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Screenshots » id:80139
Is that a Moogle?
Score: 2.93
Votes: 14
Classification Player » Justuas
Tags Moogle Mog House
Date Submitted 2017-11-17 07:51:55
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Comments (3)
Lakshmi.Zaxtiss[Report] Score: 3
yes it is some times it pops up in towns like that then when i tried to target it it goes poof!
2017-11-17 13:46:59
Asura.Verbannt[Report] Score: 2
This happened to me a week ago or so and i accessed my delivery box, was able to remove a sibiki rig from it. But it will not let you change jobs, I did try that though.
2017-11-17 17:36:06
Bismarck.Laurelli[Report] Score: -1
It's not just any moogle, it's your moghouse pal.
If you are really fast, you can click it and it will bring up your moghouse selections. But I wouldn't ever try to actually move gear from it. Not sure what would happen and not worth the risk.
2017-11-17 15:57:50