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Screenshots » id:79573
5 Accuracy FOV augment Thunder Ring
Score: 7.13
Votes: 16
Classification Player » Fightmusician
Tags #75CAPLS
Date Submitted 2017-04-29 11:15:15
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Comments (2)
Odin.Azenora[Report] Score: 15
Ah, the memories. This system was actually quite terrible because there was no way of removing the augments! I creamed my pants when I got Magic Attack Bonus +5 on my Aquilo's Staff and I imagine I would have done so to get this ring too.

I'm glad SE learned their lesson from Augmenting and ditched the random aug- ah, crap.
2017-04-29 15:28:12
Cerberus.Drayco[Report] Score: 9
I burned through so many Igqira Weskits on this crap... Ended up with Int+5 on one tho. Remember when Int+5 was huge?
2017-04-29 20:15:01