So, first of all, Sirgimp +1 because your comment made me lol.
Secondly, when I said the cig ruined the drawing, it was 5 am and I had had trouble sleeping the whole night because I was suffering from allergies. I simply said what popped into my head while I was half asleep and did not intend for it to become such a big deal. The cigarette did not elicit any emotional reaction from me. My reaction was actually more like if I'd seen a car I liked in color I didn't like. Everyone else just assumed I was having "feelings."
Jesus. Just look at all "anti-censorship" *** crying about a joke.
Here's a hint: The "original artist" never posted their artwork here. They did not "redo" their work. It is a quick photoshop job, possibly even MS paint.
Just look how well trained they've got you to yelp at "censorship."