Dat bong
2018-12-23 20:29:26
Bahamut.Nebohh[Report] Score: -2
You are so Spoiled! Congrats bro!
2018-12-21 04:34:17