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Screenshots » id:78592
Score: 7.24
Votes: 33
Classification Player » Bratgurl
Tags Idris
Date Submitted 2016-08-25 11:49:58
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Comments (9)
Asura.Bratgurl[Report] Score: 4
Thank you to everyone who helped along the way. I know I'm late to the party but better late then never. Thank you masmune for telling me to 'go for it' and dourdon and dap and chadli and ava and gusto and the people from FairytailX who helped me with the plasm grind the other day!@!! Thanks seven for running a great strong shell and another aeonic yesterday also! An aeonic last night and idris this morning! Woot!! Anyone I may have forgotten thanks!!!!!! Now I can quit! I guess I don't need to ask what job for event anymore >.> lol
2016-08-26 07:48:33
Asura.Masmune[Report] Score: 0
O M G... Congratulations Bratty! Now show us the Yag... Sorry, can't help it lol

Woot! Woot!
2016-08-25 19:48:04
Asura.Bladeknight[Report] Score: 0
oh congratz Brat but you kno you just sealed your fate job wise lol. hope i get to fight w/ you and tear ish up
2016-08-25 14:08:45
Asura.Dourdon[Report] Score: -1
Wowowowowowowowow Grats there Bratty! Very proud of the big gurl you have grow up to become! lol In all seriousness, love to see good things happen to great ppl, congrats.... <3 you sis!
2016-08-26 15:49:01
Asura.Lordoftheseven[Report] Score: -1
An Aeonic and a idris in less than 24 hours look at you go Taru :P . Congrats
2016-08-26 14:08:05
Asura.Krystela[Report] Score: -1
Grats brat!!
2016-08-28 16:29:48
Asura.Darkox[Report] Score: -1
About time... when i got on to ask did she finally get it. no one responded. Congrats little one.
2016-11-08 03:47:53
Asura.Joobacca[Report] Score: -1
Congratulations, my idris geo taru friend.
2017-04-16 13:00:25
Asura.Avallon[Report] Score: -5
I helped also!

Grats Brat. /punt
2016-08-25 13:16:20