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I often hear “I can’t find a group to do X.” Well personally with my limited playtime as a father of 2, it’s been hard finding groups. So through the use of my Twitch Stream, a group slowly formed and after months of learning, leveling appropriate jobs, learning the fights through bg-wiki notes and accepting we may fail, we cleared our first Ou! It was an awesome achievement and I am looking forward to doing more content with our group! Come follow our adventures live Sunday-Friday 10:30pm-Falling asleep at
Score: 6.31
Votes: 51
Classification Player » Emmajean
Tags LS Mighty Kites First Ou!
Date Submitted 2018-10-19 12:07:52
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Comments (2)
Valefor.Xyu[Report] Score: 3
Same boat here bud. Ultimately, you just need to find patience as a group to learn and progress. The hardest part for most, is committing to taking charge and organizing these things. Because everyone is afraid to be judged by there failures.

Great job! Don't stop there!
2018-10-25 16:11:40
Cerberus.Genoside[Report] Score: 1
Big congrats to you!
2018-10-26 06:18:25